I segreti del nuoto: come migliorare la tecnica e diventare più veloci

The secrets of swimming: how to improve your skills and become faster

If you practice swimming, find out how to improve your skills for a successful performance Positioning body, taking breathe under control, understanding and implementing feedback, working on synergy between strength, speed and endurance: here are the best advice to improve your swimming skills and be faster. Swimming is much more than a simple sporting discipline: it is a real art, requiring a skillful combination of technique, endurance and concentration with a lot of passion and ...

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Cathedral of San Pantaleo: one of the most important medieval churches in Sardinia

Cathedral of San Pantaleo: one of the most important medieval churches in Sardinia

The Cathedral of San Pantaleo is a splendid example of a Romanesque church The Cathedral of San Pantaleo is one of the most important monuments of Romanesque-Pisan art in Sardinia. It is located in Dolianova, in the historical territory of Parteòlla. One of the main Romanesque monuments in Sardinia is the Cathedral of San Pantaleo. It is located in Dolianova, in the south-east of the island, a few kilometers from Cagliari, in a ...

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