Come avere una silhouette perfetta per l'estate: 10 segreti per un corpo da spiaggia

How to shape a perfect summer silhouette: 10 tips for a beach-friendly body

Beach-friendly body: what does it mean having a perfect summer silhouette? A balanced nutrition without restrictions, combined with a simple yet effective long-term training routine, with a positive mindset and the choice of clothes that best suits you: these are some of the secrets to feel good in your body even and especially in summer. The most awaited season of the year ...

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Celebrity Chefs al Forte Village: gli appuntamenti con l’alta cucina da non perdere

Celebrity Chefs at Forte Village: the unmissable evenings with haute cuisine in Sardinia

The best of Italian and International haute cuisine shows off its top food creations under the stars here in Santa Margherita di Pula Andrea Aprea, Sandro Serva and Gennaro Russo will bring the guests of the Resort onto a unique journey made of inebriating scents and surprising taste combinations that only signature cuisine can create, with the spectacular setting of the ...

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I segreti del nuoto: come migliorare la tecnica e diventare più veloci

The secrets of swimming: how to improve your skills and become faster

If you practice swimming, find out how to improve your skills for a successful performance Positioning body, taking breathe under control, understanding and implementing feedback, working on synergy between strength, speed and endurance: here are the best advice to improve your swimming skills and be faster. Swimming is much more than a simple sporting discipline: it is a real art, requiring a skillful ...

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Remise en forme: cosa fare e non fare per prepararsi alla prova costume

Remise en forme: things to do or not to be ready for swimwear try-on

10 useful tips to take care of your body and keep yourself fit for this summer What’s the secret to be ready for the swimwear try-on? It’s all about perseverance and balance: here are 5 things to do (and 5 things not to do) to fully enjoy summertime at its best without restrictions or prohibitions. If it’s true that with the spread ...

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Sud Sardegna in catamarano: una vacanza suggestiva e indimenticabile

South Sardinia by catamaran: an evocative and memorable holiday

Discover a unique and entertaining way of exploring enchanting coves and beaches across the southernmost side of Sardinia A swift, steady and comfortable double-hull boat for a safe holiday in Sardinia to spend as a couple, with family or friends: that’s the catamaran, great protagonist of the Boat House by Forte Village. With its beaches of fine white sand, some of the ...

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Checklist matrimonio perfetto: i preparativi mese per mese

The guide for the perfect wedding: a checklist to follow month by month

How to plan a wedding following step by step the checklist to prepare for the Big Day The perfect wedding exists when an attentive planning occurs, taking care of all the details that contribute making the marriage ceremony unique and memorable, such as the choice of the date, the time, the location, the arrangement of tables and catering. Planning a wedding, whether ...

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Prevenire l'invecchiamento: come prendersi cura del corpo?

Ageing prevention: how to take care of your body?

How to take care of your body: 10 simple tips to hinder ageing and preserve health and beauty for longer A colorful diet rich in antioxidants, a training routine involving the use of weights and non-invasive treatments such as the innovative Body Relase: they are just a few of the most effective ageing prevention measures to practice with perseverance and patience to take care of your body. Ageing is a natural ...

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Barbie Academy: il regno della creatività

Barbie Academy: the kingdom of creativity

Barbie Academy, a place for little aspiring designers and fashion lovers A total-pink laboratory originated from the collaboration between the Resort in Santa Margherita di Pula and Mattel, the company producing the famous doll, where children will be able to freely explore the world of fashion and test their creativity and imagination. “If you can imagine it, you can do it!”: this ...

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