
Immersed in uncontaminated nature

There are few places left in the world where unspoiled nature is still the absolute protagonist.

And even less where you can find unspoiled nature in a relaxing and peaceful environment.

When we think of unspoiled nature, the first thing that come to mind is wild faraway lands like the Salar and Uyuni salt stretches in Bolivia, the spectacular glaciers in Patagonia, the red dunes in the desert of Namibia, or the grand forests in Canada.

You would rarely think of Italy as also being rich in areas with unspoiled nature, where wilderness rules the jaw-dropping landscapes.

Sardinia: the unspoiled nature right under your nose

Sardinia is an island with 2.000 km of jagged coasts, sandy beaches, round hills and crystalline seawater, it’s one of the places where you can find a mixture of biodiversity, a pleasant climate, breathtaking landscapes, endemic species of plants and animals and delicious food. All ingredients from the unspoiled nature still to be discovered.

5 secrets that make Sardinia truly a natural masterpiece

Thousands of shades of blue in the sea, the soft sand of the beaches, the marvelous sun setting over the hills, the green reflection of the trees over the shimmering lagoons inhabited by pink flamingos.

Sardinia is the ideal destination for a dream like vacation for anyone who loves unspoiled nature.

But there are five secrets that make this island truly unique.

  1. The Mediterranean Sea: the Mediterranean region is home to some of the oldest civilizations on the planet, the sea has unique characteristics making it one of the main eco-regions on the planet. Its dimensions are more contained in comparison to other oceans, the warm temperature of the water all year round and its extraordinary clearness are the characteristics which make it unique. A natural habitat of many fish, coral and plant species, it is truly a paradise for those passionate for snorkeling and other water sports.
  2. The geological history of the island Sardinia starts far away. It’s one of the oldest immersed lands in the world, having almost half a billion years of tectonic, magmatic and erosive changes that have mutated the morphology and mineral conformation. This process has given way to a unique variety of landscapes and ecosystems, making this island the ideal destination for lovers of photography, natural landscapes, and nature.
  3. The Mediterranean climate is one of the most contained in the world. There are few regions in the world that have this climate and, apart from some other Mediterranean countries, a similar climate can only be found in California or Chile. Mild temperatures all year round, a modest temperature change, long warm summers, and short fresh winters are characteristic of this climate, loved all over the world because of the benefits it brings to the human body. In fact, it is in this climate that the ailments which are relieved from the base of the Mediterranean diet and are studied all over the world as being among the best for the lives of mankind.
  4. Distance from the rest of the continent, why is it when we think about a lost paradise ruled by unspoiled nature, the first thing we think of is a faraway island? It’s simple because longer distance from urban areas and the pollution of big cities saves the environment, it helps to preserve it for longer.
  5. Respect for biodiversity and the environment. But the isolation from the rest of the world, the ideal climate, the sea rich of biodiversity and fertile and ancient land are not enough to make Sardinia a masterpiece of nature. What makes this island different from others is the culture of its inhabitants. The respect for the environment, the attention to nature and the ecosystem in Sardinia are of fundamental importance to the local population living here.

The splendid ancient pine tree forest facing the crystalline seawater is the true protagonist of the new structure at Forte Village Resort named “Villa del Parco”.

Splendid rooms and bungalows immersed in the greenery just a few minutes from the beach.

Precious marbles, soft tassels, and bathroom for a pharaoh, what would they be without the fresh breeze coming through the pine trees from the sea.

Discover the unspoiled nature of Sardinia, come and relax at Forte Village.

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