Sud Sardegna regno di biodiversità e della Caretta Caretta

South Sardinia Kingdom of Biodiversity and home of Caretta Caretta

South Sardinia: the oasis of biodiversity where the Caretta Caretta thrives

Sardinia is an authentic paradise on earth for biodiversity and for the Caretta Caretta turtle that nests on its fabulous beaches.

This summer on the beautiful and popular Poetto Beach in Cagliari has seen two important hatchings of the Caretta Caretta turtle, one on August 11th and the other on the 28th with, in the latter case, as many as 70 specimens that immediately took to the sea.

Happy news about a species unfortunately in danger and that highlights how essential it is to safeguard marine biodiversity, a key component of the global ecosystem that plays a crucial role in the survival and well-being of life on Earth.

The seas and oceans cover more than 70% of the surface of our planet and absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping to mitigate climate change while marine algae produce about 70% of the oxygen present in the Earth’s atmosphere through photosynthesis.

Fishing provides a significant part of the food that arrives on our tables, thus ensuring food security and diversification of the diet.

Furthermore, seas and oceans are among the richest ecosystems in biodiversity in the world, habitats that are home to an extraordinary variety of species, many of which are still unknown: from the mysterious creatures of the deep ocean to the fascinating corals, it is an inexhaustible source of scientific discoveries and inspiration.

Unfortunately, despite its importance, marine biodiversity is now seriously threatened: intensive and trawling fishing, pollution, global warming, ocean acidification and the destruction of coastal habitats are putting these essential ecosystems at serious risk.

Their conservation is a challenge that requires collective commitment and continuous attention: Sardinia, a land of great biodiversity thanks to its favourable climate, endemisms of great naturalistic value, varied flora and fauna that counts 370 species, is at the forefront of achieving the ambitious goal.

The “Biodiversity Sardinia” project is a reference point website for agro-biodiversity of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia that allows better management of the Regional Repertoire of Agricultural Biodiversity, of the list of farmers and Breeders Custodians (AAC) and the sections concerning the Germplasm Bank, the Conservation Network and the Communities for the protection of the island’s animal and plant genetic resources.

The Caretta Caretta turtle and its Deep Bond with Sardinia: a story of Conservation and survival

The Caretta Caretta, also known as the common turtle, is one of the most fascinating marine species that inhabit the waters of the Mediterranean and belongs to the Cheloniidae family.

It can reach considerable dimensions, with an average shell length of about 1 meter and a weight that can exceed 100 kilograms, and is characterised by an olive-brown shell, large and flattened head, front legs with long fins perfect for swimming and hind legs that are used as a rudder.

Sardinia, with its crystal clear sea and beaches surrounded by unspoiled nature, has for centuries been a favourite territory for the Caretta Caretta that chooses the sandy coasts as a nesting place, in particular, the beaches of Tortoli, Arbatax and Orosei.

The females emerge from the water to lay their eggs in holes dug in the sand, a crucial moment for the conservation of the species, as the eggs and the young are vulnerable to environmental and anthropic threats: for this reason, numerous organisations and associations are dedicated to their protection by monitoring the beaches, protecting the nests and raising awareness among the local community.

However, the Caretta Caretta continues to face numerous threats: marine pollution, including the release of plastic, is a major concern for its survival along with shipping, illegal fishing, and indiscriminate coastal development.

Forte Village Resort, an oasis of biodiversity and environmental protection in Sardinia

In the magnificent setting of Santa Margherita di Pula, not far from Cagliari, the award-winning Forte Village Resort, has long been committed to defending the environment and biodiversity of the island, thus proving to be the ideal destination for a holiday in Sardinia that combines comfort, privacy, luxury, well-being and environmental sustainability.

Thanks to the adoption of sustainable practices, it has obtained the prestigious “Global Sustainable Tourism Council” certification from Vireo Srl, the world reference organisation for sustainable tourism.

But what are the green activities promoted?

First of all, the separate collection of waste, with special containers to separate plastic from food waste and the replacement of plastic bottles, cutlery and cups with sustainable alternatives such as metal cutlery and paper cups.

Another essential aspect is the commitment to energy saving, with the use of photovoltaic, thermal and solar systems, as well as LED bulbs and timers to reduce energy consumption in common areas and gardens.

As for food, the resort favours local farms and fish farms to ensure the freshness and quality of the products and thus promote a sustainable food supply. In addition, it has a vegetable garden that provides zero-kilometre ingredients for the dishes served to guests.

Ecological means of transport such as bicycles and electric golf carts with drivers are used for travelling within the resort, significantly reducing the impact on the environment.

The protection of biodiversity is another founding pillar of Forte Village, which boasts a vast park with thousands of different species of plants to which new ones are always added to preserve and enrich the biodiversity of the area.

One of the novelties of 2023 was the partnership with Ogyre, an Italian startup that is committed to keeping the sea of Sardinia clean, involving the fishing community in the recovery of waste trapped in nets during fishing operations in the open sea.

Finally, the resort dedicates time and energy to the environmental education of future generations thanks to the Didactic Garden, which offers young guests the opportunity to understand how important it is to take care of plants and the environment with the example and help of an experienced gardener.

Would you like to experience an unforgettable holiday in the name of environmental sustainability in an authentic paradise? Discover Forte Village Resort in Sardinia

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