Gourmet cuisine: what is it and where to learn it

Gourmet cuisine: how to recognize it and what is the Gourmet Cuisine Academy

Learning about a territory includes discovering the unspoilt nature and the characteristic traditions including food which tell us about the history of the locations we choose for our vacations. The perfect solution for culinary art lovers is the experience which unites relaxation with gourmet cuisine, just like at Forte Village Resort in Sardinia which can transform a holiday into a delicious discovery of Mediterranean traditions and the latest food trends at the Gourmet Cooking academy.

If you wonder what we mean when talking about gourmet cuisine, go back to 19th century in France, the concept of gourmet is associated to the culinary art of Monsieur Grimod de la Reynière and his research Almanach des Gourmands, written in Paris between 1803 and 1812, considered the first gastronomical guide in history and the starting point of gastronomical journalisms.

Monsieur Grimod does not connect the concept of gourmet cuisine only to his research on food, he meticulously describes the shops and restaurants he visited creating a list of the best commercial venues in Paris including prices and the quality of service in order to analyze every single aspect relative to gastronomy.

The French term gourmet can be interpreted in many ways including to indicate the quality of ingredients, the presentation of a dish and good drinks as judge by connoisseurs of refined and fine cuisine or experts of national and international cuisine like chef Enrico Cerea, Vivek Singh or Massimiliano Mascia. From the fine cuisine of Monsier Grimod in Paris, we can go to the United States of America in 1980, where the word gourmet was used to indicate a true alimentary movement famous in the American middle-upper class which strongly opposed to fast food in the years 2000 to defend the necessity of uniting flavor and health in alimentation.

Gourmet cuisine is a combination of flavors, fragrances and colors, not be confused with innovative cuisine because it has the objective of distinguishing gastronomical excellence from the mass, meanwhile the latter is a combination of research and experimentation.

Mediterranean cuisine is the perfect example of gourmet cuisine because of the genuine and delicious recipes capable of satisfying even the most demanding diners. Those curious to know more about the secrets of great chefs can participate at the Gourmet Cooking Academy at Forte Village in Sardinia, where a vacation becomes the perfect occasion to test ones culinary capacities and wear an apron at a top cooking school.

gourmet cuisine, what does it means?

Gourmet Cuisine: the Gourmet Cooking Academy at Forte Village Resort

Cooking well is the first step for understanding the importance of a healthy and balanced diet, the knowledge of ingredients is fundamental for stimulating the imagination, always prepare different recipes and find a balance between seduction and fun in the kitchen.

What better moment to do a cooking course than when on holidays and learn all the secrets of gourmet cuisine with great chefs?

The Gourmet Cooking Academy at Forte Village Resort is the cooking school where guests at the resort can learn the basics of traditional Italian and international cuisine, cultivate their talent and create an entire menù or choose to follow just a lesson with one specific theme. The Forte Gourmet kitchen hosts the lessons of the Cooking Academy, where each participant will have a personal work station and a kit with recipes and apron.

The many consistencies of tomatoes sauce, the typical fregola with clams and fish roe, Mediterranean fish, the preparation of sushi, making home made bread and shortbread biscuits, muffins and cupcakes, are just a few examples of what will be offered at the cooking course throughout the week which is designed with appetizers, main dishes and deserts to form a complete menu.

Are you dreaming of a vacation that unites flavor with relax? Discover the Gourmet Cooking Academy at Forte Village in Sardinia and book your accommodation. 


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