Wellness Breakfast: 10 modi per preparare la migliore colazione della giornata

Wellness Breakfast: 10 ways to make and taste your best breakfast everyday

How to prepare the perfect breakfast for starting your day with the right energy Ten tips to break your nighttime fast and make the best breakfast for all the family, a balanced meal based on healthy and simple ingredients to get and maintain enough energy to face the first part of the day, by satisfying your sense of taste too. Breakfast is the first meal of the day and, for many, it ...

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Sostenibilità ambientale: l'esempio virtuoso del Forte Village Resort

Environmental sustainability: the proud example of Forte Village Resort

The commitment of Forte Village Resort into environmental sustainability: an example of good practices and innovation All the news and the actions taken by the Resort in Santa Margherita di Pula related to recycle, energy savings and the reduction of environmental impact to promote and safeguard the Earth and all its inhabitants. In recent years, awareness of the human impact on the environment has massively grown. Climate change, the depletion of natural ...

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Vacanze di Pasqua al Forte Village Resort: una proposta unica per le tue vacanze

Easter holidays at Forte Village Resort: a unique offer for your vacation

Enjoy Easter 2025 with relax, fun, gourmet cuisine and sport at Forte Village Forte Village Resort, immersed in the wonderful setting of Santa Margherita di Pula, South Sardinia, inaugurates season 2025 with an exclusive package designed for who wishes to spend Easter holidays in an extraordinary luxury location near the seaside. Easter holidays, halfway between the magical quiet of Christmas and the contagious energy of summer, is a pleasant break from daily ...

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Whiskey o whisky? Storia, caratteristiche, principali differenze e curiosità

Whiskey or whisky? History, characteristics, main differences and fun facts

A guide to whiskey, or whisky, one of the most appreciated spirits worldwide The difference between "whisky" and "whiskey" goes beyond grammar: these terms, only apparently similar, refer to intertwined yet separated stories, specific regulations and methods of production, giving life to unique distillates with their own sensory features and identity. The difference between "whisky" and "whiskey" is not just about spelling or perhaps the result of a typographical error on the ...

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Pole Dance: Cos'è, come funziona e perchè fa bene al corpo e alla mente

Pole dance: what it is, how it works and why it benefits body and soul

What it is, how it works and all the benefits of pole dance An intense sporting discipline that can give you satisfactions since the very first classes, which bases on a combination of artistic dance, fitness and acrobatics around and over a vertical pole (from this the term “pole dance” originates) to improve strength, flexibility, coordination, posture, and above all get some fun and engaging training. Dynamic, engaging and incredibly challenging, therefore suitable for anyone willing to test ...

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I benefici del peeling viso: rinnovare la pelle per un aspetto più luminoso

The benefits of facial peeling: renew your skin for a brighter appearance

Discovering facial peeling: a treatment to transform your skin Give your face brightness, even out complexion and reduce and minimize skin’s blemishes, redness and scars: there are just a few amazing benefits of peeling, a facial treatment to regenerate your skin, making it smooth, healthy and luminous. Facial peeling is one of the most popular and recent aesthetic treatments, boasting great versatility. It is able to respond to multiple needs of facial skin, ...

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Forte Village Resort 2025: scopri novità ed esperienze da non perdere

Forte Village Resort 2025: Find out novelties and unmissable experiences

Forte Village Resort Sardinia prepares for the season 2025 rich in surprises Check out the extraordinary novelties for the season 2025 at Forte Village in Sardinia: from the stunning Nature Park, tribute to the richness and beauty of nature, to the restyling of the elegant suites in Villa Elina and bungalows Le Dune. You also cannot miss unique food experiences and a wide sporting offer, now renewed to satisfy the needs ...

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Regali per San Valentino: 10 consigli per organizzare una sorpresa romantica

Gifts for Valentine’s Day: 10 tips to make a romantic surprise

Tips and advice to make original, romantic and personal gifts for Valentine’s Day Choosing the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day means making February 14th a very special day by opening your heart to your sweet half. Whether it’s a customized gift or a unique experience, like a gourmet dinner or a romantic getaway to some magical places, what really matters is to excite and shape memories to keep forever. Some await it ...

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Gioco scacchi e benefici per lo sviluppo cognitivo: come allenare la mente e migliorare le proprie abilità

The game of chess and its benefits for mental development: how to train mind and skills

Chess, a game designed for mind suitable for people in all age ranges A hobby, yet a true “gym for your mind”: here’s how to improve your own cognitive skills, concentration, problem solving, memory capacity and learn how to best handle stress by playing chess. A real “gym for mind”: this is how the game of chess is often defined, among the most loved, inclusive and ancient strategy games ever, so much so that it’s usually considered ...

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Ringiovanimento viso: 10 modi efficaci per combattere i segni del tempo

Facial rejuvenation: 10 effective ways to hinder aging signs

The best tips for a younger face appearance without cosmetic surgery Facial rejuvenation comes real with simple daily actions, like keeping a good skin care routine and a healthy and balanced diet, yet non-invasive aesthetic treatments, such as the well-appreciated CFU Elite by Forte Village’s Acquaforte Thalasso & Spa. The passage of time inevitably mirrors in your facial skin, that’s usually the first to show the most common signs of aging, such as wrinkles, ...

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Forte Village Resort è World's Leading Resort 2024

Forte Village Resort is the World’s Leading Resort 2024

Forte Village awarded for the 26th time in a row as world’s most beautiful resort A really great record for the famous five stars facility in the unpolluted nature of Santa Margherita di Pula, also awarded with the prestigious acknowledgments of “World's Leading Sports Academy” and “World's Leading Sport Resort”. A place where luxury, elegance and care meet the authentic beauty of stunning landscapes, characterized by an impressive natural biodiversity, where every detail ...

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Fuoco di Sant'Antonio in Sardegna: viaggio alla scoperta di un'antica tradizione

Fire of Sant’Antonio in Sardinia: a journey discovering an ancient tradition

Origins, places and fun facts about the fires of Sant’Antonio A thousands-years-old ritual between sacred and profane, Sant'Antoni'e su fogu, that every year, in the night between January 16 and 17, lights up the Island with hundreds of bonfires, celebrating Sant’Antonio Abate, protector of animals and countryside, with chants, dances and shared meals. Every year, during the night between January 16 and 17, hundreds of Sardinian communities gather around the flames of wide ...

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Gioielli sardi tradizionali: storia, significato e segreti di Su Coccu

Traditional sardinian jewelry: history, meanings and secrets of Su Coccu

Su Coccu, the timeless charm of the immortal sardinian jewel An icon of protection against negative energies and hex, su coccu is one of the most loved and ancient artisan sardinian jewels, so much so that it has become a key part of the varied cultural and folkloric heritage of the island. Sardinian jewelry is a signature element of the ancient artisan tradition of the Island of Ichnusa, unique in their fine and delicate style, ...

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Sei nell’anima – Festival European Leg 2025, il tour di Gianna Nannini fa tappa alla Forte Arena

Sei nell’anima – Festival European Leg 2025, Gianna Nannini’s tour comes to Forte Arena

The rock, the determination and the energy of Gianna Nannini for an unmissable concert The date to schedule on the calendar is Saturday, August 9, 2025, 9:00 pm, when “Gianna Nannini, Sei nell’anima - Festival European Leg 2025”, the new European tour by the “rebel of Italian rock”, will finally land to Sardinia to amaze the audience of the arena under the stars in Santa Margherita di Pula. Singer, performer, a complete ...

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