5 motivi per regalare un viaggio in Sardegna a San Valentino

5 reasons to give a trip to Sardinia on Valentine’s Day

What’s the most romantic Valentine’s Day gift ever? Simple: a trip to Sardinia in a beautiful stay

Gifting your partner with a trip on Valentine’s Day gives you a chance to spend a wonderful time together, away from the ordinary life’s repetitiveness. What better destination than Sardinia?

Considered by many people as a mere commercial event, Valentine’s Day actually has its roots in a remote past, characterized by archaic rituals bound to the celebration of change related to a process of purification and rebirth that naturally follows. The most famous rituals of this kind have to be the so called Lupercalia, an ancient Roman festival celebrated to honor the Faun Lupercus, a special occasion where women received a sort of “blessing” that favored their fertility.

Over the years and centuries, and with the progressive expansion of Christianity across the Roman Empire, these festivals quickly disappeared and were replaced by the celebration of Saint Valentine, the saint of Terni acknowledged as the protector of lovers, removing all the symbolic meanings directly referred to the women sexuality that represented the core of these rituals.

However, nowadays both Pagan and Christian aspects have largely been lost in terms of spirituality, but despite the progressive commercialization that has occurred in recent years, Valentine’s Day still represents a unique opportunity to celebrate the romantic love.

How about treating yourselves, as a couple, spending some quality time together by setting off for a romantic trip discovering new amazing places? What about Sardinia? This is a thoughtful and meaningful gift, which goes beyond the basic commercial logic in order to share a unique and beautiful experience to make extremely tender and passionate memories and consolidate the couple’s relationship.

Is that not enough, yet? Well, here are five great reasons to surprise your sweetheart booking a gift trip to Sardinia, the most romantic, beautiful and mysterious island in the Mediterranean.

Valentine’s Day is coming: why gifting your partner with a trip to Sardinia?

Sardinia is one of the most romantic and magical places on the whole Italian territory: here, time and space seem to flow slower than elsewhere, giving couples the right tranquility and lightheartedness necessary to renew their promises of love, going through some hiking in the uncontaminated nature and experiencing an unforgettable candlelit dinner, in a beautiful setting made by the sound of the waves and the warm colors of the Mediterranean sunset.

It’s easy to understand why the ancient island of Ichnusa is the perfect place to organize a stunning surprise trip to give to your sweetheart on Valentine’s Day, instead (or in addition to, why not) of the usual jewels, flowers and chocolates. Let’s check out the five factors that have made Sardinia one of the greatest destinations for couples in love.

  1. Deserted coves where you can spend moments of pure intimacy

    Sardinia boasts beautiful hidden jewels, but all its coves by the coasts from North to South actually stand out. Small corners of paradise bathed by a crystal clear sea that don’t lose their incredible charm even in winter, where the usual mild weather allows couples to spend a few hours of relaxation in lightheartedness at the beach.

    As a matter of fact, numerous studies have demonstrated the healing power of nature:  spending time in touch with Mother Earth serves as a sort of natural antidepressant, improving mood and helping to look at life from a new optimistic and positive perspective. And no wonder it could also give couples the right mindset and incentive to think about future together.

    Therefore, don’t be afraid to venture onto wild paths and country roads, in search of little, less famous beaches and coves with that magical vibe, that are still untouched by mass tourism: your effort will certainly be rewarded!

  2. Typical Sardinian delicacies to delight body and soul

    A popular saying claims that you can’t love well if you haven’t eaten well; so, what better opportunity to check this out than delighting all five senses with the typical delicacies of Sardinian cuisine? A food culture rich in flavors, colors and varieties (just think that every typical recipe here boasts countless variations that have been handed down from generation to generation since remote past), especially made out of simple ingredients like fresh vegetables, citrus fruits, legumes, cereals and fresh fish.

    Hence, a couple’s trip to Sardinia needs a romantic candlelit dinner, mainly based on delicacies such as culurgiones (a kind of rustic ravioli with a filling made of potatoes, pecorino cheese and mint), frègula (a typical pasta obtained by “rolling” the semolina flour, that is toasted in the oven and then topped by sauces of vegetables, legumes or fish) and the iconic carasau bread, perfect in combination with the tasty cheeses made out of sheep’s milk which are now produced almost exclusively in the hinterland of Sardinia. You can’t go wrong with such delicious food!

  3. Spa and wellness treatments to enjoy a relaxing break from the ordinary life 

    Life as a couple is not always easy and smooth: very often, tensions and arguments may happen due to misunderstandings and problems in listening each other’s needs and concerns. Most of the time, it is just the stress of the hectic working life and managing daily household chores that drain the energy and the good occasions to cultivate a love relationship.

    Spending a relaxing day in one of the many wellness centers and spas on the island can help to free your mind and relax your body, creating the right environment to leave the mistakes made in the past behind, learning to act in a more constructive way and commit to improve together.

    Moreover, from a personal point of view, taking care of body and soul with a honey and salt massage, an oxygen therapy session or an exfoliating treatment helps make us feel more beautiful and confident in front of the partner, reviving that fire that is so important for a healthy and long-lasting couple relationship.

  4. Endless possibilities to nurture the couple by sharing time and experiences

    One of the most common cause of breakup, even for long-term couples, is living life moving towards two different directions, in two different paces. So, that means going on without any right opportunity to nurture a proper couple life.

    A powerful antidote for this awful threat is to share, test yourself and learn something new together. Speaking of sharing adventures and experiences, the Sardinian territory offers countless opportunities to try new activities as a couple, such as taking part to cooking classes, trying your skills at snorkeling, windsurfing, sailing or exploring the villages of the Sardinian hinterland with a local guide. What really matters is choosing something stimulating for both and being truly involved in this new experience.

    Obviously, it is essential to keep looking for these stimulating activities to enjoy together, even and especially starting from the small things that can be done in the daily life. For now, it’s good to relax and make the most of your holiday together!

  5.  Admire the most beautiful sea sunsets with your partner

The winter sea boasts a unique charm, with that sense of melancholy for the past which, very often, is a true caress for the soul. And what about the sea spray, that is sea water vaporized into the air by the waves, serving as a panacea for psychophysical health even in the cold season (some studies claim that it may even inhibit the genes involved in the production of cholesterol).

Anyway, the true magic of winter sea lies especially in its sunsets, much more intense than the summer ones, a stunning view that feels even more beautiful if experienced as a couple. In Sardinia there are a lot of panoramic points by the seaside from which it’s possible to enjoy this majestic natural masterpiece, like the Castle of San Michele in Cagliari, the viewpoint of Capo Sandalo on the San Pietro Island and the Tower of Capo Malfatano in Southern Sardinia. For further suggestions to enjoy your visit to Cagliari, check out what to do around the area of the city.

ForteVillage Resort: a lovely stay in one of the most beautiful locations in South Sardinia

Located in the heart of the southern coast of Sardinia, ForteVillage Resort is the ideal place for booking and arrange a romantic getaway full of love, relaxation and adventures to enjoy together.

ForteVillage stands close to some of the most beautiful coves in the territory, and offers the opportunity to try the best treatments of a one-of-a-kind wellness center, the Acquaforte Thalasso & Spa, as well as experiencing an unforgettable dinner in gourmet restaurants and accessing exceptional sports facilities, with proper activities for adults and children.

ForteVillage is the place that really adds value to the reasons for giving a trip to Sardinia on Valentine’s Day! Furthermore…are you thinking about kneeling down and proposing to your better half to spend the rest of your lives together? Well, there is no better place to do it, really!

Do you want to surprise your partner on Valentine’s Day with a romantic holiday in an authentic paradise? Discover ForteVillage Resort in Sardinia

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