Vegetable garden for children: 10 reasons for doing it on vacation

Vegetable garden for children: benefits of vegetable gardens according to the Montessori method

When on vacation, a vegetable garden is an opportunity for children to have fun outside, a unique experience that helps them cultivate love for nature and respect the environment.

According to Montessori pedagogy, gardening offers children the opportunity to come closer to nature and discover the connection between man and a natural environment. The rules of the Montessori method suggest creating a garden for children in which each element, it being tools or the cultivated plants, can be used with ease and autonomously by the child.

Looking after plants and earth, stimulates the sense of responsibility in children, learning to listen to Mother Nature and contemplate the beauty of each season.

Forte Village, in the south of Sardinia, is the perfect destination for families with children because among the many interactive activities and sports in the Children’s Wonderland, there is also a didactic garden, a green oasis for the little guests of the resort that wish to discover more about nature and cultivation in Sardinia.

The children’s vegetable garden is a unique experience that includes the discovery of colors and the perfumes of the plant world, and where we explain ten reasons for doing it on vacation.

Vegetable garden for children: 10 reasons for doing it on vacation

The ten reasons for making the vegetable garden for children an activity to do on vacation begins a process that can be continued at home with parents, let’s see what they are.

  1. Becoming friends with nature: gardening for children represents the first step towards nature and learning to recognize plants and fragrances in uncontaminated nature. Children can also play with earth and get their hands dirty without being in trouble with their parents.
  2. Learn about seasons: spending time in the garden allows children to recognize seasons and their influence on the various kinds of cultivation. The vegetable garden is an educational activity that requires patience because the timings are not made by man but by nature.
  3. Respect of nature: cultivating a vegetable garden and gardening are fun activities that help children to be respectful of nature. It raises awareness in the young minds on subjects related to the environment, meaning it helps the children of today become attentive and conscious citizens of tomorrow.
  4. From the ground to the table: why are strawberries red and spinach green? This is one of the many questions that inspire children to know more about how fruit and vegetables grow. Cultivating a garden with the supervision of a professional gardener is an occasion to learn stories about the ingredients used by top chefs and how they use them in gourmet recipes.
  5. Alimentary education: alimentary behavior and bad habits like being sedentary, are the principle causes of infantile obesity. Taking care of a vegetable garden means learning tricks for a healthy and correct alimentation, helping them to develop a balanced relationship with food.
  6. Keeping in shape: doing physical activity doesn’t only mean doing sports or often going to a performance center or gym. A new trend, coming from England and now common over the globe, is the Green Gym, an alternative option suitable also for children because it joins gardening with fitness, and it’s very good for the circulatory, muscolar and respiratory systems. To seed, to dig, uproot weeds and water plants allows children to have fun and do outdoor physical activity with positive effects on physical and psychological health.
  7. Improve manual skills and intellect: cultivating a garden is an exercise that helps children to develop manual skills and hand-eye coordination, an important ability allowing the person to perform all activities involving a simultaneous use of sight and action. Vegetable gardening improves intellectual capacities because of the concentration involved and it eliminates stress and anxiety.
  8. Pick what you seed: cultivating a garden has a positive effect on self esteem, it is in favor of the development of new competences and helps the little ones have more faith in their own capacities because it allows them to enjoy the fruits of their hard work.
  9. The art of simplicity: in a world where children are hypnotized by technological excess and spend a lot of time in front of televisions, tablets, and computers, gardening is an occasion to rediscover simplicity and the value of sharing knowledge and experience.
  10. Recycling and socializing: gardening is easily combined with recycling and teaches children about the importance of sustainability. Materials that are meant to be thrown away like plastic bottles, fruit and vegetable boxes, milk cartons or old tubes can become perfect solutions for making a herb or vegetable garden. Learning the basics of gardening and sharing tools also allows children to spend time with their peers and make new friends.

Would you like to give your children an unforgettable nature-oriented vacation? Discover Forte Village Resort In Sardinia.


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