Prevenire l'invecchiamento: come prendersi cura del corpo?

Ageing prevention: how to take care of your body?

How to take care of your body: 10 simple tips to hinder ageing and preserve health and beauty for longer

A colorful diet rich in antioxidants, a training routine involving the use of weights and non-invasive treatments such as the innovative Body Relase: they are just a few of the most effective ageing prevention measures to practice with perseverance and patience to take care of your body.

Ageing is a natural process that everyone must face at some point of their lives. As a matter of fact, it is nothing more than a complex natural and biological process occurring gradually in all living organisms and, specifically, begins in early adulthood already.

In particular, among the main aspects of aging there’s a progressive reduction in the ability of cells to divide and function correctly, therefore to repair damage and resist adversities.

All this is partly due to the shortening of telomeres, the structures that protect the ends of the chromosomes, but also to the action of free radicals, that are unstable molecules produced by cellular metabolism or exposure to environmental stress, such as UV rays, pollution, unhealthy lifestyles characterized by high levels of stress and a sedentary routine, and of course a diet based on foods rich in ultra-processed fats and sugars and poor in fibers. All these factors can damage cells and DNA, accelerating the aging process in its early steps.

The effects of ageing on your body and how to hinder them

The most visible sign of the ageing process is primarily an alteration in tissues, including skin, muscles and bones, which lose elasticity and density as age advances. The skin becomes thinner and loses its tone, followed by the formation of wrinkles. At the same time, metabolism gets slower affecting the body’s ability to burn calories and maintain a proper muscle mass, a factor which leads to an increase of abdominal fat, a worsening of body silhouette and greater difficulty to keep a healthy weight.

Not to mention that, over time, the levels of some specific hormones like estrogen and testosterone decrease more and more, influencing energy, mood and overall health (a situation known as menopause for women). Ageing is also responsible of weakening the natural immune system, making the body subject to infections and chronic diseases.

If ageing is truly inevitable, the good news is that it’s still possible to implement multiple measures, concerning food, physical activity, skin care and change in lifestyle, to hinder this natural process making it slow and gradual. With a holistic and multidimensional approach, it’s possible to counter all those changes in physical, chemical and functional natural process normally associated with ageing, preserving a good physical and cognitive health and even a youthful appearance for longer.

So here are 10 simple tips on how to take care of our body and living the ageing process with more serenity as the years pass. Anyway, always keep in mind that feeling young is not just an aesthetic issue, but also and above all a health issue deeply intertwined with psychology!

How to take care of your body: 10 tips to hinder ageing to implement in your daily routine

A varied and healthy diet based on whole and colorful foods, an active lifestyle, effective stress management systems, good sleep, hygiene and, last but not least, a specific beauty routine based on the type and needs of your skin, even better if supported by aesthetic treatments: preventing ageing requires a truly holistic strategy, which combines in synergy a proper mind care with bod ycare, balancing both physical and cognitive aspects.

Here is a list of 10 tips to best take care of your body and slow down the effects of ageing, keeping in mind the importance of looking for realistic expectations and make good use of perseverance and patience to achieve concrete and long-lasting results.

1. Prioritize a diet rich in whole and colorful foods

The first and most important measure for a long and healthy life is surely taking care of diet, favoring in particular the consumption of whole and minimally processed foods, such as fruit and vegetables (even better if colored and seasonal, thus richer in precious phytonutrients), legumes and whole cereals (they have a higher fiber content, a stunning ally promoting the correct functioning of the digestive system and the sense of satiety, particularly useful to hinder the physiological weight gain that occurs with ageing, especially in women), all foods with high content of antioxidants, that are key for the correct functioning of organism and to hinder the oxidative stress caused by the action of free radicals, a cause of cellular aging.

For the same reason, saturated fats (contained in meat), fatty cheeses, butter and lard, all these should be avoided or limited to prefer sources of “good” fats instead, such as nuts, seeds, avocado and especially extra-virgin olive oil.

2. Hydrate properly

It is equally important to ensure and maintain proper body hydration. Drinking at least 2 liters of water per day helps keep facial skin more hydrated and plump, promotes digestion and supports the elimination of toxins which can damage cells and so accelerate aging.

Drinking an adequate quantity of water improves blood circulation, ensuring that nutrients and oxygen get transported effectively to all cells throughout the body, supporting overall health and slowing the signs of ageing. On the contrary, a state of dehydration, especially if severe and prolonged, negatively influence cognitive function and can be the cause for memory and concentration problems. This is why keeping brain well hydrated is essential for preserving cognitive abilities as age advances.

A good trick to drink more water, especially if the thought of consuming clear mineral water is not that inviting, refers to the consumption of natural herbs-based teas with purifying and detoxifying ingredients or just flavoring water with mint leaves, slices and juice of lemon or orange, or any other fruit. This will improve the taste of water while avoiding unhealthy soft drinks and keeping the levels of sugars and excess calories low. And when summer approaches and the consumption of refreshing drinks become more and more intense, we highly recommend the combination of strawberries, basil and cucumber slices.

3. Practice physical activity, integrating weights into your training routine

Practicing sports and physical activity on a regular basis (at least 3-4 times a week) is key to slow down the aging process, by increasing cell oxygenation, maintaining a healthy weight and joint mobility, preserving bone density, improving cognitive abilities and hindering stress, one of the most terrible “accelerators” of ageing.

Both aerobic activities, such as running, walking and cycling, and resistance activities can give numerous specific benefits. In particular, weight lifting or resistance training plays a key role in maintaining a younger and vital body. In fact, it is common to experience some loss of muscle mass as age progresses, known as sarcopenia. Weight lifting helps to hinder this loss by increasing strength and muscle mass; moreover it improves overall physical appearance and supports joints and mobility.

At the same time, total body weight training stimulates bones, increasing their density. This is very important to prevent osteoporosis and reduce the risk of fractures, which become more common with the advance of age. Gaining muscle mass through weight lifting also speeds up metabolism, as muscles burn more calories at rest than fat tissue, thus maintaining a healthy body weight and preventing potentially dangerous fat accumulation.

4. Sleep enough and well

Sleeping at least 7-8 hours per night not only helps to feel well rested and aware, but plays a significant role on slowing down the normal ageing processes, both from a physiological and aesthetic point of view (after all, “beauty sleep” has always been one of the most popular beauty tips by Hollywood stars!).

During sleep, in fact, the body enters a natural phase of regeneration andr epair and cells replicate and fix the damage they suffered during the day. This process is key to keep the skin elastic and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and age signs, therefore have a brighter and more relaxed face.

During the deep phases of sleep, the body also releases the human growth hormone or somatotropic hormone, which is essential for good growth, repair and regeneration of tissues, especially good muscle mass and bone density, two crucial elements to preserve at best for ageing well and in good health.

Sleep is essential even for brain function: in fact, during sleep the brain eliminates toxins accumulated during the day, consolidates memory and improves learning abilities. So, a restorative quality sleep is one of your best allies to keep high levels of concentration, creativity and problem-solving ability, and of course to manage the stress of everyday life!

Excellent tips for improving the quality of sleep are following a quite regular routine, avoiding as much as possible the use of electronic devices before going to bed and creating a calm and relaxing environment in your bedroom, perhaps by adopting stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga or deep breathing, that also help maintaining a youthful and healthy appearance.

5. Keep stress levels under control

Chronic stress is one of the main factors capable of accelerating the natural ageing process, causing effects that could be devastating on both the body and the mind.

In particular, high levels of stress can cause a series of severe health problems, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, sleep disorders, as well as several autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, by increasing the production of free radicals in the body, stress can negatively affect the appearance of skin accelerating the generation of wrinkles and signs of ageing, a consequence of cellular oxidation/degeneration processes.

Among the most effective relaxation techniques for keeping stress level sunder control there’s certainly meditation, but also mindfulness (a practice that allows to root in the present moment), journaling (that’s writing down emotions, sensations and fears on a diary, putting them into perspective to find alternative solutions or ideas), deep breathing, yoga and of course physical activity.

6. Limit alcohol consumption

Excessive alcohol consumption has harmful effects on multiple body tissues and systems, both directly and indirectly. First, alcohol is a powerful diuretic, meaning that it increases urine production causing a related loss of essential fluids and electrolytes, thus dehydration, a circumstance which makes skin dry, dull and less elastic, therefore more susceptible to ageing and the formation of wrinkles and other kinds of signs.

The production of free radicals shouldn’t be underestimated as well. They are unstable molecules that damage cells, proteins and DNA, caused by the metabolism of alcohol within the liver. Furthermore, chronic inflammation resulting from high alcohol consumption is a direct factor leading to age-related problems, like cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, arthritis and muscle problems; in short, alcohol just accelerates the degeneration of tissues and organs contributing to premature ageing.

This is why it’s a good advice to limit the consumption of alcoholic drinks to a few glasses per week, with a preference for those with low alcohol content or, why not, for the excellent Sardinian red wine Cannonau, rich in precious antioxidant substances.

7. Quit smoking cigarettes

Quitting smoking cigarettes is one of the best decisions to make for your health and to preserve your natural beauty.

The chemical substances in cigarette smoke, in fact, damage collagen and elastin, the proteins that keep skin elastic and young, causing dreaded wrinkles and sagging skin, specifically around mouth and eyes, making face look more tired and older than it is.

Like alcohol, stress and a poor diet, smoking also increases the production of free radicals, unstable molecules that damage cells and contribute to premature skin ageing and potential chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular syndromes. Nicotine causes constriction of blood vessels too, reducing blood flow to the skin and other organs, and therefore the supply of key nutrients and oxygen absolutely essential for fresh and glowing skin.

8. Adopt a good skin care routine

The fight against the signs of ageing involves good skin care too, that must be personalized according to the needs of the different skin types (oily, dry, mixed, or acne-prone) and individual problems.

Anyway, there are general rules that can help preserve the tone and brightness of skin barrier, such as being careful to remove all the impurities and makeup residues from face skin every morning and evening, using a delicate cleanser and avoiding too much hot water, which could otherwise damage the skin’s natural oils making it dry and sensitive.

Same goes to skin hydration, preferably by using products free of aggressive chemicals and rich in antioxidants and active ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid, retinol or peptides, designed for the needs of specific skin problems. Moreover, at night, the skin naturally regenerates: this is why it’s a good moment to apply anti-ageing treatments to stimulate cell turnover and, hopefully, wake up with a more compact and plumped face.

9. Apply sunscreen on your skin regularly

Good skincare cannot get to the desired results without proper protection against the sunlight, one of the main causes of premature ageing signs like wrinkles, skin laxity, and the appearance of spots or redness.

Sunscreen is the best ally to hinder the aggressive sunlight issue, preferably with a complete protection against both UVA and UVB rays, to be applied generously (2mg of sunscreen per square centimeter of skin) every morning, even on cloudy days or in winter. This process will have to be repeated again a few hours later if you need to spend a lot of time outdoors, or after diving and swimming into water on the beach, or even after sweating more than usual.

10. Experiment new non-invasive beauty treatments

A good routine aiming at slowing down ageing and taking care of the well-being of mind and body, as a matter of fact, includes also the possibility to try non-invasive aesthetic treatments, such as: Carboxytherapy, through the administration of CO2 to effectively reduce the “orange peel” effect; the Sofwave methodology, excellent in lifting tissues and improving the tone and firmness of skin with no need for a scalpel; oxygen therapy, which consists in a flow of gaseous oxygen to give skin better tone and elasticity, attenuate small wrinkles and make spots less evident, giving a wonderful glowy effect to the face skin.

And, last but not least, the revolutionary Body Release treatment, a flagship of the rich offer of beauty treatments of the prestigious Acquaforte Thalasso & Spa hosted in the spaces of Forte Village, an award-winning resort overlooking some of the most beautiful beaches of Santa Margherita di Pula, in Southern Sardinia. Body Release is a holistic treatment that combines multiple techniques to rejuvenate the whole body by relieving muscle tension and improving overall mobility.

Regain your youth with Body Release, Dr. Joanna Hakimova’s revolutionary treatment

Always ahead in the field of aesthetic and therapeutic treatments, Acquaforte Thalasso Spa in Forte Village, an oasis of peace and well-being located in the greenery of the Sardinian Mediterranean scrub, offers guests a vast range of beauty treatments to harmonize the full wellness of body and soul and hinder the physiological ageing process.

Besides cryotherapymud therapy and thalassotherapy, nowadays it’s also recommended the innovative Body Release treatment developed by Dr. Joanna Hakimova, within Elle’s top five most famous facialists in the world, that aims to improve joint mobility and muscle functionality while solving various degenerative tissue problems that create postural and movement dysfunctions. It results in an easing of the natural ageing process and a greater production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, three key substances to guarantee the correct functionality of muscles, tendons and ligaments.

The treatment is based on a series of complementary techniques, including a range of myofascial, muscular, lymphatic drainage, joint and massotherapy massages, working simultaneously on the muscular, fascial and subcutaneous tissues and the lymphatic system, thus performing an important detoxifying action to normalize liver, stomach and intestines.

In short, a true holy grail for those who want to improve their general state of well-being and prevent some of the most common problems related to ageing in a completely safe and non-invasive way, suitable for everybody.

Each Body Release session has a variable cost ranging from €100 up to €150, and can be booked by taking a phone call to +390709218818 or by writing an email to

Do you want to take care of your body, attenuate the signs of ageing and spend a dream holiday in a true paradise? Book your stay at the Forte Village Resort in Sardinia

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