Earlymoon, Minimoon, Babymoon, Familymoon o Buddymoon: a ogni coppia il suo viaggio di nozze

Earlymoon, Minimoon, Babymoon, Familymoon or Buddymoon: the right honeymoon for every couple

Not all honeymoons are the same: here are five different types of honeymoon to enjoy with your partner

Extending the magic of your wedding day is now possible choosing the type of honeymoon that best suits you and your partner, whether it’s only a few days stay, a family trip or an adventure to enjoy in the company of friends.

The honeymoon is a special moment for newlyweds: the perfect opportunity to celebrate love, to connect deeply and experience quality time together, starting a life of sharing in a romantic and evocative place where the worries of everyday life stay distant as a memory and where it is possible to prolong for a while the magical atmosphere of the wedding day, finally enjoying a period of well-deserved tranquility after all the preparations.

At the same time, each couple is unique and have their own expectations and wishes regarding this special unforgettable trip. This is why, over the last few years, the world of honeymoons has been enriched with fascinating variations suited to the most varied needs.

Thus here emerge some of the most popular trends to enjoy the days following (or even preceding) your wedding day in an alternative yet romantic way, each with peculiar characteristics that reflect the different expectations and needs of modern married couples. These types of honeymoon are called Earlymoon, Minimoon, Babymoon, Familymoon and Buddymoon, and they are respectively: a holiday usually lasting a few days before the wedding; a short-term honeymoon; a trip dedicated to couples waiting for the first child to born; an option for newlyweds who already have children; and a trip for those who want to involve their closest friends, too.

Here is for you a short guide to explore the different types of honeymoon and all the exciting possibilities that each of them can offer to make the best time of your life even better.

Earlymoon, Minimoon, Babymoon, Familymoon or Buddymoon?

If just until a few years ago the honeymoon was considered a romantic getaway to exotic and idyllic destinations, today the expectations and needs of modern couples have led to a lot of new types of honeymoon, considered by many to be even unconventional, yet amazingly valid, romantic and unforgettable exactly for this reason. Regardless of the kind of trip chosen, indeed a wedding holiday remains a moment of joy and celebration that marks the beginning of a shared journey full of love, adventures and mutual hopes for the future.

Among the brand new types of honeymoon we can therefore find the Earlymoon, a romantic getaway in advance still waiting for the wedding; the Minimoon, a real miniature adventure; the Babymoon, celebrating the expecting of the first child of the couple; the Familymoon, a kind of honeymoon which also involves children in a special family trip; and the Buddymoon, a nice opportunity for the couple to celebrate their love bond with their closest friends.

Earlymoon, anticipating your life trip

As the name suggests, the Earlymoon is simply an early honeymoon, an opportunity for couples to escape the chaos of wedding preparations and find a moment of intimacy and deep connection for themselves before that important day. A unique occasion to recharge both emotional and mental batteries, ponder on what’s about to happen and get into the right spirit to experience the wedding day in presence and awareness, celebrating the bond of love between the two partners in a relaxing and romantic environment and share dreams, expectations, plans and even fears for the future.

It is no coincidence that more and more couples decide to opt for this unconventional, yet certainly fascinating and meaningful type of honeymoon, or rather a pre-wedding trip. Furthermore, leaving for an Earlymoon doesn’t ever prevent the possibility of arranging a more conventional honeymoon in the weeks or months following the actual wedding day.

The destinations for an Earlymoon are endless: you can choose a relaxing destination such as a mountain spa or a luxurious resort by some beautiful crystal clear sea, a long weekend in a dynamic European city, or maybe even an adventurous trip like a safari in Africa. The most important thing is just choosing together a place that reflects the tastes and needs of the couple, setting your mind free and preparing to fully enjoy the great event approaching.

Minimoon, a miniature honeymoon

As easily understandable, the Minimoon is a shorter version of the traditional honeymoon, a short trip usually lasting just a weekend ora few days, but still full of magic and romance.

This particular type of honeymoon is great for couples who, for work, financial or personal reasons, cannot afford a long and expensive honeymoon right after the wedding, but still want to experience the unique opportunity to explore, discover and celebrate the beginning of a new amazing shared life without having to wait too long.

The ideal destinations for this miniature honeymoon are usually nearby and accessible cities, even better if they are warm or bathed by the sea, such as Lisbon, Malaga, Nice, Cagliari and Barcelona, but also historic villages and mountain resorts, where to spend a few days of pure relaxation and romance enriching your stay with a romantic gourmet dinner or an exclusive aperitif at sunset, as food is always an important element in a trip!

Babymoon, the last couple trip (as a two-persons family)

Although not necessarily related to weddings, the popularity of Babymoon, which is a sort of honeymoon that young couples undertake right before the birth of their first child, grows significantly thanks also to the wide visibility that this type of trip has today on social media.

As a matter of fact, there is certainly no shortage of reasons to take a last holiday for two before the new arrival: this is the time to find a few moments of calm and relaxation before life changes radically (and sleepless nights will be a rule), to think of the final preparations to be achieved before the family expands, to dedicate that very important quality time to the couple without the interference and stress of the outside world.

There are endless perfect destinations for an unforgettable Babymoon too, although in this case it is very important to keep in mind the needs of the future mother, choosing a place that feels comfortable and safe, equipped with medical facilities and with a mild climate, especially if the pregnancy is at an advanced stage (overly exotic or adventurous destinations should generally be avoided for this reason).

Familymoon, adventure with family

Although the term Familymoon may sound new to many, this is a type of honeymoon that has always been very popular. In fact, this journey not only includes the newlyweds, but also their children, representing an excellent opportunity to strengthen family bonds, play, learn and grow together, create memories and celebrate both the marriage and the family resulting from it; this feels even more important and magic if one of the two newlyweds already have children resulting from previous relationships or marriages.

At the same time, organizing a holiday including adventurous trips, excursions, but also fun, games and leisure, gives children the opportunity to feel an integral part of the new family dynamics, contributing to cohesion and mutual understanding.

The ideal destinations for a Familymoon are places that bring together people of different ages, needs and interests, such as dream cruises or magical resorts located near places of naturalistic, historical and cultural interest, even better if they offer entertainment services designed for children such as mini clubs, theater shows, or concerts to enjoy in company.

Buddymoon, a great party with the best friends

Transforming the tradition honeymoon into an exciting group trip: this is the essence of the Buddymoon, a celebration of love in all its forms, embracing the love that binds the couple but also the love and affection of friendship, which allows the newlyweds to share one of the most magical times of their life wth those who have always supported and accompanied them during the stages of their romantic journey.

Choosing to organize a Buddymoon thus means embracing the joy of sharing, turning the honeymoon of two into a collective celebration for many, therefore prolonging the atmosphere of conviviality of the wedding. At the same time, from a mere financial point of view a shared trip allows to lower the costs of transport and accommodation, even if this is generally not the primary motivation for those who decide to opt for this solution.

Although apparently a group trip with friends may seem like the most distant thing from the classic idea of a honeymoon, if you consider it as an intimate moment entirely dedicated to the newlyweds, a Buddymoon does not necessarily exclude that the couple can still take some time for themselves, maybe with a romantic dinner, setting a few boundaries to their privacy. An excellent option in this case are the resorts that offer private villas or homes allowing both the couple and their friends to stay together, enjoying the exclusive and comfortable environment with common areas for fun and recreation, but at the same time guaranteeing spaces to enjoy some proper privacy and intimacy.

Ultimately, every couple is unique, and it is therefore key to consider the interests of the newlyweds, their budget and their personal preferences before deciding which type of honeymoon to arrange. The choice of the destination is essential too, of course, a decision which will then influence the vibes and the features of the holiday.

A perfect solution which is suitable for different types of honeymoon is the Forte Village Resort, a five-star tourist facility housed in the municipality of Santa Margherita di Pula, less than thirty minutes by car from Cagliari, the capital of Sardinia, a place that combines fun, well-being and relaxation to offer guests an exclusive and simply memorable experience.

Forte Village Resort, the best destination for a dream honeymoon

Immersed in the lush nature of South Sardinia, right next to some of the most beautiful beaches on the island, Forte Village Resort is the best destination for a dream honeymoon truly suitable for all couples and their needs. Whether it’s a classic honeymoon, a romantic weekend waiting for the wedding day, a stay of a few days, or a holiday with family or friends, this exclusive resort gives all the comforts to guarantee newlyweds a wonderful stay.

The resort provides a wide choice of gourmet and starred restaurants, including Giuseppe Molaro‘s BelvedereMassimiliano Mascia‘s Terrazza San Domenico and the Beachcomber of the three-starred chef Heinz Beck, where to enjoy an intimate and passionate dinner; a complete series of renowned sports academies dedicated to both adults and children, enabling couples (even their children, if they have) to try new and fun activities or perfect their sporting skills; and last but not least, relaxing and regenerating treatments to enjoy by the prestigious Acquaforte & Thalasso Spa, a real oasis of peace and well-being.

At the same time, thanks to its extremely suggestive settings, Forte Village is also the ideal place for a marriage proposal, and of course where to organize a dream wedding on the beach too, followed by a honeymoon in one of the magnificent sea-view suites, a choice that allows to prolong and amplify the magic of your wedding for more and more days. Furthermore, here couples also have the opportunity to make use of the precious advice of the best wedding planners, who will help them shape the perfect wedding day according to their dreams and preferences and take care of the whole organization, like the catering and the preparation of the location, including the choice of floral decorations, wedding favors and especially wedding rings, with the possibility of opting for the amazing and delicate Sardinian jewelry, a beautiful wish for loyalty and eternal love.

Are you dreaming of an unforgettable honeymoon in a fairytale location? Discover the Forte Village Resort in Sardinia

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