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Sardinian sea: 10 reasons making it the most beautiful in Europe

Sardinian sea: what are the secrets to its beauty

Considered one of the most beautiful seas in the world and the ideal destination for vacations, the Sardinian sea is not in any way inferior to other famous tropical paradises.

Many future spouses or recently married couples are conquered by the crystalline water of the Sardinian sea and choose it as the destination for their honeymoon or as the location for an unforgettable wedding on the beach.

Jumping in to the Sardinian sea is like jumping into a painting, a rich color palette shading from the cobalt blue of the horizon, where the sky and the sea embrace each other, to the many tones of light blue and emerald green right up to the shore where the water becomes completely transparent and leaves space for the soft sand beaches with touches of rose pink.

Small hidden bays and strong cliffs protect the seabeds so full of life, a delicate marine ecosystem made up of flora and fauna representing an important Mediterranean natural heritage. The Sardinia Sea is always surrounded by wild landscapes ruled by colors and unmistakable fragrances of wild Mediterranean flora.

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Sardinian Sea: what secrets does it hold and what are the 10 reasons that make it the most beautiful in Europe

Sardinian sea: the ten reasons explaining why it’s the most beautiful in Europe

Going on vacation in Sardinia means having a dreamlike vacation in a wonderful location, surrounded by extraordinary landscapes and sea, the local traditions and excellent food on an island full of history and legends.

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There are ten reasons that classify the Sardinian sea as one of the clearest and most beautiful in Europe.

1) Transparency: the sea of Sardinia is a mirror reflecting the sky, the water is so transparent you can observe the marvelous marine flora and fauna. It is not by chance the island has inspired many artists from all over the world, as was Lawrence, writer, who dedicated these words to Sardinia: “This land does not look like any other place”.

2) the sand: the Sardinian sea is not in any way inferior to tropical paradises, also the beaches have nothing to fear by comparison, there are long soft white sand beaches with shades of rose pink and gold revealed by the sunshine, just like the Spiaggia Rosa on the Budelli island.

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3) Protected marine areas: the marvelous waters surrounding this gem of the Mediterranean holds many treasures known as protected marine areas. The protected natural marine areas are delimited parts of the sea which host species at risk of extinction, rare beautiful animals like pink flamingos and a rich marine ecosystem.

4) A work of art: the ripples on the water resemble the creases of a precious fabric, the shades of blue and green make the Sardinian sea resemble a valuable painting created by the talented hand of Mother Nature.

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5) Differences and similarities : the clear water embraces the soft white sand beaches all along the Sardinia coast. In the north, the island’s clear blue water contrasts with the golden sand, the rocky landscapes and Mediterranean vegetation, in the South the coast is uneven and the water is like a crystal clear, this section of coast is nicknamed the “Caribbean of Sardinia”, it’s also home to the marvelous pink flamingos.

6) seabeds: the incredible seabeds in Sardinia are without comparison for under water sport lovers, diving into these waters you will discover the suggestive world of marine flora and fauna which reflects the biodiversity of the island.

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7) Windsurf: Sardinia is the ideal destination for windsurfers, gliding over the crystalline waters to find the perfect wind the between Scirocco and the Mistral.

8) Fauna: the Sardinia sea is home to many protected animal species at risk of extinction, for example Loggerhead turtles, Risso’s dolphins, common dolphins, the striped dolphins, fin whales, blubber whales, dogfish and blue sharks.

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9) Posidonia oceanica: a characteristic plant of the Sardinia sea, belonging to the Posidoniacee family, it contributes in maintaining the water clean and clear. The posidonia oceanica creates great underwater meadows of ecological importance, making it a key element in the delicate marine ecosystem of the island.

10) Red coral: red coral is a secret treasure of the Sardinian sea, it colors the seabeds and is considered one of the most valuable in the Mediterranean. The damage created by uncontrolled fishing has put the delicate ecosystem at risk over the years, today there are strict rules to protect these areas, especially in Alghero which has been nicknamed the Coral Riviera.

Would you like to be immersed in the beauty of the Sardinia sea and have an unforgettable vacation in a true paradise? Discover Forte Village Resort in Sardinia.

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