heinz beck cibo e salute

Heinz Beck: the union of food and health

Food and health: the cuisine of Heinz Beck at Forte Village

Bodily health is among the objectives of any vacation, along with thalassotherapy and special treatments or massages with Ayurvedic oils, you should not miss the healthy delicious dishes by Heinz Beck who’s focus is on the combination of food and health for the guests at Forte Village.

If you ask Heinz Beck, driving spirit at La Pergola di Roma restaurant, what cooking is about, you will discover his gastronomical philosophy is based on food and health.

This chef, who holds three Michelin stars, is among the Celebrity chefs at Forte Village where he has opened his twelfth restaurant. His dishes have a unique style which is the result of research which puts the wellness of the individual at the center using first-class ingredients to balance the correct calorific value with the nutrition of the organism. Of course there is no ignoring the importance of flavor as his creations are extremely delicious and creative.

Beck’s recipes are harmonious and light, a gourmet cuisine experience valuing authentic Mediterranean Italian traditions that will conquer your heart.

There are no leftovers with the dishes of Heinz Beck, food and health coexist on the same plate creating a culinary experience that will not disappoint even the most discerning clients.

Food and health: the recipe created by Heinz Beck for Forte Village

Forte Village is home to many top chefs of national and international cuisine, of course among them there is Heinz Beck who defines the balance between food and individual health.

“I have attentively observed the effects of food on the body for years, for this reason, I decided to focus my cuisine on the perfect balance between food and health in order to offer my clients a taste of the Mediterranean without sacrificing flavor” says Heinz Beck while explaining his idea of healthy, fresh and light cooking. First quality fresh ingredients are most important for the creative recipes that show off the qualities of each element because the chef refuses any recipe manipulation that will spoil the end result.

The consistencies, flavors, colors and aromas of his recipes are perfectly balanced. His dishes are not only attentive to food and health, he is also well appreciated on the world stage for his refined presentation and compositions.

For the guest at Forte Village, Heinz Beck has a recipe ready to conquer all because of the winning combination between food and health: spaghetti pasta in tomato water with Sea Truffles.


Spaghetti pasta with tomato water and Sea Truffles


To prepare the tomato water, mash the tomatoes and position on a culinary canvas over a bowl that collects the water. For the parsley sauce, open the Venus shells and place in a pan with white wine, the herbs and vegetables for about three minutes. Lightly boil the parsley and basil in water for 4 minutes then immediately chill the leaves with cold water and ice. Mash the potato with 50 ml of water form the Venus verrucosa’s and a drop of extra virgin olive oil. For the garlic oil, put the oil and pieces of garlic in air compressed bag and steam-cook in the oven at 63°C for 20 minutes. Finally, cook the spaghetti in abundant salted water for 5 minutes, drain the pasta and put it in to the boiling tomato water. At the end, if necessary, add some of the pasta’s water to finish the cooking. Add 2 tablespoons of garlic oil and the shelled Venus verrucosas.

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 2 kg cherry tomatoes
  • Parsley sauce
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 1 bunch of basil
  • 1 branch of time
  • 1 carrot, 1 piece of celery
  • 1 potato, small, boiled
  • 600 gr Venus Verrucosa
  • 6 pieces of garlic
  • 150 ml white wine
  • 250 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 240 gr spaghetti pasta
  • Chervil

Do you want to have an unforgettable vacation full of relaxation and flavor? Discover Forte Village Resort in Sardinia.


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