Anti-aging, how does it work: treatment properties and secrets

Anti-aging: what is needed and what are the objectives of this new medical science

The term anti-aging refers to a type of medicine that doesn’t aim at having a longer life but having a better one.

Anti-aging is a medical science that makes use of advanced scientific technologies and new knowledge in the genetic and pharmacological field. It can improve the quality of life by discovering, preventing, treating, and slowing down the organism from aging by integrating several disciplines such as molecular biology, genetics, physiology, nutrition, biochemistry, endocrinology, psychophysiology, and motor science.

Anti-aging medicine doesn’t stand as an alternative to conventional medicine, it’s objective is not the treatment of pathology in the acute phase but the identification, through early diagnosis, of imbalances, dysfunctions, and disorders that determine the onset of all those diseases related to the advancement of age.

This type of medicine should not be confused with aesthetic medicine because the purpose of its treatments is not only to solve problems related to skin aging in a given body region but improve the health and balance of the entire body.

According to anti-aging medicine, there is no aging without degeneration and with this physio-pathological process, you can intervene so to reduce the risks related to the possible development of chronic degenerative diseases, such as tumors, diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, Alzheimer’s, and autoimmune diseases, which affect about 90% of adults.

To reduce cellular damage caused by the advancement of age and to obtain real and above all lasting results, it is necessary to have constant and continuous attention towards one’s health over time since a young age. This is explained by Filippo Ongaro, an expert in anti-aging and functional medicine, well-being, nutrition, and performance improvement. He demonstrated the importance of anti-aging medicine by using the Cartesian axes: ” If we were to represent the curve of human aging with Cartesian axes X for the number of years and Y for health,  we would have to draw a triangle with apex between 25-30 years. Anti-aging medicine can flatten that tip up to the point of depicting a rectangle, meaning we can begin to decline, from a health point of view, well beyond the threshold of 30 years old “.

Anti-aging began in America during the 2000s, it’s a medicine linked to space medicine whose main objective is the improvement of the functionality and performance of the organism through a study of the mechanisms of adaptation to a space environment.


Anti-aging: the principles of anti-aging medicine and benefits

Anti-aging medicine isn’t only about aesthetics, it includes endocrinology, nutrigenetics, genetics, food integrations, oxidative stress, and stem cells.

It’s a type of medicine to prevent the declination of the human organism and improve the quality of life by slowing down the development of biological and metabolic processes responsible for aging.

Anti-aging medicine is built on the 4Ps, which are:

  1. Prediction: genetic tests serve to know the predispositions of an individual, predict the development of pathology, and intervene in cell regeneration mechanisms.
  2. Prevention: anticipating the development of a disease and improving psychophysical well-being.
  3. Personalize: have a personalized therapeutic approach and develop an anti-aging strategy tailored to the individual.
  4. Participation: at the core of the personalization process is the relationship between doctor and patient.

Although impossible to stop the physiological process of aging, you can slow it down by adopting some life habits which are at the basis of anti-aging treatments:

  • healthy and balanced diet
  • nutritional supplement with nutraceuticals and phytotherapy
  • regular and constant physical activity
  • limit stress and learn how to manage it by practicing meditation, Hatha yoga, Vinyasa yoga, or Ashtanga yoga
  • activate cell renewal with treatments such as cryotherapy, peeling, microdermabrasion, aesthetic oxygen therapy, weight loss, and thalassotherapy, useful to improve health and appearance of body and skin
  • adequately protect the skin using age-appropriate cosmetic products

Here are the benefits of anti-aging medicine:

  • strengthens the immune system
  • prevents skin aging and reduces wrinkles
  • prevents cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases
  • improves skin tone
  • reduces fat mass and increases lean mass
  • increases energy, physical endurance, libido, memory, and concentration
  • improves stress control, sleep quality, mood, and sex life.

Do you want to discover the benefits of anti-aging treatments and have a dreamlike holiday in paradise? Discover Forte Village Resort in Sardinia.

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