Pink Flamingos: one of the natural treasures in Sardinia

Pink flamingos are among the most beautiful creatures to see and photograph for birdwatchers and those passionate about nature. The image of a flock of pink flamingos in flight against the blue skies of Sardinia or dancing on the water with their slender golden legs is itself worth a trip to this amazing island. Seeing a flock of flying flamingos, although very exciting, is not a common experience. However, the panorama of Sardinia ...

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enrico iv cagliari

Theatre: Carlo Cecchi returns to Cagliari after 15 years with Enrico IV

Carlo Cecchi at the Teatro Massimo of Cagliari: who is the actor playing Enrico IV Since his last performance fifteen years ago, Carlo Cecchi will be once again presenting his art, Enrico IV, in the Teatro Massimo of Cagliari from the 6th to the 10th of March 2019, with Angelica Ippolito, Gigio Morra, Roberto Trifirò, Federico Brugnone, Davide Giordano, Dario Iubatti, Matteo Lai, Chiara Mancuso and Remo Stella. Not only he will ...

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The cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta in Sardinia

Site seeing: the cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta

The cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta: history of a symbolic building of Cagliari “It’s a beautiful city, sour, stony, shades of color from the rock to the African plain, the lagoons, with a visible, readable history in the stone, like the marks of time on a face...” These are the words of Carlo Levi as he describes Cagliari, named Casteddu in Sardinian, where, in the Castello district, you can find one of ...

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sella del diavolo sardegna

The legend behind the Sella del Diavolo

The Sella del Diavolo: a legend from Cagliari The best stories always begin with “once upon a time” and tell us about heroic gestures and ancient battles to free lands oppressed by evil, just like the splendid Golfo degli angeli, commonly known as Golfo di Cagliari. Legends are a part of Sardinia’s soul, among the naturalistic routes and archeological sites of which there are many indeed, one of the most fascinating ...

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