Estate in Sardegna: 3 concerti evento e un musical da sogno alla Forte Arena

Summer in Sardinia: 3 concert-events and a fabulous musical at Forte Arena

Sting, Pooh, Renato Zero, and the exceptional cast of Peter Pan’s Musical will be the guest stars of the magical summer nights at the amazing Forte Village Arena Dreamy atmospheres, timeless songs, outstanding artists of the Italian and International scene. These are the top ingredients for a memorable summer made of fun and music at Forte Village in South Sardinia. Slowness, lightheartedness and beauty: these are the key words of summer 2024 ...

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Celebrity Chefs al Forte Village: gli appuntamenti con l’alta cucina da non perdere

Celebrity Chefs at Forte Village: the unmissable evenings with haute cuisine in Sardinia

The best of Italian and International haute cuisine shows off its top food creations under the stars here in Santa Margherita di Pula Andrea Aprea, Sandro Serva and Gennaro Russo will bring the guests of the Resort onto a unique journey made of inebriating scents and surprising taste combinations that only signature cuisine can create, with the spectacular setting of the crystal clear sea of South Sardinia in the background. Under the ...

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Haute Couture in Sardegna: il Forte Village regno dell'alta moda

Haute couture in Sardinia: Forte Village turns into the kingdom of high fashion

Haute couture at Forte Village, a style experience made of luxury, exclusivity and elegance The elegance and quality of Italian and international high fashion meets the ancient and mysterious charm of Sardinian craftsmanship alternating styles with original and captivating concepts. Style never goes on holiday, and no, it’s not just a question of vanity or being shallow: taking care of appearance, choosing clothes and accessories that enhance the natural beauty, is a true celebration of your ...

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Peter Pan - Il Musical arriva alla Forte Arena

The musical dedicated to Peter Pan comes to Forte Arena

Peter Pan at Forte Arena, the adventures of the boy who didn’t want to grow an adult on stage under the stars in Santa Margherita di Pula On Saturday, July 27, from the Forte Arena will begin an exciting journey to Neverland that will accompany both adults and children through an unforgettable night with iconic rock songs, joyful dances and touching monologues. Rediscover the eternal inner child living within us and spend ...

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Prevenire l'invecchiamento: come prendersi cura del corpo?

Ageing prevention: how to take care of your body?

How to take care of your body: 10 simple tips to hinder ageing and preserve health and beauty for longer A colorful diet rich in antioxidants, a training routine involving the use of weights and non-invasive treatments such as the innovative Body Relase: they are just a few of the most effective ageing prevention measures to practice with perseverance and patience to take care of your body. Ageing is a natural process that everyone must face at some point of their ...

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Aglio sardo: caratteristiche, usi e curiosità

Sardinian garlic: characteristics, uses and curiosities

Sardinian garlic, a versatile product rich in beneficial properties, representing the genuine soul of the island Sardinian garlic is the next stage on our journey discovering the island's typical products: with its pleasantly aromatic flavor, yet strong at the same time, it’s one ofthe great protagonists of the local culinary tradition. Sardinia is a rich and generous land, capable of generating unique fruits and vegetables in the whole Italian panorama, such as Allium Sardoum Moris, or simply Sardinian garlic, a precious ...

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Padel: le 10 regole per vincere una partita

Padel: 10 rules to win a match

The tips to improve your technique and strategies to win padel games Good technical preparation is not enough to win a padel match, as it requires also the ability to anticipate opponents shots, develop a smart game strategy and, of course, a pinch of luck too. Originated in Mexico in the late 1960s, over the years padel (also known as paddle tennis, padel tennis or, more simply, paddle) has managed to gain more and ...

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Sinner-mania: come si diventa un campione di tennis?

It’s Sinner-mania: how to become a tennis champion?

Sinner triumphs at the Australian Open as tennis now wins Italy over Learn the basics of tennis or refine skills and game techniques: all this is possible at the ForteVillage Tennis Academy, an international reference point for practicing this fascinating sport. A sport as old as engaging, tennis is recently enjoying renewed interest thanks to the successes of Italian and international legends of this sport, such as Novak Djokovic, Carlos Alcaraz, Andy ...

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Al mare d’inverno con i bambini: quali sono i benefici?

Seaside in winter with children: what are the benefits?

Going to seaside in winter gives multiple benefits for children’s psychophysical health It’s only a common belief that seaside is beautiful only in summertime: walking on the sand under the soft winter sunshine, inhaling the sea spray deeply, is a real panacea for the well-being of the whole family (especially for children). Taking children to the seaside in winter may be an unusual choice for many families. In fact, most people relate ...

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Che cos’è l’architettura sostenibile? Caratteristiche degli edifici green

What is sustainable architecture? The features of sustainable buildings

Check out the definition, characteristics and benefits of sustainable architecture Being a cultural approach even before a set of techniques and materials, sustainable architecture (also known as bio-architecture) aims changing the way we conceive and experience internal spaces, making them more efficient and environment-friendly. There is a lot of talk about sustainability, especially in recent years, so much so that the search for more attentive lifestyles complying with the needs of the ...

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5 motivi per regalare un viaggio in Sardegna a San Valentino

5 reasons to give a trip to Sardinia on Valentine’s Day

What’s the most romantic Valentine’s Day gift ever? Simple: a trip to Sardinia in a beautiful stay Gifting your partner with a trip on Valentine’s Day gives you a chance to spend a wonderful time together, away from the ordinary life’s repetitiveness. What better destination than Sardinia? Considered by many people as a mere commercial event, Valentine's Day actually has its roots in a remote past, characterized by archaic rituals bound to ...

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Sardegna in mountain bike: 5 strade panoramiche per gli amanti delle due ruote

Sardinia by mountain bike: 5 panoramic routes for bicycle lovers

The best panoramic bicycle itineraries to discover the beauty of Sardinia by mountain bike The Island is the perfect destination not only for those who love golden beaches and crystal clear sea, but also for adventurers who want to experience an active holiday by discovering and exploring Sardinia by mountain bike, the best means of transport to fully enjoy the freedom of the Island's wild beauty. Bicycle lovers know it well: bike ...

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Ossigenoterapia al viso: come funziona e quali sono benefici

Facial oxygen therapy: how it works and what are the benefits

How to hinder the first signs of ageing thanks to facial oxygen therapy? Exploiting the benefits of oxygen to make your facial skin look brighter, firmer and younger is now possible thanks to painless non-invasive beauty treatments, ensuring immediate and long-lasting effects. Here's how oxygen therapy works and who’s suitable for. As external temperatures drop during winter, the face skin usually tends to dehydrate and lose its normal ability to absorb the ...

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Coppia: 10 consigli per iniziare l’anno nuovo con il piede giusto

Love relationship: 10 tips to best start the new year in a couple

Improving the quality of a couple relationship requires commitment and dedication: what better resolution for the year that has just begun? One of the best resolutions for the new year is surely taking care of the health of your couple: from improving communication to spending quality time together and share common goals, here are 10 simple steps to make your love relationship better in 2024. New year, new life: although just a ...

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