Sardegna in mountain bike: 5 strade panoramiche per gli amanti delle due ruote

Sardinia by mountain bike: 5 panoramic routes for bicycle lovers

The best panoramic bicycle itineraries to discover the beauty of Sardinia by mountain bike

The Island is the perfect destination not only for those who love golden beaches and crystal clear sea, but also for adventurers who want to experience an active holiday by discovering and exploring Sardinia by mountain bike, the best means of transport to fully enjoy the freedom of the Island’s wild beauty.

Bicycle lovers know it well: bike is much more than a simple means of transport. It is an intimate and ecological way of experiencing a territory, capturing its wildest and hidden aspects, and respecting its beauty, acting like silent guests.

The Island gives the best of itself when it comes to traveling across Sardinia by mountain bike, a beautiful destination for tourists who want to experience a different holiday, more active and even more challenging, but on the other hand certainly more rewarding and simply unforgettable.

It is no coincidence that nowadays cycle tourism is an increasingly widespread and appreciated reality throughout Sardinia, thanks also to the new Regional Cycle Network, strongly supported by the Sardinia Region to promote the use of the bicycle as a green and low-cost means of transport with a positive environmental impact.

The network translates into over 2,200 km of cycle paths developed with 52 main itineraries, all well connected to the main public transport systems and service areas. A project awarded for its breadth and capillarity, which today gives visitors the possibility of exploring the rich Sardinian heritage in terms of nature, culture, food and wine in a “gentle” way, being curious observers able to interact with locals to understand the secrets and the uniqueness of this territory without filters.

The 5 most suggestive panoramic bicycle itineraries to discover Sardinia by mountain bike

From north to south, Sardinia boasts a little hidden world made up of coves, rugged and wild reliefs, covered by dense Mediterranean scrub full of its exciting scent that soon becomes a reassuring presence for tourists; but also villages where time seems to have stopped in a distant era, when the slowness and value of the community were still very important.

A trip by bicycle allows tourists to sense and understand all these aspects, which are usually lost moving by faster and more “aggressive” means of transport such as the car: so, here are 5 panoramic routes to discover Sardinia by mountain bike which, from north to south, run alongside some of the most interesting and evocative cultural, historical and naturalistic places across the region.

  1. North-East Coast, from Santa Teresa di Gallura to Olbia
    A journey lasting approximately three and a half hours which begins in the suggestive Santa Teresa di Gallura, located at the northern end of the island.Among awesome views of hidden coves, natural rock formations that create lunar landscapes and one of the clearest and most uncontaminated seas on the island, the itinerary runs along the entire north-eastern coast up to Olbia, also known as the “happy city” and famous for its historical and architectural heritage, where the beautiful Parish of San Paolo Apostolo stands out with its roof covered in joyful multicolored majolica. It is a must-see to get to Palau following this itinerary, from which you can admire the nearby Maddalena archipelago and refresh yourself in the calm and clean waters of the enchanting La Sciumara beach.
  2. Gennargentu Mountains, from Nuoro to Orgosolo
    It’s time to move to the Sardinian hinterland to ride by mountain bike through the wild and uncontaminated landscapes of Barbagia, a “land of barbarism” according to the ancient Romans, who recognized in its pure nature the main characteristic that today still distinguishes this territory from the rest of the Island. The circular itinerary starts and ends in Nuoro, passing through some of the most peculiar villages of the region, such as Oliena, Orgosolo (famous for its colorful murals), Mamoiada (the homeland of the mamuthones and the issohadores), and Fonni (the highest town of Sardinia), located on the slopes of Gennargentu mountain. This route requires a good experience in the use of a mountain bike, and it’s certainly more challenging, but yet extremely exciting and evocative.
  3. West Coast, from Alghero to Bosa
    One of the most spectacular coastlines of the island (perhaps of the whole Italy) is the one that extends between the “Catalan” city of Alghero, the town of coral famous for the majestic defensive walls that still protect the historic center as a mother would do with her child, and the pretty village of Bosa, with its multicolored houses overlooking the waters of the Temo river. The route isn’t particularly complex, therefore it’s quite accessible even to beginners or visitors who do not have great knowledge of the area. The only good advice is to avoid the busiest hours of the day and take enough food and drinks with you, as there are no accommodation facilities or refreshment points along the road. At any rate, nature will be a wonderful companion and will not make you miss the comforts of other cycle routes.
  4. South-East Coast, from Cagliari to Villasimius
    This fascinating bicycle route begins in Cagliari: from here it’s needed to head east, along one of the most enchanting stretches of the south-eastern coast. A succession of hidden dream coves immersed in lush and uncontaminated nature (the most beautiful are the Poetto di Quartu beach and Cala Regina, just outside Quartu Sant’Elena), populated by a rich avian fauna such as the majestic colony of pink flamingos at the lagoons of Molentargius.The route lasts about two hours and ends in Villasimius, one of the most renowned seaside locations in Sardinia, the ideal place for a regenerating dive in the crystal clear waters of the Porto Sa Ruxi beach, or for tasting the most delicious local typical delicacy, Sa Costedda, a kind of rustic focaccia made with flour, water, salt and seasoned with tomato and/or onion.
  5. South-West Coast, from Chia to Sant’Antioco
    We remain in the southern territory of Sardinia to explore the suggestive coast that unites the seaside location of Chia, famous for hosting some of the most beautiful white sand beaches on the island like the Su Giudeu beach and Cala Cipolla beach, to the Sant’Antioco island, connected to the Sardinian land by a small artificial isthmus. The itinerary goes on for about four hours between golden sand dunes, cliffs overlooking the sea and ancient remains of the civilizations that have followed one another on the island, among which the most famous is certainly Torre di Chia, an ancient lookout that dates back to the age of Spanish domination. A few kilometers away there are the town of Teulada, an icon of the slowness and tranquility of the Sardinian countryside, and Porto Pino, a heaven in the heart of the Gulf of Palmas

Sardinia by bicycle: check out the Mountain Bike Academy and ForteVillage Bike Academy

Riding a bicycle across the beautiful landscapes of Sardinia is certainly a dream of many, which today can easily be achieved by discovering the Road Bike Academy and the Mountain Bike Academy in ForteVillage, a five-star resort for families immersed in the lush nature of southern Sardinia which makes its sports academies a unique competitive strength in the Island panorama.

The training sessions of the two Academies allow everybody, from expert cyclists to beginners of all ages and levels, to experience the most evocative roads and panoramic routes in Sardinia by sitting on the saddle of a mountain bike. All this with the supervision and guidance of qualified instructors and national and international cycling legends, such as Giovanni Visconti, Fabian Cancellara, Fabio Aru and, last but not least, the multiple Olympic champion Paola Pezzo.

And that’s not all: Bike Academy offers both individual lessons and group excursions, with a rich program tailored to the level and age of the participants. For children is also available “Scuola senza Rotelle” (“School without Wheels”), a program of courses of familiarization and introduction to the bicycle world. Both the Mountain Bike Academy and the Road Bike Academy are operational from May 11 to November 1, from Monday to Sunday, with the possibility of taking advantage of 5-day packages for children including a useful kit to help them tackle the first challenges riding a bike on the road.

Do you want to ride across Sardinia by mountain bike and experience a unique holiday in an authentic natural paradise? Discover ForteVillage Resort in Sardinia

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