Angelo Garini: 10 secrets for organizing the perfect wedding

Angelo Garini: who is he, the wedding planner to the stars

Getting married is the most wonderful moment in a couple’s life and a reoccurring dream of future spouses is to have a ceremony on the beach, perhaps at sunset with a picturesque scene made of colors of the sea and the sky that create one of the most romantic moments ever. But all of this could also be a nightmare without a professional organizer like Angelo Garini.

Who is Angelo Garini? Architect, wedding and event designer, famous figure on Italian television and author of books describing how a wedding can become an unforgettable night in a million.

Angelo Garini is a professional of refined taste, an aesthete and expert in elegance cultivating passions for design, art, collection and antiques, all hereditary passions from his grandfather Angelo Bianchetti, architect and inventor of the concept of truck stops and bridge structures which span Italian motorways.

Angelo Garini perfect wedding

Angelo Garini is an eclectic creative nicknamed the ‘architect of dreams’ because of his capacity to unite unique locations with the secrets of hospitality and conviviality all with the objective of creating grand scenographic events.

He is the owner and founder of Garini Immagina, with professional studios in Milan, London, Barcelona and Paris which deal with weddings and events, and also of the magazine “Immagina la Casa, la festa, la vita”. Angelo Garini describes himself like this: “my work is nothing more than a tangible manifestation of what I have always wanted. My passion for design, art, collection and antiques on one side; creativity, love for flowers, a passion for a refined table on the other; all of this being the result of a path of life experience and family history which, more than just personal interest, allows me to express myself though my own concept of the “art of living”. For this reason I treat each project, being decorating or creating an event, with special attention to the desires of the hosts who want to astonish, please and fascinate their guests”

A ceremony is a delicate balance between the location of the reception, the dress code of the invitees and of course the bride’s dress and the groom’s outfit, this is why Angelo Garini tells us his ten secrets for creating a wedding with style.

Angelo Garini: 10 secrets for having the wedding of your dreams

The kind of wedding depends on the to-be-weds, therefore to be the wedding of their dreams it needs to reflect the style and personality of both, there is no magic formula. To avoid mistakes, the ideal solution is to trust an expert wedding planner and event designer like Angelo Garrini, the perfect solution for those wanting perfection right down to the last detail.

Angelo Garini wedding

The dresses, the flower arrangements, the music and hospitality, the choice of bonbonnieres and the perfect scenography are important parts of the organization of a wedding and require a lot of energy. This is why we tell you ten secrets which will transform your wedding day into an unforgettable moment for both the bride and groom and their guests.

1) The wedding planner: modern couples are occupied with work and daily commitments which don’t leave sufficient time for them to organize their big day as they would desire. Choosing to trust a dedicated professional is equivalent to saving time and energy, it also means regaining the necessary serenity for living every moment of the first day of the rest of their lives.

2) The right location: according to Angelo Garini, Italian spouses are very attached to tradition, but also cultivate the desire of transforming their wedding day into a special event lasting more days and which involves friends. Foreign to-be-weds are different.

Foreigners tend to choose a location far away from their homes and Italy is often top of their list. In both cases a location like Forte Village Resort in Sardinia is the perfect choice because it joins the unique Italian style with the incredible beauty of unspoiled nature, Michelin starred chefs and the best spa professionals in aesthetic treatments and wellbeing so to be in top form.

Forte Village also offers couples and their guests the opportunity of staying in a fabulous location to be visited at least once in a lifetime.

angelo garini

3) Hospitality: is the keyword for anyone wanting to have the perfect wedding. Spouses must not forget that they are both the protagonists of the celebration and also the hosts of the event. It is up to the hosts to make all guests, young and old, take a marvelous memory of the wedding back home with them.

4) Respecting time: the choice of flowers and music is extremely important, but if the guests are forced to travel long distances to reach the location of the reception, or if the pre-drinks last longer than established, then you can forget about a good atmosphere. Respecting time is fundamental for starting the ceremony, it is during pre-drinks, lunch or dinner until cutting the cake.

angelo garini wedding bouquet

5) Bouquet: it is up to the groom to order the bride’s bouquet and it must arrive at the future wife’s house on the morning of the wedding day. The bouquet is a symbol, the last gift from the fiancé to she who will become his wife.

6) Civil Wedding: also this kind of ceremony has its rules: if the ceremony is in a church it is allowed to have a very long veil or train if it’s a civil wedding this is not advisable.

special wedding

7) Bombonnier: are little cadeaux given to the guest to thank them for having attended the event and they need to be the same for everyone with an exception for the spouse’s witnesses who will receive a more precious bonbonniere as a token of appreciation for them being legal and moral guarantors of the union. The bonbonnieres are always matched with a small bag of 5 confetti symbolizing health, happiness, fertility, longevity and wealth.

8) During the reception: between one course and another, the bride and groom must visit the tables and talk with their guests trying to dedicate the same amount of time to each, the same courtesy and equal attention.

angelo garini wedding

9) Avoid excesses: always keep in mind your good sense and taste, ban any sort of exaggeration, remember “a little goes a long way!”.

10) Be yourselves: on your wedding day don’t try to play an inauthentic part or create a character, avoid any sort of mask and be yourself.

Are you dreaming of an unforgettable vacation in a fabulous location? Discover Forte Village Resort in south Sardinia.


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