Yumeiho Therapy: the method that restores a natural physical balance

Yumeiho Therapy: the Japanese discipline for postural correction

Located in one of the most beautiful areas of the southern coast of the island and surrounded by the beautiful Sardinia Sea, Forte Village Resort is the ideal destination for a wellness holiday thanks to the exclusive beauty and medical treatment protocols, including Yumeiho Therapy, the therapeutic method to regenerate body and spirit.

Yumeiho therapy was invented in 1975 in Japan by the researchers of the master Saionji Masayuki in the field of rehabilitation, psychophysical balance and anatomical harmonization. It has about a hundred manipulations including biodynamic methods of correction of the musculoskeletal system and acupressure, performed on the entire body.

The Yumeiho method, also known as “coxal correction method, massage and acupressure” or “special oriental Saionji massage”, acts on specific points, manages to restore the natural balance and ensures a good state of health of the body.

At the basis of the therapy is the belief that the pelvis is the centre of the skeleton, meaning that any asymmetry concerning the original position can become the cause of many diseases of the musculoskeletal apparatus. The goal of Yumeiho therapy is therefore to correct the pelvis since the pelvic asymmetry changes the position of the centre of gravity of the body, causing the malfunction of the spine, joints and muscles.

Although Yumeiho is a method designed to be applied in a preventive way, it is still called “therapy” because its main purpose is to treat or reduce the causes of disorders that over time can lead to chronic suffering. This therapy also helps prevent or slow down the progression of existing sufferings such as the following issues:

  • Low back pain;
  • Sciatica;
  • Joint pain and joint pain
  • Pain in the head;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Stiffness or shoulder pain;
  • Menstrual pain;
  • Scoliosis;
  • Gastroesophageal reflux
  • Gastrointestinal disorders;
  • Urogenital problems.

The characterising techniques of the Yumeiho treatment, combined differently according to the patient’s problems, have as an effect:

  • Muscular relaxation;
  • Correction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Improvement of blood and lymphatic circulation;
  • Activation of metabolism;
  • Found symmetry of the body;
  • Rebalancing of posture;
  • Maintaining well-being and health in general.

Generally, Yumeiho Therapy sessions are weekly, especially at the beginning, however much depends on the problem and the general state of health of the patient. Since the treatment is performed on a mat on the floor, it is advisable to wear comfortable and practical clothing.

Yumeiho Therapy at Forte Village with doctor Joanna Hakimova

Thanks to the commitment of Dr Joanna Hakimova, you can experience the benefits that come from Japan to Italy at Forte Village, the resort of Santa Margherita di Pula in the province of Cagliari.

Creator and founder of the brand Natural Bio lifting and one of the most experienced facialists in the world, Joanna Hakimova is a doctor of Biology with a PhD (international doctorate) in human physiology, a specialist in bioethics and natural care and former researcher at the Moscow Academy of Sciences.

Hakimova is the author of several methods of manual face and body sculpture, she is registered with an exclusive brand, collaborates with several television programs as an expert in natural lifting and in 2006 she was awarded the International Vivisalute Award, established by the city of Milan, as a scientific researcher. She also wrote three books: “Self-lifting, how to erase wrinkles by yourself” (bestseller) “300 and more natural remedies to rejuvenate face and body” (bestseller), and “Self-lifting for him”.

Dr Hakimova founded the Centro Naturalbiolifting in Milan and organized the network of affiliated centres throughout Italy and abroad. In addition, the Academia Antiaging has opened, where courses are organized for professionals in the sector for different specializations.

At the Acquaforte Thalasso & Spa in Forte Village, a temple of wellness, alongside Yumeiho Therapy, guests can try two other innovative treatments by Dr Joanna Hakimova:

  • Face Bio lifting: a non-invasive face sculpting technique combined with the use of professional products of the Natural Bio lifting line. The treatment activates the biological rejuvenation process on a cellular level, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin;
  • Body Sculpting: a treatment that reshapes and sculpts the silhouette, improves skin quality and activates the skin’s metabolism. All manual techniques stimulate the peripheral blood circulation and lymph, dissolve stagnations in the adipose tissue and promote the nutrition of muscles and skin.

Do you want to experience a dream holiday in a true paradise and discover the benefits of Yumeiho Therapy? Book your stay at Forte Village Resor

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