san valentino forte village

At Forte Village everyday is Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day: a brief story on the origin of the day of love

Every 14th of February, in most of the world is Valentine’s Day, the day of love. Its name comes from the bishop and Christian martyr Valentino of Terni, also known as Saint Valentine of Terni or Saint Valentine from Interamna.

Pope Gelasius I established this religious celebration in 496 to replace the Lupercalia, which usually occurred from the 13th to the 15th of February. The Lupercalia was a festival in honor of the god Faun, which included processions, masquerades and fertility rituals.

The Pope banned these rituals, already considered reprehensible in the late Roman Empire. Instead, the celebration dedicated to Valentine’s Day focused on romantic love, cancelling any explicit references to sexuality.

The Pope chose Valentino of Terni as the patron of love because he may have been the first to celebrate a marriage between a pagan legionary and a young Christian woman. And at his time this kind of marriage was forbidden. However, according to a more widespread legend, the saint actually gave a poor girl some money for her wedding, saving her from the risk of perdition.

In any case, some scholars think that the interpretation of Valentine’s Day as the day of love refers to the poem ‘Parlement of Foules’ by the English writer Geoffrey Chaucer. In his work, he associates the celebration with the engagement of Richard II of England with Anna of Bohemia. But it is a controversial thesis, since the engagement occurs on the 3rd of May 3, day dedicated to another saint, namesake of the martyr of Terni: Saint Valentine of Genoa.

Furthermore, some historical references suggest that people celebrated Valentine’s Day even in the 1st centuries of the 2nd millennium. Among these, the foundation in Paris in 1400 of the High Court of Love, the institution inspired by the principles of courtly love.

Finally, do not forget the ancient ‘valentina’ (a love note) written by Carlo d’Orléans to his wife in the 15th century (Je suis desja d’amour tanné, ma tres doulce Valentinée / I’m already sick of love , my very gentle Valentina). And then, the scene of Ophelia’s madness in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. In the scene the girl sings “Tomorrow is Saint Valentine’s Day. All in the morning betime. And I am made at your window to be your valentine”.

Today, on Valentine’s Day, lovers usually exchange love cards, chocolates, flowers or jewelry.

Forte Village Resort celebrates Valentine’s Day every day

At Forte Village Resort in Santa Margherita di Pula, near Cagliari, every day is Valentine’s Day. Indeed, the resort is the perfect destination for a romantic getaway any time of the year.

Whether it’s a special occasion such as Valentine’s Day, a birthday, an anniversary, or simply the desire to get together, the affordable luxury resort is the right place for couples who dream of an unforgettable vacation and are looking for privacy and tranquility.

The resort is surrounded by an enchanting natural park of 50 hectares and by the splendid Sardinian sea. It offers different accommodations to meet the needs of different guests. For example, 8 elegant five and four star hotels, refined luxury suites, and 13 villas. The latter are wonderful oases of privacy and beauty with extra services, such as butler, chef or chauffeur.

Here are three reasons why Forte Village Resort is the ideal destination for a trip with your partner.

SPA Experience: the private Spa is located in the lush garden of the Thalasso & SPA Aquaforte. It is an exclusive, elegant, intimate and welcoming place. There, you can discover the virtues of thalassotherapy and treatments that rejuvenate body and mind, such as the Ayurvedic oil massage. Thanks to the separate entrance, the Spa is perfect for couples seeking privacy. There are changing rooms, the hammam, the sauna, the treatment room, the solarium and three swimming pools in addition to the wellness treatments, the gym and other services.

Gourmet cuisine: the starred restaurants of Forte Village offer menus designed by the most famous chefs in the world. These menus transform the link between food and emotions into a gastronomic journey. It’s a chance to discover the most interesting flavors and trends of the Italian and the international cuisine. In other word, it is the perfect mix of experimentation, innovation and tradition. Indeed, the use of excellent raw materials guarantees a true sensory experience at every bite. And then, at Forte Village you can relax in one of the 14 bars, where you can discover the fascinating art of mixology.

Luxury shopping: do you want to surprise your partner with a unique gift? Piazza Luisa, the center of the Forte Village, houses shops of the most important Italian and international fashion brands. Just to name a few: Dolce & Gabbana, Givenchy, Damiani, Gucci and Velashop. Alongside the most important brands there are local craft shops. There, you can find refined ceramics, beautiful carpets and examples of the ancient goldsmith tradition.

Do you want to live a romantic holiday in a real paradise? Discover the Forte Village Resort in Sardinia

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