Le ricette degli chef stellati per antipasti autunnali gourmet

The recipes by starred chefs for gourmet autumn appetizers

Gourmet autumn appetizers, the refined creations by Forte Village’s chefs Ingredients of warm tastes and colors, “earthy” and intense, for autumn appetizers that express the welcoming and captivating atmosphere of this season and the elegance, simple yet extremely peculiar, of gourmet cuisine. Appetizers are a true calling card: they tell about the restaurant’s style, they enclose its soul and history, introducing guests to the chef’s creativity and food philosophy. Like first courses, second courses and desserts, ...

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Monumenti Sardegna antica: 5 luoghi imperdibili da Nord a Sud dell’isola

Monuments of ancient Sardinia: 5 unmissable places from North to South in the island

A journey across the most evocative places from ancient Sardinia From the Nora Archaeological Park in Pula to the Temple of Antas in Fluminimaggiore, crossing also Coddu Vecchiu’s Tomb of Giants in Arzachena, here are five monuments in Sardinia where time feels like have stopped by in a distant age. In Sardinia, the past is never just a memory. It’s a watchful witness, silently intertwined with the present and tracing the path ...

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Grandi emozioni, talenti sardi e successi italiani: il riassunto dei Tornei ITF Combined

Great emotions, Sardinian talents and Italian hits: a ITF Combined Tournaments summary

A final balance of the Sardinia ITF Tournaments 2024 298 tennis players from all over the world and overall 777 matches for the twelfth edition of Sardinia ITF Tournaments, that before 2024 never excited like this keeping the audience at Tennis Forte Village ASD Sports Academy in Santa Margherita di Pula with bated breath. The highly anticipated tennis tournaments of the ITF Combined 2024 edition in Santa Margherita di Pula ended on Sunday, October ...

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Is Animeddas: leggende, profumi e sapori della notte di Halloween nel Sud Sardegna

Is Animeddas: legends, scents and tastes of Halloween night in South Sardinia

The “Night of Souls”, Is Animeddas, Sardinian Halloween between tradition e mysticism A festival celebrating the cult of dead for millennia that doesn’t stop amaze adults and children with its magical atmospheres, ancient rituals and gluttonous sweets. In Sardinia, a land rich in wonderful beaches and in ancestral traditions and rituals, the Halloween celebration takes on its own identity, deeply rooted in the local culture bringing ancient remnants of paganism, becoming Is Animeddas (also known as Su bene ...

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Pickleball, regole e storia di uno sport dinamico

Pickleball, rules and history of a dynamic sport

Discovering pickleball: rules, fun facts and how to play it A dynamic and versatile sport discipline, mixing tennis, badminton and table tennis in a fun, exciting and accessible experience for all ages and levels of physical shape. Perfect for those who want to move their body in a fun and challenging way, but also for those looking for a sport combining competition with socialization, pickleball is truly the most trending sport now. Originated ...

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Cura dei capelli: i consigli per una perfetta hair care routine

Haircare: the tips for a perfect hair health routine

Haircare: 10 simple tips to make your mane healthy and bright Follow a haircare routine based on the hair types, put a limitation to the use of styling heat tools, do some hair oiling regularly and go for professional trichology treatments like PRP and bio-revitalization: that’s how to take care of a healthy and bright mane. Haircare is a key aspect for a healthy, thick and bright mane. It’snot only about improving aesthetic appearance, but also preventing common problems such as dryness, hair ...

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Ottobre è Sport e Family Festival: la lunga estate della Sardegna

October is Sport & Family Festival: a long summer in Sardinia

Summer at Forte Village doesn’t end in September: here’s a rich program of events and activities for the Sport & Family Festival in October A whole week dedicated to sports, adventure, yet relaxation, taste and so much entertainment. It’s Sport & Family Festival, the event for families by Forte Village scheduled from October 26 to November 2, 2024. Extending the carefree and magical summer season at least for a few more days, ...

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Cultura della Sardegna: tra gioielli e ricami l'isola stupisce e ispira

Sardinian culture: the island fascinates and inspires through jewelry and embroidery

Fine filigrees, precious fabrics and refined ornaments embody the timeless charm and elegance of the Sardinian culture and craftsmanship "A magical island, a revealed beauty", Sardinia with its rich artistic and cultural heritage has recently been the core of a rich week dedicated to the presentation of high fashion, tailor’s design and jewelry collections by the prestigious Italian maison Dolce & Gabbana. Crystalline beaches embraced by uncontaminated nature that seems to be coming out of some glossy magazines, ...

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Sardinia ITF Tournaments 2024: il grande tennis al Forte Village

Sardinia ITF Tournaments: great tennis returns to Forte Village

The red tennis court of Tennis Academy ASD by Forte Village becomes the stage for the exciting matches of Sardinia ITF Tournaments From September 16 to October 27, 2024, Sardinia ITF Tournaments return to Forte Village with six combined tennis tourneys and a rich prize money of €300.000 overall. Twelve tournaments arranged and managed by the ITF (International Tennis Federation) and a total prize money of €300.000 (€25.000 for each combined tourney), one of the most ...

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Earlymoon, Minimoon, Babymoon, Familymoon o Buddymoon: a ogni coppia il suo viaggio di nozze

Earlymoon, Minimoon, Babymoon, Familymoon or Buddymoon: the right honeymoon for every couple

Not all honeymoons are the same: here are five different types of honeymoon to enjoy with your partner Extending the magic of your wedding day is now possible choosing the type of honeymoon that best suits you and your partner, whether it’s only a few days stay, a family trip or an adventure to enjoy in the company of friends. The honeymoon is a special moment for newlyweds: the perfect opportunity to ...

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Sport e avventura tra mare e terra: l'estate perfetta è un viaggio di emozioni

Sport and adventure between land and sea: the perfect summer is an emotional journey

Exciting, emotional and surprising: summer in South Sardinia is simply memorable enjoying sport and adventure Underwater explorations, bicycle hikes, hinterland hiking and more: summer is the perfect season to try adrenaline-filled sports and adventure at the exclusive Academies by Forte Village in South Sardinia. With its breathtaking landscapes, hanging halfway between the turquoise beautiful sea (one of the best in the world) and the emerald of the lush Mediterranean nature, plenty of inebriating scents ...

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Benessere e gusto a tavola: la bowl protagonista di un'estate sana, colorata e ricca di sapori

Well-being and taste at the table: the best bowl for a summer rich in health, colors and flavors

Bowl is a fresh and complete dish, perfect to get all the energy you need in summer and oppose the heat Complex carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats fibers, minerals and vitamins: these are the key components of the bowl, a more balanced, complete and rich reinterpretation of large summer salads. Summer is the perfect season to embrace a healthier and tastier lifestyle, thanks to the abundance of fresh and seasonal products available, first and foremost ...

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Ritrovare il benessere fisico e spirituale con i trattamenti Ayurveda del maestro Raj Eka Thapliya

Find your physical and spiritual wellness with the Ayurvedic treatments by master Raj Eka Thapliya

12Ayurveda, the ancient science of life comes to Forte Village with the holistic treatments by master Raj Eka Thapliya Balancing body, mind and spirit is still possible today thanks to the thousands years Indian discipline known as Ayurveda, a holistic range of personalized wellness treatments including also oil massages and purification rituals. Harmony between body, mind and spirit is a fundamental aspect for a peaceful and healthy life. Too often, however, there’s ...

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Attività indoor: ecco perché praticarle anche d'estate e dove

Indoor activity: here’s why and where you should practice sport in summer

Summer and sport: why should you prefer indoor activity in the hottest season? In summer temperatures can go extreme, making it uncomfortable and even dangerous to practice sport outdoor. However, this must not be a limit to your will to keep fit and active; indeed, indoor activity can be a great alternative to keep practicing sport in summer and disconnect for a while from your daily routine. With the arrival of summer, the opportunities ...

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