Michelin starred restaurants at forte village

Michelin starred restaurants: the best of national and international cuisine

Famous Chefs and Michelin starred restaurants are a must for all great food lovers on vacation.

The crystalline seawater, the white sand beaches, and uncontaminated nature, what would it all be without Michelin starred restaurants for you to try gourmet delicacies and authentic local dishes?

Food is one of the great pleasures in life which nobody would ever want to give up, especially when on vacation.

Having the possibility of tasting a good dish, prepared with genuine ingredients, cooked the right way and artistically presented is a joy to savour on holiday. If you are searching for something new and original, you will find it among the cuisine of Michelin starred chefs.

Why do we desire the quality of Michelin starred restaurants?

We often make the mistake of thinking that a dish is well made when it’s simply good. In reality, the taste is just one of the factors taken into consideration when we are presented with a dish.

What makes a dish a masterpiece worthy of a Michelin starred restaurant isn’t only the correct balance of the flavors with which it’s prepared, it also depends on appealing to other senses, such as smell and sight, which contribute in making it more or less desirable. This is why when we are presented with a dish prepared by a famous chef like Carlo Cracco, Gordon Ramsay or Rocco Iannone, we are intoxicated by the wonder of it before we even taste it.

Michelin starred restaurants and chefs give lovers of good food, passionates of art and those who are curious to discover new emotions, the opportunity to have a unique and unrepeatable culinary experience which goes far beyond the simple pleasure of eating.

The Michelin starred restaurants at Forte Village

Like every respectable terrestrial paradise, Forte Village could not resist hosting Michelin starred chefs who are inspired to bring innovative and experimental dishes to the tables of their guests, exceptional flavors to satisfy the most demanding clients.

san domenico restaurant forte village

The restaurant Terazza San Domenico, run by Michelin starred chef Massimiliano Mascia, delights his clients from all over the world with dishes inspired by the Romagna region, just like the famous “uovo in raviolo with sweet Parmesan, Malga butter and truffle”.

Enjoy a dinner overlooking the sea at night at one of the beachfront restaurants such as Le Dune or the restaurant run by Michelin starred chef Heinz Beck. Or perhaps you would prefer the authentic hells Kitchen restaurant or the delicious modern Indian cuisine of the Cinnamon Club by Vivek Singh.

Of course, the Forte Village Resort could not lack the richest, most creative, ancient and healthy gastronomical traditions of all: the Italian cuisine, prepared by Michelin starred chef Rocco Iannone.

It’s is not by chance that Mediterranean cuisine is considered a humanitarian world heritage. Three of our Michelin starred chefs are dedicated just to Italian cuisine, the Terazza Belvedere with chef Antonello Arrus, the restaurant in the garden where Chef Efisio Mocci provides an exquisite buffet, freshly prepared every evening, and the informal restaurant Le Dune, run by chef Andrea Babbeo who provides a delicious variety of fresh fish dishes.

To try all the delicacies of this fabulous location, come and enjoy a vacation at Forte Village Resort in Sardinia.


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