Alla scoperta delle Saline Conti Vecchi, un luogo dove storia e natura si fondono

Discovering Saline Conti Vecchi, a place where history and nature blend together

Saline Conti Vecchi is an extraordinary monument of industrial archaeology immersed in a particularly beautiful natural oasis here in Sardinia Not so far away from Cagliari, Saline Conti Vecchi represent the perfect place to plan one-day trips with your family, to enjoy the hidden beauty of Sardinia and find out a still little known page of local history related to the extraction of the so-called white gold. Less than twenty minutes from the centre of Cagliari, ...

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Sardegna Blue Zone: il paradiso della longevità tra mistero, bellezza, profumi e sapori

Sardinia Blue Zone: the paradise of long life through mystery, beauty, scents and flavors

Discovering the secrets for a long and rewarding life directly from the inhabitants of Sardinia, the only one Italian Blue Zone A diet rich in fresh local products, an active lifestyle, yet a lot of quality relaxation and social relations: these are the key factors of the long life formula made in Sardinia, the “islands of centenarians”. Growing old well and happily: a wish as common as sometimes difficult to achieve, even ...

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Voti e miracoli di Sant'Efisio: come nasce la festa della Sardegna

Vows and miracles of Sant’Efisio: history of the Sardinian festival

History, traditions, customs and schedule of the celebrations dedicated to Sant’Efisio, the Sardinian people’s Patron Saint Celebrated since 1652, the ancient Festival of Sant'Efisio has gone beyond its purely religious dimension over the years and contributed to the construction of an important side of the cultural identity of the whole Sardinia, especially of Cagliari. Among many religious celebrations that have contributed to the construction of Sardinian identity and culture over the centuries, ...

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Pasqua 2024 al Forte Village: perché scegliere il sud dell’Isola

Easter 2024 at ForteVillage: why choose the south of the island

Well-being, entertainment and relaxation: this is Easter at ForteVillage A crystal clear sea, ancient fascinating traditions and a unique welcome make Southern Sardinia the perfect destination to spend the Easter holidays. Much awaited by adults and children alike, the Easter holidays represent a unique opportunity to break the routine of everyday life and experience moments of pure relaxation and lightheartedness with your loved ones. Speaking of, the south of Sardinia is the perfect ...

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Che cos’è l’architettura sostenibile? Caratteristiche degli edifici green

What is sustainable architecture? The features of sustainable buildings

Check out the definition, characteristics and benefits of sustainable architecture Being a cultural approach even before a set of techniques and materials, sustainable architecture (also known as bio-architecture) aims changing the way we conceive and experience internal spaces, making them more efficient and environment-friendly. There is a lot of talk about sustainability, especially in recent years, so much so that the search for more attentive lifestyles complying with the needs of the ...

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Educazione e cultura: la formazione è a cinque stelle con Forte Village Resort

The best education for future’s hospitality managers at ForteVillage Resort

Hotel Business School and ForteVillage Resort: the future’s top managers school Education is key for building a more dynamic, modern and attentive hospitality sector taking care of the needs of the environment and customers: this is the core of the education provided by the Hotel Business School at ForteVillage, a consolidated point of reference in the sector of luxury hospitality. Established over 15 years ago from the meeting of two excellences of ...

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Sa pasca nuntza: come si celebra l’Epifania in Sardegna?

Sa pasca nuntza: how’s Epiphany celebrated in Sardinia?

Between delicacies and centenary traditions: this is how the Epiphany is celebrated in Sardinia There are few customs that have been handed down over the centuries to celebrate the day that "takes all holidays away": among these, the preparation of the "Three Kings Cake", strictly related to the Spanish Roscòn de Reyes, and its kàpidu 'e s'ànnu, a sweet bread to be "broken" on the head of the youngest of the ...

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Sardegna 2024: un viaggio alla scoperta dell’isola

Sardinia 2024: a journey to discover the island

Holidays in Sardinia 2024: why you should choose the island? The beginning of the new year is the perfect time to treat yourself to an unforgettable holiday to discover the beautiful Mediterranean island. New Year's Eve is a time full of emotions and hopes and offers the ideal opportunity to reflect on the wishes and good intentions that will colour the upcoming months. As we say goodbye to the past year, we look ...

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Gioielli sardi tra storia, leggende e tradizioni

Sardinian jewellery, a mix of history, legends and traditions

Sardinian jewellery, excellences appreciated all over the world A journey to discover Sardinian jewellery, a mix of charm, myths and traditions that recount this region’s history. In the heart of beautiful Sardinia lies a fascinating and unique history of craftsmanship that is intertwined with the traditions, culture and soul of this land: shaped by centuries of history and encounters with different peoples, it represents a vibrant sign of creativity and dedication. Through ...

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La voce delle pietre: il magico Giardino Sonoro di Pinuccio Sciola

The voice of the stones: Pinuccio Sciola’s magical Sound Garden

Pinuccio Sciola's Giardino Sonoro: the timeless charm of a place rich in art and culture A few kilometres from Cagliari there is an artistic space surrounded by greenery, a magical oasis where the "stones sing". Not far from Cagliari, the village of San Sperate is home to a unique place that will enchant you with “the voice of the stones”. This can be listened to in Pinuccio Sciola’s sound garden. The artist ...

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2023 Readers' Choice Awards: alla Sardegna il premio “The Best Island in Europe”

Condé Nast Traveller’s 2023 Readers’ Choice Awards: Sardinia wins “The Best Island in Europe” prize

Sardinia triumphs at the 2023 Condé Nast Traveller Readers' Choice Awards The readers of Condé Nast Traveller have elected Sardinia as the best island in Europe. The readers of Condé Nast Traveller, the most prestigious and authoritative magazine in the world dedicated to travel, have decided: Sardinia is the best island in Europe. Responding to the annual online survey that the magazine proposes, the 526,518 readers involved rewarded the island with a total ...

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Sud Sardegna regno di biodiversità e della Caretta Caretta

South Sardinia Kingdom of Biodiversity and home of Caretta Caretta

South Sardinia: the oasis of biodiversity where the Caretta Caretta thrives Sardinia is an authentic paradise on earth for biodiversity and for the Caretta Caretta turtle that nests on its fabulous beaches. This summer on the beautiful and popular Poetto Beach in Cagliari has seen two important hatchings of the Caretta Caretta turtle, one on August 11th and the other on the 28th with, in the latter case, as many as 70 ...

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Vacanze e sostenibilità: ecco perché il Forte Village Resort è la meta giusta

Holidays and sustainability: Forte Village Resort stands out as the ideal location

Green holidays: Forte Village Resort is the ideal choice Long committed to protecting the environment, the award-winning resort is perfect for combining comfort, relaxation and sustainability on holiday. Nowadays, environmental sustainability is a crucial concept that involves the responsible and prudent management of our planet's natural resources and ecosystems. Its goal is to ensure the well-being of both current and future generations. This approach aims to harmoniously blend social and economic development with ...

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La Sardegna e il fenomeno set-jetting: “La Sirenetta” promuove l’isola per l’estate 2023

Sardinia and the set-jetting phenomenon: “The Little Mermaid” promotes the island for summer 2023

"The Little Mermaid" enchants and explodes bookings for the summer in Sardinia The new Disney live-action movie filmed in the beautiful setting of Sardinia gets an overwhelming success and attracts tourists to the island. On May 24th, the "Little Mermaid" was released in Italian cinemas, the new version curated by director Rob Marshall, with actors and computer-generated images, of the famous Disney animated musical of 1989. The film, which reworks the famous original ...

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