Dall'orto alla tavola: 10 consigli per un'alimentazione sostenibile

From the garden to the table: 10 tips for a sustainable diet

From the garden to the table: how to adopt an environmentally friendly diet

Today, environmental sustainability is a crucial issue that can no longer be ignored, not even at the table.

We live in an era in which environmental awareness has become crucial for our future and that of the planet: sustainability is not a fad, but a philosophy that must include every aspect of life, including the experience at the table.

Large-scale food production has a significant impact on the environment, from excessive consumption of water resources to deforestation caused by intensive agriculture to the emission of greenhouse gases that increasingly exacerbate the problem of climate change.

Adopting a sustainable diet therefore becomes an act of responsibility and love towards the planet and taking care of a vegetable garden proves to be a concrete way to embrace a green lifestyle. There are many reasons for this.

First, it reduces long-distance transportation and therefore the carbon emissions associated with it. Then, in addition to greater food self-sufficiency, it fosters a closer connection with the earth and strengthens our bond with the environment around us. And we’re just getting started.

It should not be forgotten that biological diversity is essential for the health of ecosystems: the cultivation of different varieties of plants in the garden contributes to the conservation of biodiversity which, in turn, is reflected in the dish, ensuring a wide range of essential nutrients for a balanced diet. Monoculture, on the other hand, depletes the soil and increases the vulnerability of plants to disease and weathering.

Another key aspect of sustainability at the table is the fight against waste: growing your own food allows you to better appreciate the value of ingredients and reduces the tendency to throw away leftovers irresponsibly.

In addition, a diet based on fresh, zero-kilometre products from the garden is great for our health: the consumption of fresh and unprocessed food helps in the prevention of cardiovascular, cancer and chronic diseases.
Not least, the connection with nature through caring for a garden has been shown to have positive effects on mental health and emotional well-being and to ward off anxiety and stress.

But how can we spread the concept of sustainability at the table? With education: sharing knowledge about sustainable farming, encouraging community participation and involving the new generations are the building blocks to create lasting change.

10 tips for a greener planet by paying attention to what we bring to the table

As we have just seen, sustainability at the table is more than a trend: it is now an imperative necessity to preserve the future of the planet and, consequently, ours and that of all the species that inhabit it. Looking after a vegetable garden and choosing consciously what we bring to the table, we can then “cultivate” not only food but also a green tomorrow for generations to come.

Mealtime thus becomes a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to savour delicious dishes and to protect, at the same time, the life and health of the Earth. But what are the actions that we can put into practice every day right away?

Here are 10 tips to incorporate into your daily routine:

  1. Get knowledgeable about the origin of food: To fully understand the environmental impact of the products we buy, it is essential to inform ourselves about the practices of the manufacturing companies: knowing the origin of food allows us to support only those producers who adopt sustainable and ethical agricultural practices, directing a positive revolution in the food industry with our choices;
  2. PFavour local products: In addition to reducing the environmental impact of transportation, buying locally sourced products establishes a stronger connection with the community. Visiting local markets and companies not only guarantees fresh ingredients but also immerses us in the culinary traditions of our area, preserving inimitable flavours;
  3. Reduce meat consumption: Eating a healthier diet, and reducing the amount of meat consumed improves health and reduces the environmental impact of factory farming. And when you want to enjoy a meat dish, you have to be careful to choose organic farming and companies with ethical and sustainable practices;
  4. Eat fruits and vegetables: The gradual transition to an increasingly vegetarian diet should be seen as an opportunity to explore new dishes and flavours. Experimenting with plant-based recipes expands the culinary repertoire and brings you closer to an environmentally friendly gastronomic experience full of variety;
  5. Fighting Food Waste: Managing food waste requires a change in mindset. Learning to store and reuse leftovers decreases the environmental impact of each of us and makes us more aware of the value of the food we consume, reinforcing a green culture;
  6. Prioritising seasonality: Choosing seasonal produce offers fresher and tastier food while supporting environmental sustainability. Understanding and respecting the natural cycles of food production contributes to a more ethical and healthier agricultural system;
  7. Avoid plastic and unnecessary packaging: A cultural shift towards more sustainable solutions involves eliminating plastic, which is harmful to all ecosystems, adopting reusable packaging and recycling practices aimed at limiting the amount of household waste;
  8. Grow your own food: Creating your own vegetable garden not only connects us with the spontaneous cycle of plant growth but also gives you direct control over the quality of your food. Growing your fruit and vegetables is an act of autonomy and responsibility towards well-being and the environment;
  9. Understanding the supply chain: Educating yourself, through reliable sources, on the practices of food companies means gaining knowledge about the raw materials used and the production processes, but also understanding the environmental and social impacts associated with them. This allows consumers to make informed choices, actively supporting companies that adopt sustainable and responsible approaches;
  10. Choose sustainable destinations: In addition to a greater focus on proper nutrition, holidays can be the right time to embrace sustainability at 360 degrees. Opting for destinations committed to eco-friendly practices makes a strong contribution to environmental conservation, but it also raises awareness among local communities of the importance of preserving the natural beauty of their territory.

Well-being, flavour focused and environmentally conscious holidays in Sardinia

For a holiday in Sardinia dedicated to wellness, comfort, privacy, and refined gastronomic experiences with an eye to environmental sustainability, the perfect choice falls on the award-winning Forte Village Resort, in the enchanting setting of Santa Margherita di Pula, between white beaches and turquoise sea.

The adoption of sustainable practices and environmental protection have always been one of the resort’s flagships, which have earned it the prestigious Global Sustainable Tourism Council certification from Vireo Srl, the world’s most important organisation for the promotion of sustainable tourism.

In particular, with regard to the delicious dishes served in its 21 restaurants of excellence, local farms and fish farms are favoured to the benefit of a sustainable diet characterised by the freshest ingredients and undisputed quality.

But that’s not all. Some of the best ingredients come directly from the Forte Village Garden, born from passion and respect for nature, a symbol of the desire to rediscover authentic Mediterranean flavours in an ideal context for the cultivation of all types of vegetables: in short, the products, used when they are at their maximum nutritional properties, go directly “from the garden to the table” and give life to a delicious gourmet cuisine that delights all palates.

In addition, young guests have the opportunity to get closer to the typical crops of Sardinia in the Educational Garden, under the guidance of an expert gardener, to learn how essential it is to take care of the environment and favour a healthy and balanced diet based on the gifts of nature.

Would you like to experience an unforgettable holiday in the name of environmental sustainability in an authentic paradise? Discover the Forte Village Resort in Sardinia

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