postura corretta come evitare il mal di schiena

The benefits of proper posture: advice to avoid back pain

The benefits of proper posture: advice to avoid back pain

Correct posture and well-being: what are the consequences of postural errors?

Sedentary lifestyles and physical inactivity are health risk factors and promote the onset of diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system, including back pain, reduced mobility of the joints, the tension in the neck and shoulder muscles, which often result from incorrect postural attitudes repeated over time.

Posture is the personalized adaptation of every individual to the physical, psychic and emotional environment, influencing the health of the whole organism: the postural system is a unitary complex set that includes structures of the central and peripheral nervous system, visual system, auditory system, occlusal system and tongue, proprioceptors, preceptors, autoreceptors.

The wrong posture not only forces the muscular apparatus to work excessively, with consequent energy expenditure, but can also compromise the proper functioning of the internal organs.

To assume incorrect positions and to maintain them for long periods over time can cause alterations of the respiratory muscles, in particular of the diaphragm, and can cause problems of urological, gynaecological and visceral type, due to the incorrect positioning of the pelvis, and cause a wrong winding-unwinding of the foot while walking.

Circulatory disorders, such as oedema, sense of lymphedema and phlebitis, pressure on the eyeballs, labyrinthitis and tinnitus, dizziness and heel, toothache, and compression of the abdomen and intestines that can result in digestive problems such as acid reflux are also among the consequences of a flawed posture. Postural errors can even slow down the recovery of damaged tissues, have an impact on the aesthetic (double chin, sagging breasts, belly fat and cellulite) and have repercussions on the psychic sphere (stress, anxiety, low self-esteem).

It is therefore essential to encourage and maintain a correct standing, sitting and lying position to avoid general tensions.

How to fight back pain: 10 tips for correct posture

Maintaining a correct posture is essential for psychophysical well-being helps prevent painful back pain, ensures greater physical mobility and increases overall endurance.

Here are ten tips to avoid postural errors and keep your back straight and at the same time relaxed:

  1. Prefer ergonomic chairs designed to support body weight and reduce friction on bones and muscles while sitting;
  2. Sit with your back straight and shoulders back, keeping both feet on the ground, possibly risen from the ground. Do not lean your body forward or sideways, keep your back always well resting on the back, head high, shoulders relaxed and eyes in line with the computer monitor;
  3. Bend knees at right angles, making sure they are at the same height as the hips to better distribute body weight when sitting;
  4. Avoid spending too much time with crossed legs as this position reduces blood flow to the lower limbs and causes muscle fatigue;
  5. Do not sit for too long and get up to take a few steps from the desk at regular intervals, about one to two minutes every half an hour;
  6. When working at the desk, the arms must be placed on the worktop, parallel to the ground, while the computer screen and the keyboard must be positioned at the right height and distance
  7. Avoid twisting while sitting to recover distant objects that must always be at hand (for example mobile phone, pen or diary);
  8. When walking it is good practice to keep head and back straight, chest out, shoulders back and abdomen contracted, to distribute in a balanced way the weight on the spine and pelvis;
  9. When lifting an object always bend the knees and never the back that must maintain an upright position. Avoid twisting the spine, lifting or moving the load;
  10. Sleep on the back, and choose a mattress that fits the curves of the body and use a cushion that allows the neck to stay on axis with the rest of the body to facilitate blood flow during the night. It is important to learn to stand up properly because when you wake up your spine presents a lower elasticity. Abrupt and hasty movements should be avoided and it is advisable to position oneself on the side, bend the hips and knees, put the legs outside the bed so that they can act as a counterweight to raise the trunk, and help yourself with your hands on the mattress to assume a sitting position.

Forteveda signature massage: the massage that favours a correct posture

To relax muscles and ligaments, dissolve contractures and ensure the body the correct position, relaxed and harmonious, the ideal is to undergo a massage that allows you to dissolve the accumulated tensions and helps to regain the right psychophysical balance.

At Forte Village, an award-winning resort surrounded by the beautiful Sardinian sea, you can try the benefits of Forteveda signature massage, the massage with Ayurvedic oil made from Indian herbs, that give a deeply relaxing experience for body and mind.

Located in one of the most beautiful corners of the South Coast of the island and surrounded by an enchanting natural park of 50 hectares, the Forte Village, thanks to the protocols of exclusive beauty and medical treatments, is the ideal destination for a wellness holiday.

The Ayurvedic Park of Acquaforte Thalasso & Spa is a true temple of wellness, guests of Forte Village can rediscover the harmony between body and mind by choosing between the different styles that best meet their needs and discover the different types of Ayurvedic massage dedicating themselves to meditation, to morning stretching with the course Light Pilates or the ancient yogic practice.

Do you want to experience the benefits of Ayurvedic massage and have a dream holiday in a true paradise? Discover the Forte Village Resort in Sardinia

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