Ritrovare il benessere fisico e spirituale con i trattamenti Ayurveda del maestro Raj Eka Thapliya

Find your physical and spiritual wellness with the Ayurvedic treatments by master Raj Eka Thapliya

12Ayurveda, the ancient science of life comes to Forte Village with the holistic treatments by master Raj Eka Thapliya Balancing body, mind and spirit is still possible today thanks to the thousands years Indian discipline known as Ayurveda, a holistic range of personalized wellness treatments including also oil massages and purification rituals. Harmony between body, mind and spirit is a fundamental aspect for a peaceful and healthy life. Too often, however, there’s ...

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Come avere una silhouette perfetta per l'estate: 10 segreti per un corpo da spiaggia

How to shape a perfect summer silhouette: 10 tips for a beach-friendly body

Beach-friendly body: what does it mean having a perfect summer silhouette? A balanced nutrition without restrictions, combined with a simple yet effective long-term training routine, with a positive mindset and the choice of clothes that best suits you: these are some of the secrets to feel good in your body even and especially in summer. The most awaited season of the year has finally come: it's time to relax on the beach ...

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Remise en forme: cosa fare e non fare per prepararsi alla prova costume

Remise en forme: things to do or not to be ready for swimwear try-on

10 useful tips to take care of your body and keep yourself fit for this summer What’s the secret to be ready for the swimwear try-on? It’s all about perseverance and balance: here are 5 things to do (and 5 things not to do) to fully enjoy summertime at its best without restrictions or prohibitions. If it’s true that with the spread of body positivity on social media the concept of swimwear ...

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Prevenire l'invecchiamento: come prendersi cura del corpo?

Ageing prevention: how to take care of your body?

How to take care of your body: 10 simple tips to hinder ageing and preserve health and beauty for longer A colorful diet rich in antioxidants, a training routine involving the use of weights and non-invasive treatments such as the innovative Body Relase: they are just a few of the most effective ageing prevention measures to practice with perseverance and patience to take care of your body. Ageing is a natural process that everyone must face at some point of their ...

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Sofwave: che cos’è e come funziona il lifting non chirurgico?

Sofwave: what is non-surgical facelift and how does it work?

Sofwave to make your face toned and compact, the new non-invasive treatment loved by showbiz stars The frontiers of aesthetic medicine keep expanding with safer and painless treatments such as sofwave, combining with ultrasound and heat to soften wrinkles and blemishes. The new trends in the field of beauty are clear: 2024 is the year of non-invasive beauty treatments, therefore banning scalpels and needles and adopting new protocols based on the latest ...

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Perimenopausa, menopausa e menopausa conclamata: come affrontare le tre fasi

Perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause: how to face the three stages

Find out how to face the three stages of menopause serenely For many women, the coming of menopause represents the beginning of a time of important physical and psychological changes. Here are the natural remedies that help finding a new balance. As feared as (unfortunately) inevitable, menopause is actually one of the most critical phases in women's lives. Indeed, the hormonal changes resulting from the natural decline of ovarian function, which usually ...

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Ossigenoterapia al viso: come funziona e quali sono benefici

Facial oxygen therapy: how it works and what are the benefits

How to hinder the first signs of ageing thanks to facial oxygen therapy? Exploiting the benefits of oxygen to make your facial skin look brighter, firmer and younger is now possible thanks to painless non-invasive beauty treatments, ensuring immediate and long-lasting effects. Here's how oxygen therapy works and who’s suitable for. As external temperatures drop during winter, the face skin usually tends to dehydrate and lose its normal ability to absorb the ...

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10 consigli per prepararsi alle feste e restare in forma

10 tips to prepare for the holidays and stay in shape

Staying Fit During the Holidays: 10 Useful Tips Even during the end-of-year holidays, full of culinary temptations, it is essential to pay attention to body and mind well-being. The end-of-year festivities are a magical time and, in addition to the warmth of seeing loved ones, and the exchange of gifts and good wishes, they are also characterised by delicious and elaborate traditional dishes that often translate into irresistible temptations. However, while we ...

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Come prendersi cura del corpo in gravidanza

How to take care of your body during pregnancy

Taking care of your body during pregnancy: what to do and why it is important The body goes through significant changes in each trimester of pregnancy, and being aware of this is crucial for overall well-being. Pregnancy is one of the most extraordinary periods in a woman's life, characterised by profound physical and emotional transformations. In this context, taking care of one's body is not only a wise choice, but a real act ...

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Pelle del viso: come prendersene cura?

How to best take care of your skin

Tips for taking care of your facial skin Would you like to keep your skin soft, elastic and radiant? Find out what are the basic steps and the essential products to maintain your natural glow. The face is the most exposed part of our body and is, without a doubt, also the first thing that people notice when they meet us. Maintaining healthy skin is not only a matter of aesthetics but also ...

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High Performances Method: la tecnologia al servizio del benessere fisico

High Performance Method: Utilising Technology to Promote Physical Well-being

High Performances Method: an exclusive technology to help you feel fit Forte Village Resort's decades of experience have resulted in the development of a range of tools and a team of unique professionals dedicated to supporting athletes. To boost athletic performance and improve overall well-being, the High Performance Method is one of the services available at the Forte Village Resort in Santa Margherita di Pula, located in the province of Cagliari. This ...

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Beauty routine viso: 10 consigli per una pelle sana e luminosa

Facial beauty routine: 10 tips to have healthy and luminous skin

The Decalogue to maintain your skin bright and healthy To preserve the health and beauty of your skin, all you need are simple but effective rituals. Having healthy and luminous skin is a matter of genetics, of course, but there’s a lot that can be done to help nature: daily care and following simple but effective advice can make the difference and give, at all ages, a young and well-groomed appearance. Let's see ...

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Smoothies: che cosa sono, come si preparano e  quali sono i benefici?

Smoothies: what are they, how are they prepared and what are their properties?

 Smoothies: the healthy drink made popular by its tasty flavour and beneficial properties Discovering delicious and healthy drinks to fill up on energy and well-being. Easy to prepare, tasty, light and rich in beneficial properties, smoothies are popular among fans of health food and rightly so: they are full of fibre and vitamins, they are low on calories but are really nutritious. The term "smoothie" comes from the English "smooth" which means "velvety, ...

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Weekend di Pasqua e Pasquetta in Sardegna: perché scegliere l’isola?

Easter weekend and Easter Monday in Sardinia: why you should choose the island?

Easter and Easter Monday in Sardinia: all the charm of the Easter weekend on the island Enjoying a holiday in Sardinia for Easter weekend and Easter Monday means finally disconnecting from the routine and recharging. The long Easter weekend is the best time to finally disconnect from everyday routine and enjoy precious moments of well-being and relaxation to regenerate and recharge your batteries. A perfect destination is undoubtedly Sardinia, a beautiful island with ...

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