Perimenopausa, menopausa e menopausa conclamata: come affrontare le tre fasi

Perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause: how to face the three stages

Find out how to face the three stages of menopause serenely For many women, the coming of menopause represents the beginning of a time of important physical and psychological changes. Here are the natural remedies that help finding a new balance. As feared as (unfortunately) inevitable, menopause is actually one of the most critical phases in women's lives. Indeed, the hormonal changes ...

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5 motivi per regalare un viaggio in Sardegna a San Valentino

5 reasons to give a trip to Sardinia on Valentine’s Day

What’s the most romantic Valentine’s Day gift ever? Simple: a trip to Sardinia in a beautiful stay Gifting your partner with a trip on Valentine’s Day gives you a chance to spend a wonderful time together, away from the ordinary life’s repetitiveness. What better destination than Sardinia? Considered by many people as a mere commercial event, Valentine's Day actually has its roots ...

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Carnevale in tavola: i dolci simbolo della tradizione sarda

Carnival at the table: the iconic sweets of Sardinian tradition

A journey discovering the delicacy of Sardinian Carnival sweets Zippulas, gatzas, parafrittus, orillettas and uvusones: delicious and irresistible Carnival sweets characterizing the essence of Sardinian food tradition, clearly evident in the choice of typical local ingredients, that are"poor", in a way, but no less rich of taste, among which the semolina flour, honey and citrus peel stand out. Wherever you go, whatever ...

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Sardegna in mountain bike: 5 strade panoramiche per gli amanti delle due ruote

Sardinia by mountain bike: 5 panoramic routes for bicycle lovers

The best panoramic bicycle itineraries to discover the beauty of Sardinia by mountain bike The Island is the perfect destination not only for those who love golden beaches and crystal clear sea, but also for adventurers who want to experience an active holiday by discovering and exploring Sardinia by mountain bike, the best means of transport to fully enjoy the freedom ...

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Ossigenoterapia al viso: come funziona e quali sono benefici

Facial oxygen therapy: how it works and what are the benefits

How to hinder the first signs of ageing thanks to facial oxygen therapy? Exploiting the benefits of oxygen to make your facial skin look brighter, firmer and younger is now possible thanks to painless non-invasive beauty treatments, ensuring immediate and long-lasting effects. Here's how oxygen therapy works and who’s suitable for. As external temperatures drop during winter, the face skin usually tends ...

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Educazione e cultura: la formazione è a cinque stelle con Forte Village Resort

The best education for future’s hospitality managers at ForteVillage Resort

Hotel Business School and ForteVillage Resort: the future’s top managers school Education is key for building a more dynamic, modern and attentive hospitality sector taking care of the needs of the environment and customers: this is the core of the education provided by the Hotel Business School at ForteVillage, a consolidated point of reference in the sector of luxury hospitality. Established over ...

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Coppia: 10 consigli per iniziare l’anno nuovo con il piede giusto

Love relationship: 10 tips to best start the new year in a couple

Improving the quality of a couple relationship requires commitment and dedication: what better resolution for the year that has just begun? One of the best resolutions for the new year is surely taking care of the health of your couple: from improving communication to spending quality time together and share common goals, here are 10 simple steps to make your love ...

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Sa pasca nuntza: come si celebra l’Epifania in Sardegna?

Sa pasca nuntza: how’s Epiphany celebrated in Sardinia?

Between delicacies and centenary traditions: this is how the Epiphany is celebrated in Sardinia There are few customs that have been handed down over the centuries to celebrate the day that "takes all holidays away": among these, the preparation of the "Three Kings Cake", strictly related to the Spanish Roscòn de Reyes, and its kàpidu 'e s'ànnu, a sweet bread to ...

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