Beauty routine viso: 10 consigli per una pelle sana e luminosa

Facial beauty routine: 10 tips to have healthy and luminous skin

The Decalogue to maintain your skin bright and healthy

To preserve the health and beauty of your skin, all you need are simple but effective rituals.

Having healthy and luminous skin is a matter of genetics, of course, but there’s a lot that can be done to help nature: daily care and following simple but effective advice can make the difference and give, at all ages, a young and well-groomed appearance.

Let’s see immediately the decalogue of the perfect facial beauty routine to put into practice taking into account that luminous and healthy skin implies three key steps:

  • Cleaning, i.e. cleansing the skin to rid it of impurities, smog particles, make-up residues and dirt;
  • Hydration, to provide it with all the elements it needs to perform its barrier function and to rebalance it;
  • Sunscreen to counteract the harmful effects of UV rays.

10 Rules for a luminous skin

Here are ten beauty tips to have fresh, bright and balanced skin:

  1. Cleansing your face gently morning and evening without using aggressive detergents that can alter the physiological balance of the skin. It is important to choose the right products, but well formulated for an effective beauty routine;
  2. Choose natural and soft fibres such as linen, cotton, and wool avoiding synthetic fibres and rough fabrics, especially for garments that sit directly on your skin;
  3. Apply, every day, a moisturising, emollient and illuminating cream. A precious ally is virgin coconut oil which boasts rejuvenating capabilities, like healing and repairing the skin leaving it radiant.  Its antioxidant properties counteract free radicals and give the skin a uniform tone;
  4. <Exfoliate: apply exfoliant on damp skin after cleansing or instead of your normal cleanser. Twice a week if it is mechanical exfoliants such as scrubs or once a week (or every two weeks) in case of chemical exfoliants;
  5. Purify your body. The beauty and health of the skin begins with taking care of your body from within. A healthy and balanced diet is the starting point for a healthy complexion. Plenty of fruit and vegetables, extra virgin olive oil, water, herbal teas, unsweetened fruit juices, limiting salty snacks, coffee and alcohol. In addition, drinking warm water with lemon every morning helps eliminate toxins;
  6. Goodbye to smoking: smoking is one of the biggest enemies of the skin because it causes premature ageing and preventing it from oxygenating properly;
  7. Keeping the microcirculatory system healthy: did you know that the skin is nourished from the inside thanks to the microcirculatory system? To ensure that blood circulation always works properly, dedicate yourself to physical activity as much as possible and forget about sedentary lifestyles;
  8. The importance of adequate sleep: often you do not notice, but a restful and quality sleep is the basis for physical (and mental) well-being. The skin also benefits from this because, when you sleep, the body begins the fundamental process of repair and healing;
  9. Fill up on vitamins B and D: vitamin B slows down the signs of ageing, decreases irritation and redness and increases blood flow to the cells; vitamin D prevents the skin from appearing yellowish and poorly treatable with makeup;
  10. Smiling as much as possible: relaxing the face and smiling is a panacea for the skin of the face as it releases endorphins and relaxes facial muscles.

Taking care of yourself at Forte Village, a temple of wellness

Forte Village, the award-winning resort where you can enjoy a dream holiday in the enchanting scenery of Southern Sardinia in the name of maximum comfort, relaxation and privacy, is an authentic temple of wellness. An oasis of well-being where guests can finally disconnect from their hectic everyday life and take care of their physical and mental health.

It boasts the Acquaforte Thalasso & Spa, excellence in the panorama of spas at the international level, which offers, in a refined and elegant environment surrounded by a beautiful tropical garden, a series of treatments with proven effectiveness to tone, rejuvenate and purify the body. This includes biolifting that prevents and fights the signs of ageing and gives the face and neck a more toned, luminous and smooth appearance.

In particular, Dr Joanna Hakimova (Doctor of Biology, PhD in Human Physiology, researcher at the Moscow Academy of Sciences, specialist in bioaesthetics and natural cures) offers exclusive treatments such as the Manual SMAS Lifting, designed together with Dr Silvia Russo, which allows to revitalise the weakened structures of the musculo-aponeurotic system of the face, neck and scalp helping to reposition the muscular structure of the face and to restore its physiological harmony. The Self Lifting Lesson, is a personalised training with the drafting of an individual anti-ageing program for facial care, taking into account age, skin type, genetic predisposition to ageing and the presence of specific skin problems.

But that’s not all: the resort offers its guests the splendid Ayurvedic Park for massages, yoga and pilates sessions, private SPA, a program to strengthen the immune system, the collaboration of a team of nutritionists and naturopaths to develop the best diet for each guest, the Performance Centre powered by Acquaforte,  fitness centre of excellence, and the Forte Lab, a state-of-the-art diagnostic centre, essential to monitor the health of guests.

Would you like to experience the benefits of biolifting and treat yourself to a fabulous holiday in an authentic paradise? Book your stay at Forte Village Resort in Sardinia

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