Celebrity Chefs al Forte Village: gli appuntamenti con l’alta cucina da non perdere

Celebrity Chefs at Forte Village: the unmissable evenings with haute cuisine in Sardinia

The best of Italian and International haute cuisine shows off its top food creations under the stars here in Santa Margherita di Pula

Andrea Aprea, Sandro Serva and Gennaro Russo will bring the guests of the Resort onto a unique journey made of inebriating scents and surprising taste combinations that only signature cuisine can create, with the spectacular setting of the crystal clear sea of South Sardinia in the background.

Under the starry sky of South Sardinia, right next to some of the most enchanting beaches on the island, it is now possible to immerse yourself in a gourmet and multi-sensory culinary experience, to celebrate the best products of the Sardinian land and sea – from bottarga to the pungent prickly artichoke, from the aromatic Sardinian honey to the unique red gold of the island, saffron, and the delicate Sardinian garlic – declining them into innovative and unexpected combinations, but still staying authentic to tradition.

As a matter of fact, this is exactly the ultimate essence of signature cuisine, a stylistic research that never betrays substance, an adventure that involves all five senses and never stops to amaze, bringing diners on a one of a kind journey that perfectly combines the familiarity of tradition with the creativity of contemporaneity.

The magic of signature cuisine in a dream location, the very core of Celebrity Chefs Night by Forte Village

Experiencing all this is now possible thanks to the Celebrity Chef Nights at Forte Village, a five-star resort that has long been awarded for its vast range of personal care services (the Acquaforte Thalasso & Spa, housed within its lush spaces, is one of the most famous wellness centers in Sardinia), for the entertainment (including excellent sports academies and creative workshops for children, like the colorful and lovely Barbie House), and of course for the possibility to access many gourmet starred restaurants, such as Belvedere by Giuseppe Molaro (1 Michelin Star), Terrazza San Domenico by Massimiliano Mascia (2 Michelin Stars) and the Beachcomber by Heinz Beck (3 Michelin Stars).

The protagonists of these unique evenings will be some of the most renowned and loved star chefs and haute cuisine personalities on both Italian and international scene, who will show off their talent by creating true masterpieces of food to consume with eyes first, and with mouth then; all in refined and evocative settings, accompanied by the gentle sound of the waves and the unmistakable scent of mid-summer nights, such as the spectacular Terrazza Forte Bay and the luxurious Forte Gourmet.

But there are still more surprises. To enrich the exclusive schedule of Nights with the Great Chefs, the guests of Forte Village will be able to delight their palate and spirit with the delicious creations of the Neapolitan chef-philosopher Rocco Iannone, head of Forte Gourmet for years now which is one of the most loved restaurants in the resort, and som eworld-famous colleagues. The same Iannone who, with his statement“A good dish cannot be beautiful!” has undermined the core concept of haute cuisine, which often gives more credit to aesthetic over substance, showing how signature cuisine doesn’t necessarily stand for inaccessibility and exclusivity, but can instead stand for tradition and simplicity – which is not banality or absence of flavor research.

These culinary duets thus aim to promote a true creative dialogue, with the ambitious goal of building a new interpretative framework to see apparently common ingredients in new and innovative ways- just like the case of the sparkling creations inspired by the best French champagne brands.

As a matter of fact, creativity, imagination, and the desire to experiment and amaze have no limits, especially here in the heart of Forte Village, where every meal is a good opportunity to let yourself be transported into a world of culinary wonders, where each dish is poetry based on flavors and scents, a symphony that awakens senses and nourishes body and soul, where cooking becomes art and tradition merges with innovation.

The magic of haute cuisine hosted in the award-winning resort in Santa Margherita di Pula lies right here, after all: making every culinary experience a wonder, to discover in a fairytale setting. And so, under the starry and clear sky of South Sardinia, signature cuisine becomes the opportunity for an exciting journey through stories and traditions discovering the joy of savoring life moment by moment.

Celebrity Chefs al Forte Village: gli appuntamenti con l’alta cucina da non perdere

Celebrity Chefs at Forte Village: an exclusive schedule with the superstars of Italian and International haute cuisine

Genuine, healthy and sustainable, visionary and attentive to details: this is the cuisine style of Gennaro Russo, executive chef of the luxury boutique hotel Le Sirenuse in Positano, a pearl nestled in the heart of the Amalfi Coast, who will open the events of this year’s Celebrity Chef Nights on July 10, 11 and 12. Three evenings dedicated to art, turning food into impeccable presentations, symphonies of colors, textures and shapes, explosions of unexpected, yet familiar tastes and aromas, an unprecedented sensorial journey in a meal.

July 21 and 22 will be dedicated to the incessant sensorial and conceptual research of the multi-starred chef Andrea Aprea, the Martian as he is often friendly nicknamed for his ability to transcend conventions and rewrite the rules of cooking, proposing a cuisine made of creativity and virtuosity and a true infinite love for his homeland, Naples, but also beyond (Aprea’s Caffè Bistrot, housed in an ancient building in Corso Venezia in Milan, is in fact modeled on the aesthetic of the cosmopolitan spirit of this city in early 20th century). The result of this research is given by extremely balanced and simple dishes, combining tradition and innovation and leading diners on an exploration of new dimension, the temporal one related to memories, understood both as a personal and popular heritage, becoming catalysts of evolution and innovation rather than remaining locked up in some hidden place.

And finally, the honor to host the last appointments with signature cuisine in Santa Margherita di Pula goes to Sandro Serva, an acknowledgment earned with passion and love by leading with his brother Maurizio their restaurant La Trota, the only starred restaurant in Europe with a menu completely based on freshwater fish (eel, trout, perch and carp), a special product that here is treated impeccably and with unprecedented care and attention. A mastery that comes from the past, when this multi-starred restaurant was just a trattoria overlooking the waters of the Santa Susanna river in Rivodutri, in the province of Rieti, and more precisely from the constant research and practice that allowed the two brothers to become an excellence on the international scene. On the evenings of July 24, 25 and 26, Serva will bring to Forte Village a delicious, fascinating, balanced and refreshing lake cuisine, based on interesting plays with temperatures and textures to season a lighthearted summer night with taste and refinement.

For further information on the appointments of Celebrity Chef Nights and for booking, please phone call to +390709218818 or write an email to holiday@fortevillage.com.

Do you want to taste the best of gourmet cuisine at Celebrity Chef Nights and experience a fairytale holiday in an authentic paradise? Discover the Forte Village Resort in Sardinia

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