Ottobre in Sardegna: 10 cose da fare sull’isola

October in Sardinia: 10 things to do on the island

Sardinia in October: a unique opportunity to savour the authentic soul of the island

Every moment of the year is the right one for a holiday in Sardinia, but it is in October that the island reveals its most fascinating and introspective side making it the perfect destination for an unforgettable trip.

It is difficult to remain indifferent in front of the beautiful sea of Sardinia, just as it is impossible, if you have already been on the island, to forget its scents, colours and places where you have experienced intense moments of beauty and lightheartedness, far from the chaos and the tasks of everyday life.

Sardinia is one of the most popular summer destinations, but this magnificent island has so much to offer at any time of the year, such as October, when the high temperatures and the beaches overcrowded with tourists are far away and the island shows another side of itself.

October, in fact, with its still mild temperatures, is the ideal opportunity to rediscover the authentic soul of the island. To enjoy, with all the senses, this wild and unspoiled land. The colours of autumn transform the appearance of vegetation, making it enveloping. The villages of the hinterland come to life in the traditional seasonal festivals. The beaches welcome visitors, showing their wildest and truest nature.

Sardinia is an explosive mix of art, culture, tradition, gastronomy, sport and nature suitable for every need. And, of course, to every type of traveller. That’s why you cannot miss the opportunity to organize a holiday on the island in October.

10 things to do in Sardinia in October

Let’s find out together 10 things to do in Sardinia in October.

  1. Swimming out of season in the crystal clear waters of a fabulous sea: how many times have you imagined enjoying one of the beautiful Sardinian beaches undisturbed? Don’t just dream about it, you can live it! Swimming in October is not a utopia. While the outside climate remains mild, the water temperature still retains the summer heat. So much so that taking a bath in autumn is often much more pleasant than in spring. And then, you can enjoy the priceless feeling of fully experiencing a fabulous sea and postcard beaches!
  2. Autumn in Barbagia: Autumn in Barbagia is the seasonal event par excellence. It is a food and wine, cultural and artistic journey that touches 32 municipalities in the heart of Sardinia. Once a year, the villages immersed in the Nuoro hinterland open the cortes – the courtyards of the house – to visitors. Who have the unique opportunity to experiment and taste the typical products made with ancient methods, to go hiking in nature, to listen to historical testimonies and to immerse themselves in the essence of Sardinian folklore and traditions. A meeting of art and flavours in a rich calendar of events, not to be missed.
  3. Museums and archaeological sites: October is also the ideal month to visit the Sardinian museums, a source of priceless cultural heritage. The National Archaeological Museum of Cagliari, the Antiquarium Turritano located in the archaeological area Turris Libissonis, the art galleries of Sassari and Cagliari and, again, the museums related to the great characters of national history. Above all, the Compendio Garibaldino in Caprera and the home of Grazia Deledda in Nuoro. And again, the Museum of Masks in Mamoiada, where you can admire the traditional Sardinian costumes and the Museum of Banditry in Aggius. A way to discover and better understand a piece of contemporary history. Finally, you cannot miss the nuraghi. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1997, they are scattered throughout the island. Among the most famous and unmissable Sardinian archaeological sites, there are those of the Su Nuraxi area of Barumini, the most important testimony of the Nuragic period and Nora, inserted within the Archaeological Park of Pula, the first city of the Phoenicians in Sardinia dating back to the eighth century, and the Necropolis of Montessu, which houses dozens of Domus de Janas.
  4. Food and wine tours, tastings, and festivals: Autumn is the perfect season to get to know the authenticity of Sardinian food and wine products. Tastings, festivals and grape harvests: October is a calendar full of events! Some historic wineries on the island, for example, offer thematic routes to experience the excitement of a grape harvest and to taste the renowned wines. From South to North of the island there is only the embarrassment of choice.
  5. Discover the most beautiful villages in Sardinia: in Sardinia, there are some of the most beautiful and evocative villages in Italy and October is the best time to visit them. Sustainable tourism in small towns is a growing trend and a visit to discover these magical places is a nice way to experience the benefits of slow tourism. The six villages recognized as “the most beautiful in Italy” are: Atzara, Bosa, Carloforte, Castelsardo, Posada and Sadali. Six other municipalities have also been awarded the prestigious Orange Flag of the Italian Touring Club, and are: Aggius, Galtellì, Gavoi, Laconi, Oliena and Sardara.
  6. Excursions and outdoor sports among the natural beauties: for outdoor sports enthusiasts, Sardinia in October is really the perfect destination. The colours of the wild nature and the uncontaminated landscapes give unique and unrepeatable sensations. Surfing, climbing, and cycling are just some of the activities that can be practised on the island. Hikers – more or less experienced – can take advantage of the season to devote themselves, for example, to trekking in the Gennargentu National Park, at the Gorroppu Gorge in Barbagia, one of the deepest canyons in Europe, or at Cala Goloritzè in Ogliastra. For those who love water sports, there is kayaking in the sea, but also in the river or lake, rowing, sailing and windsurfing.
  7. Relax between lakes and city parks: in recent years tourism on Sardinian lakes has been growing. Precisely because the lakes, especially in this season, allow you to experience Sardinia in a more intimate and romantic way. Do not miss the boat trip on Lake Flumendosa. In addition, for those who want to enjoy the peace and relaxation offered by the most beautiful city oases of the island, there is Cagliari’s botanical garden – less than an hour away from the Forte Village – the Terramaini parks, Monte Urpinu and Monte Claro, while inland there are the Giara di Gesturi, the Parco dei Sette Fratelli, the Nuragic Complex of Barumini and many others.
  8. Marine protected areas and pink flamingos: Sardinia is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful natural paradises in the world where animals of rare beauty live, such as pink flamingos, and there are places of incredible naturalistic value, such as marine protected areas that protect and safeguard the fauna and flora hidden under the surface of the water. October, with its milder and cooler temperatures, is the ideal month to discover these wonders of the island and take the opportunity to admire the splendour of some of the most beautiful areas of Sardinia.
  9. Trip with the Green Train: one way to discover the most mysterious and seductive side of Sardinia is a trip on board the ‘Trenino Verde’. With its network of about 600 km, it covers almost all the geographical regions of the island. If the fastest trains in the world travel at an average speed of hundreds of kilometres per hour, the Trenino Verde of Sardinia proudly travels at an average slowness of 20 km per hour. Also for this reason it is a symbol of “slow tourism” and sustainability. People of all ages will have the unique opportunity to admire the unspoiled nature of the island, enjoying every aspect of the landscape and its peculiarities.
  10. Sound Garden of Pinuccio Sciola: among the magical experiences that can be enjoyed on the island, there is the opportunity to listen to the voices and sounds of the stones in the suggestive Sound Garden of Pinuccio Sciola, an enchanted place that conquers young and old with its history and the incredible sculptures of the Sardinian artist. This splendid open-air museum is located in the village-museum of San Sperate, a few kilometres from Cagliari, and is a real timeless artistic space, where art and nature coexist.

Sport and Family Week: Forte Village is the ideal destination for family holidays

Organising holidays with children is often a difficult task. Combining so many needs seems an impossible challenge. Yet there is a solution. It is made of sports, diversified outdoor activities, wellness and gourmet restaurants capable of satisfying every palate. Taking advantage of the Sport & Family Week package of Forte Village Resort you can fully enjoy your holiday in Sardinia even in October.

In addition, by booking your stay from 21 to 28 October you can take advantage of a really advantageous rate. The package includes:

  • 10% discount on room rate;
  • Half board (breakfast and dinner);
  • Children – up to 12 years old – sharing a room with two guests who pay the full rate are free;
  • A free Sports Academy for a child;
  • Private transfer to and from Cagliari airport.

While adults can immerse themselves in the relaxing atmosphere of Forte Village, perhaps taking advantage of the benefits of Ayurvedic oil massage, the little ones will have the opportunity to have fun in the company of their peers. In Forte Village’s Sport Academy, children and teenagers can share moments of light-heartedness by practising their favourite sport. The Academies included in the Sport & Family Week package are: Tennis Academy, Padel Academy, Swimming Academy and Go-karting Academy. Those who opt for the Real Madrid Foundation Clinic, on the other hand, will be entitled to a 50% discount.

Those enrolled in these exclusive courses will be able to try their hand at their favourite sports with the champions and the indisputable masters of the sector. Your children, in short, will have the unique opportunity to play, learn and perfect their athletic gestures with the best sports professionals on the field.

For the little ones, Forte Village also offers Children’s Wonderland. An enchanted garden, a few steps from the sea, designed for the delight of all children. Nine magical miniature houses, each dedicated to a different theme, where children can develop their imagination to create different games. Learning to grow, to confront and to develop sociability.

The resort also has the right solution for parents travelling with infants. The most beautiful nursery in the world awaits you. The environment, designed for children up to 3 years, is equipped with all comforts and is 100% safe. In addition, a special space is reserved for nursing mothers.

Would you like to experience an unforgettable holiday in an authentic paradise? Discover Forte Village in Sardinia

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