Cagliari: 8 things not to be missed in the city

Cagliari: a historical city that has survived millennia

Some travelers love to go on vacation immersed in untouched nature, while others prefer to absorb the immense culture of cities like that of Cagliari. There are many things to be discovered including the cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta and mysterious legends for example the Sella del Diavolo, let’s look at the eight unmissable things to see in this Sardinian city, the island’s historic capital.

“Cagliari is the city of love, there isn’t a girl that doesn’t speak to her lover from her balcony” says, the Nobel Prize writer in 1926, Grazia Deledda as she described the town named Casteddu in Sardinian.

Cagliari is a fascinating seafront city, ideal for those that wish to enjoy the sun and discover the history developed over millennia. It is full of extraordinary traditions like the festa di Sant’Efisio, it also offers a great culinary tradition, street food made with typical products making possible the territory exploration through flavors.

This pearl of the Mediterranean is well organized and equipped to receive visitors, it has many realities making it difficult not to love and immediately feel nostalgia when departing from the island.

According to the ethnologist Max Leopold Wagner, the name originates from the antique language spoken on the island: Proto-Sardinian, also known as Paleo-Sardinian, Nuragica, Sardiana or Sardiano. 

The name Karali is composed of kar, “stone/rock”, and the suffix -ali which translated means “rocky location”.

The Phoenician-Punic population called it Krly but in the Bellum Africano, a part of Corpus Caesarianum which was attributed to an officer in the Gaio Giulio Cesare army, Cagliari in Latin was pronounced Caralis or Carales when plural.

During the period of the Giudicati Sardi, in between the IX and XV century, Santa Igia (Santa Cecilia) was elected the center of the town, afterwards it was destroyed by the troupes of Pisa who named it Castellum Castri de Kallari in documents of that time.

The current name comes from the Spanish pronunciation Callari, while the Sardinian name Casteddu is the place name referring to the historical fortress of the Castle build by the Pisani in XIII.

Myth says it was founded by Aristeo, son of Apollo and nymph Cyrene, who arrived in Sardinia from Boeotia during the XV century BC.

He brought the knowledge of hunting and agriculture, he re-established peace between the locals and founded Caralis, the city we now call Cagliari.

Another version of the story says Aristeo arrived in Sardinia with Dedalo, author of Nuraghi, the typical Sardinian truncated cone constructions made of stone that can be found all over the island.

Here are the eight unmissable things of Cagliari that will make this city the perfect vacation.

Cagliari: the 8 places to visit at least once

Cagliari is distinct by surprises, places, views, landscapes, and unforgettable faces.

It is not easy to choose from the many jewels of the city but we will try to propose eight things that must be seen while visiting Cagliari.

1) Il Poetto. This magnificent beach is one of the longest and most equipped urban-marine oasis in Europe. Far away from traffic, you can enjoy long swims and sun, food, activities and sports, concerts and aperitifs extended into the night.

2) Pedestrian Area Corso Vittorio. This street reminds Barcellona, it’s located just a few minutes from the port, this evening stroll leads to Yenne square, you can enjoy a spritz and find delicious tapas, platters of treated meats and cheese, boutiques and artisans.

3) La Marina, as De Andrè would say: “full of salt, bursting with odors”, this area is perfect for visitors that wish to discover the most typical edibles. Get ready to loose your mind when you see the small caverns and cafes.

4) The Castle. It’s worth a trip that starts at the university rectorate and finishes in Piazza Palazzo, you can see the towers of San Pancrazio and of the Elefante, the Cathedral and the Prefecture. You will also find many lovely souvenirs.

5) Face to face with the town is Molo Ichnusa, base of the Luna Rossa team. You can go from Siccu to the little port, passing through Amsicora, the temple represented on the shield of the Cagliari soccer team, arriving to the magnificent views from Monte Urpinu.

6)Santa Gilla, Saline, Molentargius pond, protected oasis. Paths, hundreds of precious species, some of which risk extinction. Pink Flamingos? There are thousands of them waiting to say hello.

7) You can find designer garments, delightful clothes, shoes and accessories in the irregular squares and streets. Leading from via Rockefeller to via Dante and via Paoli, via Alghero then going up through via Manno and the shopping in Largo Carlo Felice.

8) Fun, relax, food and shopping. Also devotion and spirituality. The town offers culture and important traditions. You can visit the Sant’Efisio church, Stampace and many more nearby: San Saturnino and San Lucifero erected in the central streets Dante and Sonnino.

Don’t forget to take a moment of meditation in the chapel of Cappuccini in Viale Frà Ignazio.

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