Romantic vacation: 10 reasons for choosing Sardinia

Romantic Vacation: the best holiday for couples

A true paradise in the heart of the Mediterranean, Sardinia is the ideal destination for a honeymoon or a relaxing and romantic vacation while discovering exclusive wellbeing treatments and the extraordinary fragrances and flavors that make the island unique.

How do you organize a vacation full of surprises and moments of love? First of all, you need to choose a special location and Sardinia is the perfect destination for celebrating an important anniversary or for having a pause from daily stress and surprising your soul mate with a trip which will be remembered as one of the best moments in your lives.

Everyday commitments, frenetic work rhythms, professional and personal responsibilities often put at stake the tranquility in a couple, and maintaining the romance becomes a challenge.

A romantic vacation is just what you need to re-establish a connection with your partner and spark emotions. We will tell you about ten reasons that make Sardinia the perfect destination for an unforgettable vacation.

Romantic vacation: ten reasons that make Sardinia the perfect destination

Sardinia is the perfect destination for a romantic vacation, here are ten reasons for visiting the island with your partner.

  1. Enchanted beaches: what could be more romantic than a romantic walk on the beach? The sun slowly setting on the Sardinian sea while it sheds light on the soft sand with shades of pink and gold.
  2. The fascination of Ichnusa: the ancient city of Cagliari has a romantic and mysterious feel to it, loosing yourself in the little streets and historical districts is an occasion to discover myths and legends like the Sella del Diavolo and the elixir of longevity, a secret kept for centuries. Elegant buildings, historical cafes and luxury hotels like Palazzo Doglio make the capital of this region the perfect destination for those dreaming of a relaxing vacation full of flavor and wellbeing.
  3. Wellness and beauty: the private spa is an ideal romantic location, perfect for forgetting about your daily routine and spend time with your partner while you discover the benefits of exclusive wellness treatments like massages with Ayurvedic oils.
  4. Gourmet cuisine: Valentine is the day of the lovers but it’s not the only occasion during the year in which you can allow yourself to have a romantic dinner. What counts is finding the perfect place, for example, one of the restaurants at Forte Village with menus by some of the most famous Michelin starred chefs in the world.
  5. Location: if you are thinking about organizing a romantic vacation in an exclusive location, the luxury villas in Sardinia are the perfect accommodation solution, able of uniting comfort with refined furniture and elegant services. The villas at Forte Village have two, three or four bedrooms, an oasis of tranquility and privacy, surrounded by the splendid tropical gardens of the resort.
  6. Children: it is very difficult for couples with small children to organize vacations, almost impossible to have relaxing moments and rediscover the romanticism often put aside to make way for the everyday responsibilities and commitments. Forte Village Resort offers ideal solutions for families by transforming the children’s experience with fun and safety while mothers and fathers allow themselves to take time for looking after their own health as a couple.
  7. Music and theatre: assisting a concert under the stars with your partner or going to a show with national and international artists is the quintessence of a romanticism and at Forte Arena, the extraordinary open-air theatre of the resort, you can enjoy the magic of unique and original events.
  8. Sport for two: being romantic can be considered differently according to the couple, for some it means sharing a passion for sport and ancient disciplines like yoga which are good for the psychophysical health of the individual.
  9. History and magic: one of the keys to the happiness of a couple is traveling and discovering new lands and ancient worlds that hold many fascinating and mysterious stories like Nora and the Archeological park of Pula, one of the most important archeological sites in Sardinia.
  10. Love messages: the protected marine areas are a message of love to the sea and an invitation to protect the marine biodiversity that makes the island one of the most beautiful locations in the world. Visiting a protected marine area is an incredible and suggestive experience to be shared with your partner and discover the authenticity of Sardinia.

Do you want to have a dreamlike vacation in Sardinia in a true paradise? Discover Forte Village Resort Resort In Sardinia

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