Sailing: 10 reasons for choosing Sardinia

Vacations sailing: why give up mooring and sailing away

Waking up with the sound of the waves and opening your eyes every morning in a different place, having a vacation on a boat in Sardinia is the ideal for everyone wanting to switch off and have a relaxing trip, far away from chaos and crowded beaches.

The crystal clear blue water embracing the soft white sand have allowed Sardinia to earn its nickname as the “Italian Caribbean”, sailing along the coast of this beautiful island in the Mediterranean, observing magnificent wild panoramas with the sound of the wind and the waves will accompany you on this journey.

Sailing is a fun and different way to enjoy the sea and it’s wonders, for getting about daily stress and reestablish a psychophysical balance and internal harmony, necessary to be well with ones self and with others.

Families with children, couples, groups of friends, vacations on a sailing boat are suitable for all and we will now tell you ten reasons for choosing Sardinia.

Vacation on a sailing boat : 10 good reason for cruising in Sardinia

Here are ten good reasons for choosing Sardinia as the destination for your next vacation on a sailing boat.

  1. Breath taking water: the Sardinian sea has a marvelous selection of colors that shade from tones of blue to emerald green. Vacations on a sail boat are an occasion to contemplate the beautiful water, a place where it’s also possible to do many kinds of water sports including, surf, snorkeling or scuba diving.
  2. Beaches of your dreams: by choosing a vacation on a sail boat you can have access to some of the most beautiful beaches in Sardinia which would otherwise be inaccessible from land. Exploring grottos and small hidden bays will allow you to relax and be in contact with nature.
  3. The wind: Sardinia is the island of wind, a land ruled by Mistral, west and Sirocco winds. Truly a paradise for those passionate of windsurfing, kitesurfing and boat sailing, who can take advantage of the weather conditions of the island for a safe and simple ride.
  4. Natures treasures: boat sailing inverts the prospective and allows you to observe the world from a privileged position, as you gaze over the horizons of wild uncontaminated nature surrounding the island in all it’s extraordinary beauty.
  5. New discoveries: if you want to have a new adventure every day, a vacation on a sail boat is your solution. Among the possible itineraries, there is a trip leading from Cagliari in direction of the promontory of Capo di Pula and Capo Teulaca. During this trip you can admire the magnificent views like that of Mari Pintau and the Sella del Diavolo, one of the most significant and fascinating areas of the island.
  6. Vacation also for children: vacations with children can be quite difficult for parents. If you want your children to have a unique and unforgettable experience in close contact with the sea, a vacation on a sailing boat for the entire family is a good idea. The youngest ones can have fun snorkeling and jumping in to the sea while learning the importance of respecting and loving nature.
  7. The mysteries in history: the crystal clear water in Sardinia is an irresistible calling, but if after some days on the water you wish on having a spin on dry land, you could plan on visiting incredible places like Nora and the archeological park of Pula which hold much history of the neuralgic civilization.
  8. Pink flamingos: traveling by boat is a dream painted pink in Sardinia near the natural regional park of Molentargius-Saline. It’s enough just to raise your eyes to the sky and admire the elegant flight of pink flamingos which are called “Sa Genti Arrubia” in Sardinian dialect, meaning “red folk”.
  9. Natural marine reserves: among the treasures of Ichnusa, the Ancient Greek name of Sardinia, there are many protected marine areas. These areas are of great naturalistic interest and are protected so to maintain the biodiversity of fauna and flora. However it’s possible to visit some of these places with a sail boat so to observe the natural wonders in this environment from close up.
  10. Good for mind and body: traveling on a sail boat contributed to physical and mental health, it’s relaxing and eliminates stress, helping also to sleep better. The air rich of mineral salts also has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, meanwhile being in contact with water makes us more beautiful and happier, according to the principles of chromotherapy, the color blue lowers blood pressure and regulated the heart.

Would you like to have an unforgettable vacation in a true paradise? Discover Forte Village Resort in Sardinia




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