Mud therapy: the benefits to the body

Mud therapy: the benefits to the body

Mud therapy: an aesthetic and healing treatment

Mud therapy is an effective practice in eliminating excess fluid and restoring tone and elasticity to the skin.

Legs, hips and abdomen are areas of our body where excess fluids can accumulate. One of the most useful therapies to eliminate them is mud therapy. This is an aesthetic and healing treatment based on mud, a compound consisting of a solid and a liquid element (mineral or thermal water).

The solid part has an inorganic base (usually clay) and an organic component that includes microflora (i.e., bacteria, algae, protozoa, and others), microfauna, humus, humo-mineral compounds, and various plant compounds. These compounds derive from the “maturation” of the mud itself. The liquid part contains the water from the raw mud and the mineral water for the “maturation”(which is essential for its use).

Basically, the raw mud from the spring is macerated for a long time in the mineral water. In this way, the clay grains are transformed and acquire the chemical and chemical-physical properties of water. In addition to the mineralization of the mud, mineral waters make an important contribution to the supply of microorganisms and algae.

How does mud therapy work?

Mud therapy consists of four main steps:

  1. application of mud directly to the skin, at a temperature between 37°C and 38°C, for about 15 to 30 minutes;
  2. thermal bath, immediately after taking a hot shower. The bath should be at a temperature of 37–38 °C and should last about 10 minutes;
  3. sweating reaction;
  4. invigorating massage.

Only such a treatment takes advantage of all the properties of the mud. Some of the main ones are: heat capacity (i.e., accumulation or dissipation of heat once in contact with the skin), and plasticity (the mud’s malleability and consequent ability to adhere to the body).

Who is mud therapy suitable for? Anyone suffering from joint disease (such as osteoarthritis), rheumatism, gout, or orthopedic problems (dislocations, sprains, or strains) should try this therapy. In addition, those who wish to eliminate cellulite, or blemishes and skin problems may also find it valuable.

Although not a medical therapy, mud wraps are not for everyone. In cases of acute arthropathy, pregnancy, epilepsy, bleeding ulcers, circulatory problems, and severe heart disease, it is best to avoid them.

The benefits of mud therapy

Mud therapy has a detoxifying and remineralizing function for the body and an anti-inflammatory function on bones, joints, and cartilage. For this reason, it is particularly useful in the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis and arthrosis. It is also particularly effective in chronic inflammation of the musculoskeletal system: joint arthrosis, tendinitis, muscle pain and inflammation.

However, the most common mud baths are those for skin problems (dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis) and anti-cellulite mud. These contain seaweed from the seabed, treated in a way that maintains important characteristics, such as the presence of mineral salts that increase ion-osmotic exchanges and activate fat cell metabolism. Mud treatments reactivate circulation and microcirculation and are therefore considered valuable allies in the fight against water retention and varicose veins.

The draining, analgesic and stimulating action on metabolic processes and resistance to external agents makes mud therapy a perfect solution for cleansing and detoxifying the skin. In fact, the mud absorbs toxins and waste, restoring smooth, soft and purified skin.

Forte Village sea mud treatment with sea oil: a pampering for the body

Clay marine mud with sea oil is the secret of mud therapy at Aquaforte Thalasso & Spa at Forte Village, the award-winning resort surrounded by the beautiful Sardinian sea. It is a real temple of wellness, where you can rid your body and mind of all fatigue and regain harmony and serenity.

Applied to the entire body or specific areas, marine mud complements the benefits of thalassotherapy thanks to the wealth of mineral salts and trace elements enhanced by Mediterranean waters. It has an invigorating, strongly anti-inflammatory and therapeutic action on skin and osteo-muscular system disorders. In addition, thanks to its draining and detoxifying action, mud therapy also has an aesthetic effect, promoting the elimination of skin impurities and blemishes.

Would you like to discover the benefits of mud therapy and experience a dream vacation in a true paradise? Book a stay at Forte Village Resort in Sardinia.

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