Discover the Forte Village
Forte Village Lifestyle
What is biodiversity? Biological diversity, or biodiversity, is the result of about 4 billion years of evolution. Furthermore, it is the cornerstone of sustainable development. The 1987 Brundtland report described it as the process that meet the "needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their owns". It "implies a progressive transformation of economy and society". The term ...
Read MoreWhen was boxing created? Boxing is one of the oldest combat sports. In Italy we call it pugilato, from the Latin pugilatus and pugil, which refers to the athlete who fights with the pugnus, the fist. But we also call it with the French term boxe. Thanks to the Sumerian, Assyrian-Babylonian and Hittite bas-reliefs found by archaeologists during excavations in the Middle ...
Read MoreMamoiada, an historical and cultural territory in the heart of Barbagia Mamoiada is the land of the Mamuthones. It is a charming village, part of the 9th Nuorese mountain community. It is about 15 km from Nuoro, at 644 meters above sea level, in the innermost part of the Barbagia di Ollolai. This is a historical region of central Sardinia, on the ...
Read MoreWhat is environmental sustainability? Taking care of the environment is not a prerogative of states or governments, but a set of daily practices that each of us can adopt to build a sustainable lifestyle. It doesn't take much to make a difference and reduce our ecological footprint. Environmental sustainability means the ability to protect the ecosystem and preserve the Earth’s resources through ...
Read MoreChristmas in Sardinia: the origins of a celebration loved by adults and children Christmas in Sardinia is a family celebration. It is rich in warmth, suggestions and ancient traditions, handed down throughout the generations. In Italian, Christmas is Natale. The word comes from the Latin ‘Natāle’, ellipses of ‘Diem natālem Christi’, the day of Christ's birth. Furthermore, Natāle comes from ‘natālis’, which ...
Read MoreHotel Il Castello: an exclusive location for an unforgettable holiday The Forte Village is in one of the most picturesque corners of the southern Sardinian coast and surrounded by 50 hectares of beautiful gardens, boasts a unique offer throughout the Mediterranean and has different accommodation solutions designed to make a holiday in Sardinia truly unforgettable. The elegant hotels of Forte Village offer ...
Read MoreYumeiho Therapy: the Japanese discipline for postural correction Located in one of the most beautiful areas of the southern coast of the island and surrounded by the beautiful Sardinia Sea, Forte Village Resort is the ideal destination for a wellness holiday thanks to the exclusive beauty and medical treatment protocols, including Yumeiho Therapy, the therapeutic method to regenerate body and spirit. Yumeiho ...
Read MoreThe benefits of proper posture: advice to avoid back pain Correct posture and well-being: what are the consequences of postural errors? Sedentary lifestyles and physical inactivity are health risk factors and promote the onset of diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system, including back pain, reduced mobility of the joints, the tension in the neck and shoulder muscles, which often result from incorrect postural ...
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