Crioterapia: che cos’è, a cosa serve e quali sono i benefici

Cryotherapy: what it is, what it is used for, and what the benefits are

Cryotherapy: what it is and what are the benefits

Cryotherapy treats blemishes and skin inflammation using the therapeutic properties of cold temperatures.

Cryotherapy, or cold therapy, uses low temperatures to relieve pain, reduce inflammation and improve general health. The principle is the same as the classic “ice pack” applied after a contusion or sprain.

Aimed at the whole body or a single specific area, cryotherapy has been shown to bring numerous benefits to the body, both at the muscular, articular, cutaneous and psychological levels.

For some time, it was used widely among professional athletes to improve physical recovery after training and post-injury. In recent years it has also become a must for celebrities as a good habit to regain and maintain optimal body shape, control weight and counteract skin ageing. 

The origins of cold therapy date back to the times of the ancient Romans. In 1978 the Japanese physician Yamaguchi realised that freezing temperatures sessions could successfully treat patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

Subsequently, cryotherapy gained the attention of sports doctors, clubs and athletes, to then become very popular for aesthetic purposes.

How does it work and what are the benefits of cryotherapy?

Applying cold temperatures to the body can occur in various ways: cooling bandages, ice baths, compresses, hyperbaric gas cryotherapy, or cryogenic chambers cooled with liquid nitrogen.

The secret of its effectiveness lies in the mechanism of action: the body undergoes a considerable temperature change in a short amount of time causing the skin receptors to send a signal to the hypothalamus which triggers a series of reactions. 

First, high vasoconstriction is activated to promote the blood flowing towards the vital organs to maintain optimal oxygen levels.

Next, the body releases adrenocorticotropic hormone (which inhibits inflammation and pain) and serotonin.

Once the treatment is concluded, peripheral vasodilation occurs with oxygen-rich blood flowing towards the extremities again, eliminating waste such as histamines and lactic acid.

The increase in the microcirculation that results from this process improves cell regeneration and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.

The benefits of cryotherapy are numerous:

  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Promotes toxins elimination;
  • Relaxes and loosens the muscles;
  • Stimulates metabolism promoting weight loss;
  • Reduces localised inflammation;
  • Improves muscle tone;
  • Reduces water retention;
  • Counteracts cellulite and skin ageing by reducing wrinkles;
  • It promotes pain release, improves migraines, and reduces depression and anxiety by triggering the release of well-being hormones such as endorphins and cytokines;
  • Reduces swelling.

Cryotherapy is increasingly chosen by VIPs for aesthetic purposes as an alternative method or in addition to traditional methods to improve body shape. The results are impressive as with just a course of ten complete treatments it is possible to appreciate significant changes in the body.

Forte Village Resort’s exclusive sea oil cryotherapy treatment

Forte Village’s Acquaforte Thalasso & Spa is the perfect place to go to eliminate the stress and fatigue accumulated in everyday life. Forte Village is an award-winning resort and an authentic temple of wellness that offers maximum comfort, relaxation and privacy, to experience a dream holiday in the South of Sardinia. A true oasis of absolute well-being immersed in a fairytale setting, a stone’s throw from the Sardinian white beaches caressed by crystalline waters.

The ideal location to have some quality “me” time and enjoy exclusive treatments including sea oil cryotherapy.

This treatment draws on the properties of sea oil, which freezes at -40 degrees, and combines the benefits of low temperature with the toning and draining properties of this magnificent natural magnesium-based liquid.

A targeted massage from an experienced therapists reactivates the microcirculation and the body regains a pleasant feeling of lightness. In addition, a remarkable anti-ageing effect can be noticed.

The Acquaforte Thalasso & Spa is at the top of the international spa offerings, it boasts an elegant and refined environment, enhanced by a lovely garden with a path consisting of six pools of virgin Sardinian seawater.

The medical team, led by Dr. Angelo Cerina, has created, after years of research, a truly effective method to tone, rejuvenate and purify the body.

Would you like to experience the benefits of Sea Oil Cryotherapy and enjoy a dream holiday in a true paradise? Book your stay at Forte Village Resort in Sardinia

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