Estate in Sardegna: 3 concerti evento e un musical da sogno alla Forte Arena

Summer in Sardinia: 3 concert-events and a fabulous musical at Forte Arena

Sting, Pooh, Renato Zero, and the exceptional cast of Peter Pan’s Musical will be the guest stars of the magical summer nights at the amazing Forte Village Arena Dreamy atmospheres, timeless songs, outstanding artists of the Italian and International scene. These are the top ingredients for a memorable summer made of fun and music at Forte Village in South Sardinia. Slowness, lightheartedness and beauty: these are the key words of summer 2024 ...

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Voti e miracoli di Sant'Efisio: come nasce la festa della Sardegna

Vows and miracles of Sant’Efisio: history of the Sardinian festival

History, traditions, customs and schedule of the celebrations dedicated to Sant’Efisio, the Sardinian people’s Patron Saint Celebrated since 1652, the ancient Festival of Sant'Efisio has gone beyond its purely religious dimension over the years and contributed to the construction of an important side of the cultural identity of the whole Sardinia, especially of Cagliari. Among many religious celebrations that have contributed to the construction of Sardinian identity and culture over the centuries, ...

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Al mare d’inverno con i bambini: quali sono i benefici?

Seaside in winter with children: what are the benefits?

Going to seaside in winter gives multiple benefits for children’s psychophysical health It’s only a common belief that seaside is beautiful only in summertime: walking on the sand under the soft winter sunshine, inhaling the sea spray deeply, is a real panacea for the well-being of the whole family (especially for children). Taking children to the seaside in winter may be an unusual choice for many families. In fact, most people relate ...

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Sardegna in mountain bike: 5 strade panoramiche per gli amanti delle due ruote

Sardinia by mountain bike: 5 panoramic routes for bicycle lovers

The best panoramic bicycle itineraries to discover the beauty of Sardinia by mountain bike The Island is the perfect destination not only for those who love golden beaches and crystal clear sea, but also for adventurers who want to experience an active holiday by discovering and exploring Sardinia by mountain bike, the best means of transport to fully enjoy the freedom of the Island's wild beauty. Bicycle lovers know it well: bike ...

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La tavola di Natale in Sardegna: le ricette della tradizione e i prodotti tipici

The Christmas table in Sardinia: traditional recipes and typical products

The Christmas table in Sardinia: all the authentic flavours of the Holidays Christmas, "Sa Paschixedda", on the island is a magical day to spend with the family enjoying the rich and delicious dishes of the tradition. It is the time for conviviality, family get-togethers, being close to loved ones and celebrating, today as in the past, with an eye to the ancient traditions and "mystical and tribal" rites inherited from the celebration ...

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Halloween dei Bambini a Palazzo Doglio: un’avventura spaventosamente divertente

Papassinos, copulettas and ossus de mortu: Sardinian Halloween’s sweets

Halloween brings all the flavour of Sardinian sweets to the table In addition to the unique traditions, Halloween in Sardinia is famous for its special sweets that can only be tasted here at this particular time of year. Let's forget "trick or treat", the legend of Jack O' Lantern and the images that recall the "American" Halloween we are used to: Sardinia boasts its unique tradition, born in the shadow of the ...

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Ottobre in Sardegna: 10 cose da fare sull’isola

October in Sardinia: 10 things to do on the island

Sardinia in October: a unique opportunity to savour the authentic soul of the island Every moment of the year is the right one for a holiday in Sardinia, but it is in October that the island reveals its most fascinating and introspective side making it the perfect destination for an unforgettable trip. It is difficult to remain indifferent in front of the beautiful sea of Sardinia, just as it is impossible, if ...

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