10 experiences to enjoy not far from the Forte Village Resort

 10 must-do experiences within 1 hour of Forte Village Resort

10 experiences to enjoy not far from the Forte Village Resort

The guests of the resort, in addition to enjoying their holiday in its magnificent settings, can reach, within an hour, equally magnificent locations for unique experiences.

 A holiday at Forte Village Resort means indulging in a dreamlike experience in an authentic paradise. A perfect place for all ages with its 50 hectares of beautiful gardens, white sunny beach, 13 luxury villas, five 5-star hotels and three 4-star hotels, a variety of gourmet restaurants, a wellness oasis, numerous swimming pools and activities for all tastes and needs.

But this is not all the holiday has to offer: within one hour journey at the most, guests will have the opportunity to enjoy equally exciting adventures to revel in the island’s beauty and create unforgettable memories.

10 wonderful experiences 1 hour away at most from the Forte Village Resort

The Forte Village Resort is the perfect choice for luxury holidays, maximum comfort, relaxation and privacy in a fabulous setting. On offer, more than just wellness, sports activities, excellent dining, shopping and fantastic sea.

The wonder continues with interesting beauty spots and adventures to be discovered less than one hour away.

Here are the unmissable 10 

The Roman Road to Chia

8 kilometres away (10 minutes) from the Resort lays the Roman Road that connected the ancient city of Nora with the port of Bithia, in Chia. It boasts a perfectly preserved paved stretch and is one of the few Roman roads still in existence in Sardinia. The path, suitable for everyone and without challenging gradients, can be easily travelled on foot or by bicycle, to the delight of hikers and bikers. Enveloped by the scent of the Mediterranean scrub, beautiful views of the coast and the blue sea are revealed.

The ancient city of Nora

12 kilometres away (15 minutes) lays Nora, within the Archaeological Park of Pula, the first city inhabited by the Phoenicians in Sardinia dating back to the eighth century. With its heyday as a Roman municipium long gone, today the fascinating ruins remain the subject of excavations since 1889. The paved streets, the baths’ ruins, the Piazza del Foro, the temple, the necropolis, the aqueduct, the amphitheatre: the real feeling of having stepped into the past a stone’s throw from a golden beach lapped by the clear sea.

Make cheese with a local shepherd

12 kilometres away (15 minutes), guests of Forte Village have the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in local tradition by discovering the art of Sardinian cheese production and making cheese guided by the shepherds of the area.

The town of Pula

The magnificent Pula is also 12 kilometres away, a destination loved by those seeking the sea every season of the year, a treasure trove of nature, history and culture. With ancient origins, it is now a lively place where the beaches are an enchantment and carefree days flow between nightlife, dips in the turquoise sea of Sardinia, aperitifs in the square and visits to the nearby Archaeological Park of Nora.

The Caves of Is Zuddas

35 kilometres away (40 minutes), the Caves of Is Zuddas are a spectacle, shaped over the millennia by the incessant action of the water. Carved on the relief of Mount Meana in dolomite rocks that date back to 530 million years ago. The tourist route winds for 500 meters and is breathtaking thanks to the peculiar shapes of the stalactites, stalagmites, lava flows, cannulas, and the rare eccentrics of aragonite, the main feature of the underground complex.

Wine tasting

Organised tours to local vineyards, about forty kilometres away (50 minutes), are the best way to appreciate and savour the island’s wine tradition, these include tastings of the best Sardinian wines.

The Saline Conti Vecchi

40 kilometres away (40 minutes), the oldest salt pans of the island extend along the 2700 hectares of the Stagno di Santa Gilla. Here, for almost 90 years, man and nature have been working side by side, in total synergy thanks to the work of the engineer Conti Vecchi. In the twenties, he spearheaded the ambitious project of reclamation of the area with the planting of the colossal salt pan that brought social and economic development to the area. The structure, still active, includes an area that explains the methods of salt production with projections, period installations and a path between tanks, mountains of salt and wildlife.


40 kilometres away (47 minutes), Cagliari is certainly worth a visit. The island’s capital is perfect for a stroll through the historic districts overlooking the sea, experiencing the nightlife and discovering its millennial history. The noble residences overlooking picturesque streets, the medieval towers at the entrance to the Castello district and the churches including, the Basilica of Nostra Signora di Bonaria, are a charming visit. Cultural tours, natural attractions and Poetto Beach: Cagliari has a lot to offer.

The Necropolis of Montessu

An hour away (50 kilometres), the Necropolis of Montessu is located on the side of a trachytic hill where dozens of Domus de Janas can be found. The tombs have varied planimetry, with different sizes. Worth a mention is the “tomb of the spirals”, with rich decorations, and the “tomb of the horns”, with horns of various types in reference to the “bull god”. Next to the necropolis, gigantic menhirs are a wonderful attraction.

The Giardino Sonoro

Finally, an hour away (60 kilometres), is the interesting Giardino Sonoro (Sound Garden) of Pinuccio Sciola. This is considered an exciting park where “sculptures sing”. A collection of the works of the sculptor, located in the village of San Sperate, where he was born, lived and worked. Today the park houses these incredible creations of contemporary art, in the form of monoliths, deeply rooted in Sardinian culture, which are still the protagonists of unprecedented musical concerts.

Would you like to enjoy unforgettable experiences and spend a fabulous holiday in an authentic paradise? Discover Forte Village Resort in Sardinia

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