Sud Sardegna in catamarano: una vacanza suggestiva e indimenticabile

South Sardinia by catamaran: an evocative and memorable holiday

Discover a unique and entertaining way of exploring enchanting coves and beaches across the southernmost side of Sardinia

A swift, steady and comfortable double-hull boat for a safe holiday in Sardinia to spend as a couple, with family or friends: that’s the catamaran, great protagonist of the Boat House by Forte Village.

With its beaches of fine white sand, some of the most beautiful ones in the island, bathed by a deep blue crystalline sea and surrounded by the inebriating scent of myrtle and juniper, Southern Sardinia is a true paradise for nature lovers, where to find relaxation and enjoy water sports, with the opportunity to try a wide range of activities allowing to experience the magic of this land from a unique and privileged point of view, the one of the sea.

In this sense, the catamaran, a double-hull boat particularly loved for its incredible agility and stability, becomes the perfect means for exploring this area discovering surprises and wonders, venturing out to find hidden coves, secret bays and deserted beaches, and get closer to imposing cliffs and mysterious caves, even impossible to reach by any other way, embracing the freedom of the open sea and letting yourself be carried gently by the wind.

But the emotions that the catamaran gives go far beyond simple sailing: it is the priceless sensation of living the present moment, here and now, which can be perceived by coming in touch with the sensations evoked by the sea that can be captured physically with the fives enses, such as the rustle of the wind in your hair, the sound of the waves gently crashing on the bow, or the taste of the salt that caresses your tongue, discovering new emotions of sublime and mysterious force to feel when faced with majestic natural wonders, those that equally attract yet scare us, making it impossible to escape.

And so, while the sun paints the sky with shades of orange and pink, nothing feels more evocative than letting yourself be carried away by the sweet and reassuring pace of the catamaran, sailing towards the infinite horizon and lulled by the waves, while every moment becomes a precious memory that will remain imprinted in your mind and heart forever.

In short, far from being just a simple means of transport, the catamaran becomes a real protagonist to fully enjoy your marine adventures in Sardinia, as a couple, in family, with friends or why not, perhaps even alone.

Catamaran, a safe and reliable means to go for an adventure by the sea

Long maligned by sailing purists, who considered it simply a boat for amateurs, a sort of “bad copy” of the motor boat despite their obvious differences in terms of structure and size, in recent years the catamaran has finally taken its revenge, giving sea lovers a steady, comfortable and agile means of experiencing the unique thrill of going offshore and feeling enveloped by the vast blue expanse of the sea, but also to easily and safely reach hidden coves, otherwise inaccessible with other larger boats or conventional land vehicles.

But the reasons for organizing a holiday on catamaran, or even just a one day trip of a few hours, certainly don’t end here. In fact, the signature feature of the catamaran is the presence of two parallel hulls, connected by an overlying structure, which gives it greater stability compared to mono-hull boats, thus allowing more comfortable sailing even in rough sea conditions. This kind of boat is generally faster than mono-hull boats too, thanks to the lower water resistance on the hulls and the possibility of using larger sails, a feature making it the best choice for those who love sailing sports or look for a water means of transport to reach coastal destinations quickly and safely.

Furthermore, thanks to its greater width, larger than common sailing boats, the catamaran offers more internal spaces allowing you to enjoy large and welcoming cabins and common areas (including the lounge and the bow nets, ideal for socializing or just reading a good book relaxing under the pleasant sunlight, getting lost in the moving colors of the sunset sky), for a more intimate and personalized sea journey experience, as boats are usually managed by expert crews. All this makes catamaran particularly good for trips lasting a few days, to enjoy on holiday with family or friends.

At the same time, the catamaran structure remains relatively compact and simple to manage, two key characteristics that allow it to move comfortably on water and reach hidden places that could be inaccessible with larger boats, in addition to the flat hulls which reduce roll significantly and make navigation more comfortable even in rough sea conditions. They also boast the advantage of having a reduced draft compared to mono-hull boats, so this means that the catamaran can approach shallow shores and beaches without risk of running aground, making it perfect for exploring otherwise inaccessible places.

Last but not least, the catamaran is a more sustainable option than other motor boats, as it mainly uses wind power for propulsion. This is particularly important for what concerns the preservation of environmental biodiversity in Southern Sardinia, a place where the protection of the marine ecosystem is a priority, a shighlighted by initiatives such as Fishing For Litter, promoted by Forte Village in collaboration with Ogyre, an Italian startup that aims to keep the crystal clear sea of Sardinia clean (the cleanest in Italy).

South Sardinia by catamaran: a holiday discovering the best beaches to explore by seaside

If agility, comfort and stability represent the undisputed strengths of this peculiar double-hull boat, a trip by catamaran can give multiple opportunities to transform the holiday into an occasion toventure in the exploration of the magical beaches of Southern Sardinia.

Starting from the beach of Chia, famous for its golden sand dunes and crystal clear waters mixing shades of turquoise and emerald, to the beach of Tuerredda, considered one of the most beautiful in Italy with its very fine white sand, transparent waters and breathtaking views of the small namesake island; and Porto Pino, with shallow waters that descend slowly, a perfect location for families with children, taking on a magical charm especially when admired from a boat’s deck, although they can also be easily reached on foot or by car.

Other coves can only be reached by sea anyway, such as Cala Zafferano, a true heaven on Earth where the whiteness of the sand amplifies the electric blue hues of the sea, protected by a row of fragrant juniper bushes, the natural faithful guardians of this place of rare beauty, and the beach of Cuccureddu and the Gulf of Mezzaluna, protected by a high cliff which makes its enchanting crescent-shaped beaches and bays unreachable.

And what better places to start your catamaran boat trip from, sailing the calm and crystal clear waters of the Mediterranean Sea to reach these beautiful beaches in South Sardinia, than those around Forte Village Resort, an oasis of luxury and relaxation nestled between Cala Verde and the cliffs of Capo Spartivento?

Not only catamaran: here’s the Boat House by Forte Village

The marine wonders finally at hand: Forte Village, a resort that has won the prestigious title of World’s Leading Resort for twenty-five consecutive years now, offers guests the unique thrill of trying a vast range of water activities enabling them to enjoy the unique and pure beauty of Santa Margherita di Pula and its surrounding from a privileged perspective, which means directly from the amazing sea waters that embrace them.

The Boat House hosted on the Forte Village beach, a temple for water sports enthusiasts, provides guests with catamarans, canoes, pedal boats, windsurfs and dinghies allowing adults and children to discover the seaside from a new and fun point of view, all under the guidance of expert instructors for a safe and comfortable experience for everyone.

Don’t miss the chance to discover the wonders of the water world equipped with a snorkel, a mask and short-bladed flippers practicing snorkeling, or to try your hand at water skiing, a sport that combines skiing and surfing skills to glide on the sea surface feeling the adrenaline growing up, a new way for approaching water for fun.

Yet sport is one of the greatest protagonists of the vast offer by Forte Village, even outside water: in fact, the facility hosts many excellent sports academies for both adults and children, promoting a new concept of holiday that blends action and physical wellness with relaxation. Indeed, great space is also given to the search for harmony between body and soul with the possibility of enjoying a wide range of healing and beauty treatments at the prestigious Acquaforte & Thalasso Spa, one of the best in Sardinia.

Do you want to explore Southern Sardinia by catamaran and experience a dream holiday in a true paradise? Discover the Forte Village Resort in Sardinia

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