Coppia: 10 consigli per iniziare l’anno nuovo con il piede giusto

Love relationship: 10 tips to best start the new year in a couple

Improving the quality of a couple relationship requires commitment and dedication: what better resolution for the year that has just begun?

One of the best resolutions for the new year is surely taking care of the health of your couple: from improving communication to spending quality time together and share common goals, here are 10 simple steps to make your love relationship better in 2024.

New year, new life: although just a little changes between December 31st and January 1st, the beginning of a new year brings a great desire for renewal, the promise that everything is possible in 365 days (or 366) which feel for us as a blank canvas on where to write the story of our lives. On the other hand, at least once in a lifetime, everyone wrote the famous “list of good resolutions” often made of distant and unattainable aims which we often forget about after a few days, either due to lack of motivation or due to the actual impossibility of reaching the overly ambitious goals we have set ourselves. In this sense, psychology comes to our aid, suggesting us to better establish specific, measurable, realistic and relevant objectives for our current situation (the so-called “SMART” method, an acronym for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely), and divide them according to the most relevant macro-areas to us, such as health, work, personal development and relationships. Yes, because as strange as it may seem to set goals in terms of “relationships”, personal satisfaction also largely comes from the way in which we manage to interface with others, of course without losing our own identity. And this factor is even stronger when we are part of a couple involved love relationship. So here are 10 tips – realistic, measurable and simple to implement – which will allow you to concretely improve the relationship with your soulmate, to enjoy the year together with the right spirit.

The 10-points guide of healthy and long-lasting relationships

Establishing healthy relationships, based on dialogue and mutual trust, is key for a more peaceful and fulfilling life. On the other hand, man is a social animal by nature, so much so that relationships – starting from love ones – are often the reason to get to know the world and discover ourselves even better. The good news is that, with care and dedication, your romantic relationship can flourish in unexpected ways and prove to be a source of mutual enrichment. Following, here are 10 simple tips to take your life in couple to the next level.

  1. Prioritize communication. Communicating openly, without filters or masks, is the foundation of any healthy relationship. Taking time to have sincere and honest conversations about each other’s feelings, expectations and concerns (if necessary by setting up actual “dates” with our partner) helps both parties feel welcomed, understood and supported, avoiding any resentments and misunderstandings which can fatally lead to the end of the relationship. It is therefore important to learn to actively listen to your partner, trying to understand each others points of view without any judgment and any distractions such as smartphones, TV, or other electronic devices;
  2. Establish common goals. Walking along a shared path as a couple, beyond personal goals and aspirations, helps to feel part of a bond and have a common vision of the future, which acts as a lighthouse in the darkest moments and helps to rediscover the road in the most difficult times. Whether it’s planning a vacation, saving for a house or just improving communication, having a clear shared action plan unites the couple relationship in the realization of shared projects and dreams;
  3. Laugh together. Laughter is a powerful ‘glue’ for relationships, helping to leave behind any resentment or bad moods from the past and create positive memories that strengthen the love bond. Hence, for the new year, set the joyful goal of filling everyday with healthy positive vibes and playfulness, sharing jokes to lighten the home atmosphere and letting our “inner child” happily emerge in our everyday life;
  4. Face challenges as a team. It’s very important to talk openly about individual problems and stress situations to come together and find the best ways for tackling these critical issues standing as one. Supporting each other during difficult times helps to create a strong support system that will help you face future challenges and build confidence in your own and your couple’s resilience, making it indestructible;
  5. Don’t avoid uncomfortable discussions. Money management, as we know, continues to be one of the main sources of arguments and disagreements even within the most established couples. There is no better way to start the new year than sitting down together and peacefully analyze the issues: whether it is creating a shared financial plan, setting savings or investment goals, or openly discussing individual expenses, working together to achieve a shared financial stability helps reduce tensions and address even the thorniest situations with the same serenity of simply discussing what to have for dinner;
  6. Take time for yourself. While spending good time together is precious, equally important is respecting the need for individual space. Encouraging your partner to foster personal interests and friendships, or to cultivate passions that have been kept aside for a long time, is vital to make both parties keep their own individuality and not to “get lost” mutually. Furthermore, the joy of telling what you have experienced and learned even doubles when there is that sense of curiosity and novelty that is often lacking just doing everything together. Let’s also not forget to treat ourselves to small moments of pleasure during the day, such as reading a good book or…why not, a regenerating thalassotherapy session;
  7. Celebrate successes. Recognizing and celebrating successes, both individual and especially as a couple, helps to keep motivation high and renew enthusiasm which can unfortunately wane over time. Whether it’s reaching a personal goal, overcoming a challenge, or simply going through a difficult time together, these moments of joy strengthen the connection and create an even more special and unbreakable bond. In short, as the rose says to the little prince, it’s so true that “it is the time you have wasted for your rose that has made your rose so important”;
  8. Give value to mutual appreciation. Whether years or months have passed, the habit often makes us lose sight of the qualities and characteristics that made us fall in love with our partner. What better occasion than the beginning of the new year to renew your love feelings and express gratitude, both in gestures and in words, for the positive qualities of your sweetheart? Don’t miss your chance to take a break from the ordinary couple life and fall in love once again with your special person;
  9. Learning together. Personal and couple growth is continuous and hopefully last for a lifetime. Choosing to learn something new together, whether it’s taking a class, reading books you love or discovering some hidden skills, is a great way to banish boredom – a big enemy for the solidity of couples – and keep mutual curiosity high;
  10. Spend quality time together. The quality of time spent together is key for enhancing emotional connection. And it’s not enough to just spend time together, you also need to be really willing and intentional to do it. So, it’s a good idea to commit in organizing special moments full of intimacy, such as romantic dinners, an afternoon at the spa, suggestive evening walks or a weekend away. Traveling is often one of the best ways to discover yourself under a new light, see the world with the same eyes as your partner and, why not, talk about the future of the love story together. Why not surprise your sweetheart with a romantic getaway in one of the most enchanting resorts in South Sardinia, a true oasis of relaxation and well-being immersed in a setting of unpolluted nature, and enjoy firsthand the exclusive food and wine experience and complete relaxation? After all, sometimes a gift card is enough to make relationships better!

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