Anti aging face and body treatment: benefits and properties

Anti age treatment: what is skin aging

Vacations are the perfect moment to think about our psychophysical health and maybe try the anti-aging treatment for the face and body to remove marks created by stress or aging skin. The Forte Village anti-aging facial and body wellness treatment is the solution dedicated to men and women of all ages who want to fight the signs of aging.

Among the strategies to combat skin aging, there is also non-invasive aesthetic medicine that helps the epidermis to regain brightness and harmony thanks to special techniques such as the anti-aging face and body treatment, indicated even after pregnancy to regain tone and moderate weight.

Aging of the skin is a natural phenomenon that occurs progressively and changes our physical aspect, it’s conditioned by our genes, our age and other factors which contribute to the appearance of imperfections – wrinkles or sunspots, on the skin: exposure to sun, smoke, alcohol, use of pharmaceuticals and environment in which we live.

Even our emotions leave a marks on our skin, wether lines by our eyes when we smile or along our forehead if we are unhappy, with the passing of years, our skin looses its elasticity and the marks of time remain Our skin can be maintained with preventions, but as time goes by it become thinner, less elastic and struggles to protect itself from injuries, therefore the anti age treatment is the best way to improve aging caused by all different sources.

Consequences of skin aging

Besides wrinkles, the imperfections that mark the process of skin aging are:

  • Thin and transparent skin
  • Dry and itchy skin
  • Unwanted hair
  • Loss of hair
  • Loss of adipose tissue and tone with consequent flaccid skin, especially on the neck and hands.
  • Thin and fragile nails
  • Reduction of bone and muscular tissue
  • Reduced thermoregulatory function of the skin by sweating.

Anti aging treatment: the anti-aging solution at Forte Village

Sometimes a simple beauty routine is not enough to contrast the time marks on our skin or to restore a tonic and fresh appearance redefining the silhouette. Forte Village has studied an anti-aging treatment for women and for men who wish to take care of their health and maintain a young appearance.

The treatment offered at the resort, consists of a daily immersion in a circuit of six thalassotherapy pools so to help relax the body, detox and purify the organism from toxins and stimulate the cellular change necessary to contrast the process of aging. Other treatments help the micro circulation in the legs, tone muscle and purify the skin.

Advise also for women after pregnancy, the anti-aging treatment by Forte Village is useful for:

  • Regenerating tissues
  • Prevent physical and connective disturbance
  • Prevent early aging
  • Resolve disturbances connected to menopause
  • Contrast the reduction of libido
  • Contrast mucosal dryness
  • Contrast mood swings
  • Fight insomnia
  • Cure skin illnesses

Welcome to the wonderful private tropical garden of the Aquaforte Thalasso & Spa,

Guest wanting to try the anti-aging treatments for the face and body are welcomed into the marvelous tropical garden of Acquaforte Thalasso & Spa where they can have a personalized treatment based on their desires and needs based on having a medical consultation and clinical test to understand their medical history and condition.

The packages of 4 or 7 night do not include accommodation.

The offer provides:





Specialized medical examination



Lactate test

Lower limb vascular dopler

Nutritional advice

Personalized thalassotherapy treatment

Daily exfoliant and revitalizing thalasso with magnesium salt in high density sea water

Sessions of marine mud therapy



Cycle “Le gambe nel cielo
Revitalizing in sea water with high density of salt

Thalasso massage treatment in sea water rich of sodium



Signature Anti-Age face treatments



Signature Anti-Age body treatments




Would you like to immerse yourself in the beauty of Sardinia and live an unforgettable vacation in a true paradise full for wellbeing, relaxation and flavor? Discover Forte Village Resort In Sardinia.


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