Regali sotto l’albero: 5 idee con cui sorprendere la propria famiglia

Gifts under the tree: 5 ideas to Surprise Your Family

The top five perfect gifts for Christmas 2023 The perfect surprise to amaze the whole family on the most magical day of the year. When Christmas arrives, choosing the perfect gift for family and loved ones becomes a challenge that, at times, seems almost impossible to win: on the one hand, you want to give something that they can really appreciate, on the other hand, you either have too much choice or ...

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10 consigli per prepararsi alle feste e restare in forma

10 tips to prepare for the holidays and stay in shape

Staying Fit During the Holidays: 10 Useful Tips Even during the end-of-year holidays, full of culinary temptations, it is essential to pay attention to body and mind well-being. The end-of-year festivities are a magical time and, in addition to the warmth of seeing loved ones, and the exchange of gifts and good wishes, they are also characterised by delicious and elaborate traditional dishes that often translate into irresistible temptations. However, while we ...

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Dall'orto alla tavola: 10 consigli per un'alimentazione sostenibile

From the garden to the table: 10 tips for a sustainable diet

From the garden to the table: how to adopt an environmentally friendly diet Today, environmental sustainability is a crucial issue that can no longer be ignored, not even at the table. We live in an era in which environmental awareness has become crucial for our future and that of the planet: sustainability is not a fad, but a philosophy that must include every aspect of life, including the experience at the table. Large-scale ...

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Come prendersi cura del corpo in gravidanza

How to take care of your body during pregnancy

Taking care of your body during pregnancy: what to do and why it is important The body goes through significant changes in each trimester of pregnancy, and being aware of this is crucial for overall well-being. Pregnancy is one of the most extraordinary periods in a woman's life, characterised by profound physical and emotional transformations. In this context, taking care of one's body is not only a wise choice, but a real act ...

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Light Pilates: i benefici dello stretching mattutino

Light Pilates: the benefits of morning stretching

Light Pilates: why a morning stretch is so good for you Morning Pilates is a winning choice to prepare yourself to better face the challenges of everyday life. In the fast-paced, competitive and challenging world in which we live, the search for practices that can reconnect us with ourselves becomes even more essential: Morning Pilates proves to be a winning choice because it combines physical exercise with a philosophy that involves body ...

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Gioielli sardi tra storia, leggende e tradizioni

Sardinian jewellery, a mix of history, legends and traditions

Sardinian jewellery, excellences appreciated all over the world A journey to discover Sardinian jewellery, a mix of charm, myths and traditions that recount this region’s history. In the heart of beautiful Sardinia lies a fascinating and unique history of craftsmanship that is intertwined with the traditions, culture and soul of this land: shaped by centuries of history and encounters with different peoples, it represents a vibrant sign of creativity and dedication. Through ...

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Ottobre in Sardegna: 10 cose da fare sull’isola

October in Sardinia: 10 things to do on the island

Sardinia in October: a unique opportunity to savour the authentic soul of the island Every moment of the year is the right one for a holiday in Sardinia, but it is in October that the island reveals its most fascinating and introspective side making it the perfect destination for an unforgettable trip. It is difficult to remain indifferent in front of the beautiful sea of Sardinia, just as it is impossible, if ...

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Amore + IVA , il nuovo spettacolo di Checco Zalone alla Forte Arena

Amore + IVA, the new show by Checco Zalone at Forte Arena

Forte Arena hosts Checco Zalone's only date on the island Checco Zalone will take the stage with his unprecedented and spectacular show. The wonderful natural amphitheatre of Forte Arena, the pride of the opulent Forte Village Resort in Santa Margherita di Pula, about forty kilometres from Cagliari, is the extraordinary location that hosts the most prestigious events of the Sardinian summer, between the white beach and the crystal clear waters of ...

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L'appuntamento con i tornei di Tennis ITF è in Sardegna

The ITF Tennis tournaments in Sardinia

ITF Tennis tournaments return to Santa Margherita di Pula From 18th September to 30th October 2023, the ASD Tennis Academy of Forte Village Resort will host the ITF international tennis tournaments. From September 18th to October 30th, the ASD Tennis Academy of Forte Village, a luxurious resort located in the beautiful Caribbean sea of Sardinia, will host the ITF international tennis tournaments. This event is organised by the ASD Forte Village Sports ...

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È Barbie mania: dal film alla partnership con il Forte Village

It’s Barbie mania: from the film to the partnership with Forte Village

A blockbuster film, dozens of collaborations with prestigious brands and a trendy style: Barbie conquers the world "Barbie: The Movie" celebrates the iconic fashion doll that has marked the history of the toy. The Barbicore trend and partnerships with brands in every industry, show that Barbie is still considered a timeless myth. The highly anticipated film "Barbie: The Movie", a live-action motion picture written and directed by Greta Gerwig, with Oscar-nominated actress ...

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La Leggenda di Belle e la Bestia: il musical alla Forte Arena

The Legend of Belle and the Beast: the musical scene at the Forte Arena

All the magic of the musical "The Legend of Belle and the Beast" at Forte Arena The Legend of Belle and the Beast – The Musical arrives at Forte Arena in Santa Margherita di Pula, the prestigious theatre under the stars. Forte Arena, an evocative theatre immersed in the nature of Southern Sardinia, a few steps from Forte Village Resort, hosts the most anticipated events of the summer on the island including ...

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Gigi D'Alessio alla Forte Arena: unica tappa in Sardegna del “Dove c’è il sole tour”

Gigi D’Alessio at Forte Arena: the only date in Sardinia for the “Dove c’è il sole tour”

Forte Arena hosts Gigi's only date on the island The talented artist will embrace audiences under the stars with his top hits. Forte Arena is Forte Village’s magnificent natural amphitheatre under the stars in Santa Margherita di Pula lapped by the white beach and the crystalline sea of Sardinia, hosts the best events of the summer on the island including the only date of the "Dove c'è il sole tour" by Gigi ...

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Forte Village’s Art Academy: in Sardegna arriva l’Expo Idéale di Hervé Tullet

Forte Village’s Art Academy: Hervé Tullet’s Expo Idéale arrives in Sardinia

Forte Village's Art Academy: Hervé Tullet for the first time on the island "The genius of rediscovered childhood" brings to Forte Village Resort an engaging artistic project, dedicated to children of all ages. From July to September, Forte Village Resort will host an engaging artistic project, dedicated to children of all ages, which comes to life thanks to everyone's contribution. For the first time in Sardinia, "the genius of rediscovered childhood" Hervé Tullet, ...

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Tiziano Ferro in concerto alla Forte Arena per il TZN 2023

Tiziano Ferro’s concert at Forte Arena for the TZN 2023 tour

Forte Arena hosts the only date of the TZN 2023 tour in Sardinia The formidable Italian singer-songwriter with an international career presents a show designed specifically for the Forte Arena’s magnificent scenery. Forte Arena, Forte Village’s elegant theatre under the stars, an award-winning resort between the crystal clear sea and the white beach in Santa Margherita di Pula, is preparing to host the first cult event of an unforgettable summer, the only ...

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