Benessere e gusto a tavola: la bowl protagonista di un'estate sana, colorata e ricca di sapori

Well-being and taste at the table: the best bowl for a summer rich in health, colors and flavors

Bowl is a fresh and complete dish, perfect to get all the energy you need in summer and oppose the heat

Complex carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats fibers, minerals and vitamins: these are the key components of the bowl, a more balanced, complete and rich reinterpretation of large summer salads.

Summer is the perfect season to embrace a healthier and tastier lifestyle, thanks to the abundance of fresh and seasonal products available, first and foremost summer vegetables and fruits including tomatoes, peppers, watermelons, peaches, melons and cucumbers, all very rich in vitamins, antioxidants, mineral salts and water; the undisputed protagonists of tasty, light and extremely nutritious dishes.

And no, we are not talking about the classic large summer salads based on vegetables, perhaps with a few pieces of tuna and cheese, which despite being fresh and undemanding they’re rarely satiating or balanced, providing just a little energy support and so making your body asking for more food already a few hours after the last meal.

The true protagonists of summer are bowls, often known by the name of Buddha bowl (the name derives from the round-shaped bowls used to compose this dish, resembling the belly of a Buddha), single dishes that combine all the essential macro-nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats) with a very good supply of precious fibers, essential to digest faster and feel the sense of satiety, contained in raw and cooked vegetables and fruit.

Therefore, the result is a nutritious and well-balanced meal, which satisfies sight and palate and also guarantees a constant energy supply, the best food option for these busy summer days to have plenty of energy while still remaining an extremely fresh and digestible dish.

Not to mention that it’s practical and simple to transport, requiring little time in the kitchen (or none at all, if you prefer raw ingredients), truly suitable for everyone (including children, gluten and lactose intolerant, as well as vegans and vegetarians) thanks to the wide range of combinations that can be made by using different ingredients. There are even more reasons to love these bowls full of taste and well-being, let’s check them out.

Delicacy, versatility and nourishment: much more than a simple large summer salad

In an era in which we’re increasingly aware of the importance of a healthy, balanced, yet varied and colorful diet, the bowls represent a quick and incredibly versatile solution to include all thenutrients you need into your daily diet. Furthermore, even people who follow specific dietary regimes, such as paleo or keto, vegan or gluten-free, can easily adapt their own bowls using fresh and good ingredients, respectively low in carbohydrates, rich in proteins and healthy fats, or plant-based.

In fact, it is sufficient to vary different sources of complex carbohydrates (such as millet, buckwheat and brown rice for a completely gluten-free bowl, but also couscous or sweet potatoes) and lean proteins (animal-based, such as eggs, chicken or tuna, or even better plant-based such as tofu, chick peas, beans or tempeh), and try a wide range of vegetables (cooked and raw), toppings and condiments (e.g. the combination of tahini sauce with lemon juice and soy sauce, but also apple cider vinegar, oil and lemon juice, sesame seeds, hemp seeds or walnuts) to create and enjoy an ever new dish and amaze the palate with surprising combinations.

The advice is to use the variety of fresh products available in summer to further enrich your bowl from both an aesthetic and nutritional point of view: the bright colors of the summer vegetables and fruit represent the abundance of phytonutrients and antioxidants, so precious to oppose oxidative damage caused by free radicals released by exposure to sun and best prepare your body and facial skin to welcome the sunlight.

It’s also interesting to play with different textures, for example combining the crunchiness of walnuts and hemp seeds with the softness of avocado or the juiciness of tomatoes; or try a contrast of flavors, combining the bitterness of rocket salad with the sweetness of strawberries and mango (fruits make bowls more interesting!), or the sourness of lemon or apple cider vinegar, thus transforming every meal into a truly multi-sensory food experience.

As a matter of fact, you don’t need to be a chef or master particular cooking skills to prepare a delicious bowl. With a few simple steps you can prepare a meal looking beautiful to sight and tasting good to your sense of taste. Simply start with a base of carbohydrates or leafy vegetables, add a protein of your choice, top with a variety of colorful veggies or fresh fruit, and finally supplement some healthy fats with a light sauce on top.

To speed up the bowl preparation, the ingredients can be washed, cut and cooked in advance, then stored in the refrigerator, ready to be quickly assembled at meal time. This makes bowls an ideal choice especially for summer, when everyone wants to spend less time in the kitchen and much more time outdoors.

Moreover, the colorful bowls promote a more conscious and mindful approach to nutrition as both their preparation and consumption require attention and care in choosing the best ingredients for your needs, taking enough time to appreciate every single ingredient and bite, recognizing the signs of both hunger and satiety, something that becomes difficult in a world that moves ever faster.

5 simple steps to make your perfect bowl

Although making a healthy and tasty bowl doesn’t require particular cooking skills, here are five simple steps to make a complete and balanced meal, both from a nutritional and flavor point of view.

1. Choose a rich basis made of complex carbohydrates

The base of the bowl should be made of a good source of complex carbohydrates, preferably whole carbohydrates as they are digested more slowly, maintaining stable blood sugar levels and therefore promoting a prolonged sense of satiety. Excellent sources of carbohydrates for your bowl are:

  • brown rice: rich in digestible fiber, B vitamins, minerals like magnesium and manganese;
  • quinoa: in addition to carbohydrates, it contains a good quantity of vegetable proteins (around 14g for 100g of raw product) and fiber too, but also precious minerals like iron, magnesium and phosphorus;
  • spelled: rich in fiber and B vitamins, as well as minerals like zinc and magnesium;
  • sweet potatoes: rich in complex carbohydrates, providing long-lasting energy, and fiber, improving digestion; they’re also an excellent source of vitamin A (beta-carotene), supporting the health of eyes and immune system.

2. Add a (lean) source of protein

Protein is key for building and repairing tissue, yet keeping you full and satisfied for longer. Among the best protein sources to add to your bowl there are:

  • tofu: excellent green source of proteins, rich in iron and calcium and containing all the essential amino acids;
  • tempeh: a soy derivative rich in proteins, probiotics and fiber, as well as B vitamins;
  • chickpeas and lentils: both provide a good quantity of proteins, fiber (respectively, 19g and 7g for every 100g of raw product), iron, folate and other essential minerals;
  • grilled chicken: the classic lean source of protein, rich in B vitamins, zinc and iron;
  • tuna: rich in quality proteins and omega-3 fat acids, supporting heart and brain health;
  • eggs: provide complete proteins, B vitamins, and antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin.

3. Enrich your bowl with seasonal vegetables and fruits

Fruit and vegetables (both cooked or even better raw )add fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, making your bowl more colorful and nutritious. The recommendation is to opt for seasonal summer vegetables, such as peppers, tomatoes, carrots, aubergines, courgettes, cucumbers, peaches, melons and strawberries, which are tastier and richer in precious nutrients than non-seasonal ones, rich in water, necessary to replenish the liquids lost through sweating, andl ast but not least they’re even cheaper. It’s advisable to use at least three or four different types of fresh vegetables and fruits for each bowl.

4. Don’t forget to include a source of healthy fats

The so-called healthy fats (unsaturated fats, whether polyunsaturated or monounsaturated) are key for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), as well as for providing long-term energy to your body. This is why, contrary to what we are often led to believe, fats don’t make you fat but they are indeed functional in the process of keeping fit, yet even losing some excessive weight. Tasty sources of healthy fats to add to a balanced bowl are:

  • dried fruit (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, etc.): rich in monounsaturated fats, fiber, proteins, vitamin E and magnesium;
  • seeds (chia, flax, pumpkin, etc.): excellent sources of omega-3, fiber, proteins and several minerals including zinc and magnesium;
  • avocado: one of the best for its high content of healthy fats, fiber and vitamins (E,C, K).

5. A final touch with toppings and sauces

Condiments and sauces add flavor and complexity to your bowl, binding the ingredients together and making it even more delicious. Here are some great topping options:

  • lemon vinaigrette: light and refreshing, rich in vitamin C, helps to absorb the iron present in plant-based foods;
  • soy sauce: adds a touch of umami to the dish, containing minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron;
  • hummus: rich in vegetable proteins, fiber and healthy fats, as well as B vitamins and iron;
  • greek yogurt with herbs: a good source of proteins, probiotics, calcium and vitamin B12;

Thus, examples of tasty, balanced and complete dishes like these include poke-bowls based on brown rice, raw tuna, avocado, edamame, seaweed, cucumber and carrots, enriched with a soy and sesame based sauce; or a vegan Buddha bowl made of quinoa, roasted chickpeas, spinach, grated carrots, avocado and pumpkin seeds, topped with a vinaigrette made by mixing tahini sauce with lemon juice; or still a Mediterranean-style bowl made with spelled, feta cheese, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, and tzatziki sauce. In short, all that’s left to do is to open your fridge and activate your imagination: the result will be surprising!

Taste and well-being at Mordi Healthy Restaurant & Bar at Forte Village Resort

Refreshing cold-pressed fruit juices, inviting fruit bowls, delicious smoothies and a series of appetizers and complete dishes, including delicious bowls: this is the wide choice of the healthy, yet extremely satisfying and colorful menu of Mordi Healthy Restaurant & Bar, the exclusive bistro overlooking the wonderful private beach here at the Forte Village.

A resort that for years has stood out for its high quality services of entertainment and personal well-being (think about the prestigious sports academies, including the Swim Academy and the Diving Academy, or the extraordinary Acquaforte Thalasso & Spa, a real oasis where to recharge batteries of body and mind), but also for the variety of gourmet gastronomic offer to take guests on a real multi-sensory journey discovering flavors, intriguing combinations and trends of the Italian and International cuisine, and of course how to best pair them with delicious local wines.

If gourmet restaurants such as Belvedere by Giuseppe Molaro (1 Michelin Star),Terrazza San Domenico by Massimiliano Mascia (2 Michelin Stars) and Beachcomber by Heinz Beck (3 Michelin Stars) give an impeccable and refined atmosphere, perfect for a romantic date or to celebrate a special occasion such as an anniversary or a marriage proposal, other places like Bellavista buffet restaurant, Cristian Pilloni’s pizzeria or Mordi Healthy Restaurant & Bar are perfect for a quick meal on informal occasions, for example a family lunch or an aperitif.

For further information on the resort’s services, including the vast range of bars and restaurants hosted within its location, as well as to request your own reservation, please phone call to the number +390709218818 or write an email to

Do you want to stay fit with taste trying a delicious summer bowl and experience a holiday full of taste and well-being in a true paradise? Discover the Forte Village Resort in Sardinia

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