The cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta in Sardinia

Site seeing: the cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta

The cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta: history of a symbolic building of Cagliari “It’s a beautiful city, sour, stony, shades of color from the rock to the African plain, the lagoons, with a visible, readable history in the stone, like the marks of time on a face...” These are the words of Carlo Levi as he describes Cagliari, named Casteddu in Sardinian, ...

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sella del diavolo sardegna

The legend behind the Sella del Diavolo

The Sella del Diavolo: a legend from Cagliari The best stories always begin with “once upon a time” and tell us about heroic gestures and ancient battles to free lands oppressed by evil, just like the splendid Golfo degli angeli, commonly known as Golfo di Cagliari. Legends are a part of Sardinia’s soul, among the naturalistic routes and archeological sites of ...

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ayurveda oil massage

Massage with Ayurvedic oils: good for mind and body

When we are feeling tired, stressed and out of energy, it helps to regenerate with an Ayurvedic oils massage. A massage with Ayurvedic oils not only helps eliminate toxins, it also helps the spirit to find a balance and rejuvenate. The style and intensity of the massage with Ayurvedic oils depends on the skill of the masseuse, the type of oil and ...

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hockey academy

Hockey in Sardinia: at Forte Village you can

Hockey Academy: from Ancient Greece to our time Children are continuously in movement, even on vacation and while parents dream of having a massage with Ayurvedic oils, immersed in the relaxing atmosphere of a Private spa, the important thing for the little ones is having fun with their friends, playing football or experimenting different sports, for example playing at the Hockey ...

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hockey academy

Hockey in Sardinia: at Forte Village you can

Playing hockey is one of the best and fun sports for those that love team games. When talking about hockey, the first thing that comes to mind is the sport on ice, famous in Northern Europe, especially in Scotland. If you think about Sardinia the main things coming to mind are sunny landscapes and wild nature, a place where the summer ...

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