Checklist matrimonio perfetto: i preparativi mese per mese

The guide for the perfect wedding: a checklist to follow month by month

How to plan a wedding following step by step the checklist to prepare for the Big Day

The perfect wedding exists when an attentive planning occurs, taking care of all the details that contribute making the marriage ceremony unique and memorable, such as the choice of the date, the time, the location, the arrangement of tables and catering.

Planning a wedding, whether secular or religious, is an incredibly exciting experience: the choice of the location, the search for the best wedding dress, the testing of the menu and the attention to detail that will make the ceremony magical, all these are sources of great emotion and enthusiasm for couples and their families and friends, an opportunity to strengthen mutual trust waiting for the Big Day and experience a new sense of union.

At the same time, the large amount of decisions to be made in view of the long-awaited wedding day often turns into anxiety and tensions, that does nothing but ruin, at least in part, the atmosphere of joy and happiness that should instead accompany this unforgettable moment, leading to worthless arguments or misunderstandings.

As a matter offact, there are so many details to take into account that it is verycommon to feel overwhelmed without the proper mental clarity neededto feel in full control of the entire decision-making process.Moreover, potential unexpected events and difficulties can affect thearrangement and the planning of this special day, making the couplein the troubled situation of having to coordinate multiple factorsbehind such a large celebration.

Fortunately, there are several useful tips and tools that can help couple to finally get to the wedding day with the right energy and good humor to make the most of the most beautiful day of their lives. Hiring a personal wedding planner is a good solution, of course; anyway, one of the most effective strategies to plan a successful wedding is the coordination of a well-organized checklist to keep track, month by month (wedding experts recommend to begin taking care of the whole arrangement at least one year in advance of the date) and step by step, of all the necessary preparations for the Big Day.

This method allows future newlyweds (and their families and/or wedding planner) to best plan their wedding day dealing with a real checklist made of several tasks to achieve within specific deadlines, thus ensuring enough time, resources and mental tranquility to invest in each of the factors contributing to make the celebration great and memorable with a systematic overview of all the steps to be taken.

How to plan a wedding just like in fairytale, the steps month by month

Arranging a wedding requires time, patience and good planning skills, but with a well-structured checklist it is possible to face each phase of the whole organization with the serenity necessary to fully enjoy this magical experience.

So, the advice is to start with the ceremony preparations at least 12 months before the desired date and draw up a true roadmap to this event, including all the commitments to be achieved month by month, in order to efficiently focus sufficient energy, time and resources in planning all the aspects related to the celebration and the party, of course keeping in mind all the potential unforeseen issues with the location or the suppliers.

Therefore, here is a good checklist concerning all the preparations and the appointments of the wedding planning process. Each step is designed to ensure that nothing is left to chance, taking care of every aspect, even the smallest detail, that must be considered to arrange everything calmly without hitches for the most important and beautiful day in a couple’s life.

12 months before the wedding: defining the first relevant aspects

The first step in planning the perfect wedding is all about defining the key aspects of the celebration, such as the date, the location (in particular, if you want to get married near home or far away, the so-called destination wedding) and the overall mood of the ceremony. This phase is crucial to lay the proper foundations of the entire arrangement and ensure to give life to the wedding day everybody dreamed of. Furthermore, this process is important also to establish the budget and the priorities to be respected in the following months.

The choice of date is essential, as it will inevitably influence the kind of location. Indeed, if you have particular and significant date and especially location in mind (for the view, the atmosphere or simply the weather) the advice is to book as soon as possible the desired place, so that you can calmly contact in advance the suppliers and have enough flexibility and time to be able to fit everything together and guarantee a successful and wonderful celebration of love. Another good solution consists of relying on a wedding planner, who will be responsible to take care of all the arrangement.

Instead, in case of uncertainty for what regards the official date, it will be possible to evaluate different locations checking out their overall style and atmosphere, possibly going there physically to be able to visualize this special day and make a more informed decision.

Once the date and location have been established, it will then be possible to proceed to the next step, sitting down and establishing not only the overall amount of guests and the size of the wedding, but above all a realistic budget to invest, making a list with all the expected expenses, including those for catering, wedding dress and other clothing, decorations, a photographer and maybe videomaker and, obviously, DJs for music and entertainment. Allocating budget correctly is not always so easy and intuitive, so to complete this task successfully it is essential to keep in mind the priorities of the newlyweds, avoiding unpleasant surprises in the months to come.

Every decision made at this stage will be key for the next ones, so take all the time necessary to make well-considered choices. A good start is the secret to plan a wonderful wedding!

From 11 to 9 months before the wedding: looking for suppliers and sending save the dates

Now that both date and location have been established, it’s time to inform the guests by sending them a save the date (an invitation to note the date of the wedding), especially if guests have to plan a travel to reach the location and/or ask time off from work for that day. At the same time, this step allows couples to have a clue of the actual amount of people who will be there at the ceremony and the party.

It’s time also to start thinking about the overall theme and style of the wedding: a good idea is to take inspiration from wedding magazines and blogs, then creating a mood board on Pinterest with everything that has caught attention. A wedding planner can be useful in this situation to best define the atmosphere that the newlyweds want to recreate, especially if they still have confused ideas and would like to explore different possibilities.

These months are dedicated to the search for suppliers, too. It is important to find a good photographer and/or a videomaker to capture the most important and beautiful moments of the day with wonderful pictures and videos, but also a florist, a catering service to arrange the best menu suited to the needs of the couple and their guests (is essential to report any intolerance or dietary restrictions in advance, in order to ensure that all guests can enjoy a proper celebration meal), and of course a DJ to take care of music, fun and entertainment.

From 8 to 7 months before the wedding: it’s time for the bride’s dress

It’s now the right time for one of the most awaited phases for every aspiring bride: the choice of the wedding dress! A true magical moment, where the vision of the Big Day begins to become more and more concrete, with all its memorable emotions and memories to cherish for a lifetime. Probably, no bride finds the perfect dress for her at the first attempt (if you do, it means you’re really lucky!): but it’s key not to give up and take into account that you will probably havet o visit at least two or three different stores before finding the perfect wedding dress for you. As a matter of fact, sometimes venturing outside the concept style one might have in her mind is the right choice to make in the end, as long as the bride feels comfortable. After all, this is the day in which she must shine in all her unique beauty!

On the first dress fitting, the tailor will check the general fit of the original dress and will take note of any necessary changes, in order to ensure that it perfectly fits the bride’s body. The advice is to plan the next fittings in advance of the wedding date, enabling potential further adjustments just in time before the Big Day (it’s not rare, so be careful to changes in weight).

From 6 to 4 months before the wedding: the core planning of the ceremony and the party

Let’s now get to the core planning of the ceremony and the reception: it’s time to think about one of the most relevant tasks for couples of future newlyweds, that is the creation of the final guest list and the setting of the reception tables. To avoid stress and tension, it’s a good idea to create a temporary list, subject to be reduced or expanded based on the capacity of the location and the budget left. You can divide guests into categories, such as family, close friends, colleagues and acquaintances, to facilitate the organization of the official invitations and then arrange them at the tables.

In the case of a destination wedding, or when some guests come from far away, it is agood practice to think about their possible accommodation too, recommending or even better offering them so as a gift. Finally, it’s the moment to send the invitations and collect the confirmations of participation in time to have a clearer idea of the overall number of guests (remember to report any dietary restrictions or food allergies for the catering). For what concerns wedding favors to attach to the final invitation, remember to include the classic little fabric bag containing five sugared bonbons inside, respectively symbols of health, happiness, fertility, longevity and wealth.

From 3 to 2 months before the wedding: try the menu and take care of the last details

The Big Day approaches and it’s time to take care of the last details, like planning the music playlist for the ceremony and reception, organizing transport for the newlyweds and their guests, passing the last wedding dress fitting, choosing the best makeup and hairstyle for the bride and her bridesmaids and, most importantly, purchasing the wedding rings.

Another factor that couples better not underestimate refers to the tasting of the menu arranged for the celebration lunch or dinner, and obviously the wedding cake, one of the most crucial elements in planning the perfect wedding. As a matter of fact, food is truly one of the most memorable and evocative things of any great party, and this hits even more when it comes to such a big celebration like a wedding (let’s make sure to contact the catering service at least 6-7 months before the wedding to book a date for the menu test).

This is a crucial stage, so don’t ever shy away from taking notes and requesting any changes in the menu, adding or replacing a few dishes or changing portions: honest feedback is very important to build a perfect wedding menu and make sure that nothing goes wasted! In addition, this is also a good moment to agree for the timing of the catering service at the reception, so that each course is served promptly leaving enough time to savor it after the previous one and the next ones coming soon.

The last month before the wedding: some relaxation before the Big Day

The last month before the ceremony is entirely dedicated to managing the wedding day, above all the definitive timing of all its phases and the layout and arrangement of the tables, by creating a tableau de mariage that shows where all guests will sit. If you’ve decided to write some vows, make it sure to have enough time to perfect them before the festive day.

Approximately one week before the wedding, it’s important to confirm all the timings with the suppliers and the location making sure that everyone is synchronized and works in synergy. Last but not least, it’s finally time for the newlyweds, especially for the bride, to dedicate time with some deserved personal attention, such as manicures, pedicures and other beauty treatments to enhance the appearance of the skin, both on the face and body. It’s definitely time to relax and get into the right mood to fully enjoy the emotion of the most romantic moment that is about to come.

With this month by month checklist it’s possible to plan and arrange a wedding that hopefully exceeds expectations in total serenity, without any useless and excessive stress. In fact, remember that the most important thing is to enjoy each moment of this wonderful journey towards the wedding day keeping unique memories for the couple and their guests!

Forte Village, a perfect location for an unforgettable wedding day in Sardinia

Immersed in the scents and colors of the lush Mediterranean scrub, right next to the white beaches of Southern Sardinia, Forte Village Resort offers the perfect setting for a dream seaside wedding, whether it’s a celebration for a few intimate relatives and friends or a large party, as well as a wide range of services dedicated to guests and newlyweds.

The Resort, which now for 25 consecutive years has won the title of World’s Leading Resort (a sort of Oscar for tourism) gives the possibility of making use of the best Italian and international wedding planners to help couples build their Big Day, step by step and paying attention even to the smallest details, and prepare facing it with tranquility and joy. Forte Village supports brides also with exceptional stylists, make-up artists and hairdressers who will take care of them on this exciting adventure, enhancing their natural beauty and making them feel like real queens on such a beautiful day.

Nothing is left to chance here, even when it comes to the actual ceremony. The Resort takes care of the invitations (elegant and exclusively handwritten), of the refined wedding favors and the adorable wedding rings inspired by the Sardinian jewelry tradition, and of the beautiful and scented floral decorations. The catering is included as well, bearing the exceptional signature of the starred gourmet restaurants hosted within the Resort, ready to welcome and fulfill all the requests of the spouses.

At the same time, guests can enjoy the exceptional services offered by the facility, starting from the choice of different types of rooms, from those overlooking the seaside to those surrounded by greenery, as well as the possibility of dedicating a few hours of pure relaxation and well-being at the prestigious Acquaforte & Thalasso Spa, or practicing a lot of different sports disciplines at one of the renowned Academies. Moreover, even children will be able to try their hand at multiple activities, for example the creation of unique jewelry and fashion accessories at the colorful Barbie Academy or at the magical vegetable garden.

Everything’s so perfect here that it would be a real shame not to spend your honeymoon in this authentic paradise, too…a legit reason to prolong your stay in Sardinia enjoying the magic of this unique and memorable moment of couple’s life!

Do you dream of an unforgettable wedding day in a fairytale location? Discover the Forte Village Resort in Sardinia

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