Wellness and sustainability: how to take care of yourself and respect the environment

Wellness and sustainability: how to take care of yourself and respect the environment

Wellness and sustainability: how can we make a difference?

How can wellness and sustainability coexist when it comes to personal care and environmental protection?

Respecting yourself and the environment, that is, combining wellness and sustainability, means taking care of the natural balance of your body and protecting that of our planet, which is a complex system made up of delicate mechanisms and resources to be protected for future generations.

Health, wellness and sustainability are closely intertwined. According to the Sustainable Development Goal no. 3 (Health and Wellness) of the 2030 Agenda, to protect the environment and ensure global prosperity it is necessary to promote a sustainable use of resources and a healthy lifestyle. Agenda 2030 is an action program for people, the planet and prosperity signed in September 2015 by the governments of the 193 UN member countries.

To reduce our environmental impact and live in a greener way, it is not enough to adopt responsible behaviors in everyday life, such as turning off the water when brushing your teeth or the light when we leave a room, or choosing a bicycle for a car. We must also make conscious consumer choices. For example, for the beauty routine, we should prefer cosmetics produced in respect of the environment by brands that care about personal care and sustainability. These are brands that choose clean and light formulas, with natural, biodegradable and cruelty free ingredients, and packaging in recycled, recyclable and ecological materials.

Speaking of the relationship between wellness and sustainability, nutrition is also essential. Paying attention to the food we eat means protecting our wellness and the planet. Eating healthy does not mean giving up taste, but preferring dishes based on vegetables, fruit, legumes and cereals, without exceeding the portions to avoid waste, and choosing local and seasonal products.

A dietary model that focuses on psychophysical balance and respect for nature is the Ayurvedic cuisine. It is based on the principles of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medicine known and practiced all over the world, and on the idea that we are what we eat. In fact, for Ayurveda food not only nourishes the body, but is a source of emotional wellness. Of course, a healthy, correct and balanced diet must be accompanied by regular physical activity, which naturally accelerates the metabolism, prevents disease and improves general health.

In addition to eating healthily, without excess, and practicing at least 50-300 minutes per week of moderate intensity aerobic activity or 75-150 minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity (or equivalent combinations of the two modalities), the Italian Institute for Healthcare recommend to adults between 18 to 64 to rediscover the harmony between body, mind and spirit taking a break from the routine and indulge in moments of relaxation.

An answer to today’s problems such as stress, anxiety, poor posture and stiffness is meditation, part of the millenary discipline of yoga. But there are also the benefits of Ayurveda medicine treatments, such as the Abhyangha massage which helps to regain physical and mental energy.

Environmental protection and wellness: sustainability at Forte Village

Forte Village is an award-winning resort surrounded by the marvelous Sardinian sea and the fragrant Mediterranean nature. It offers wellness and sustainability for a relaxing holiday. Following the motto “We are green“, the resort combines respect and care for the environment with respect and wellness for people.

The resort’s Thalasso Aquaforte & Spa is an excellence in the international spa scene. It is a temple of wellness, elegant and completely renovated, where you can regenerate body and soul thanks to the extraordinary exclusive treatments and the benefits of the thalasso circuit. In addition, in the relaxing atmosphere of the Ayurvedic Park you can practice meditation and yoga, choosing the style that best meets your needs and spiritual quest.

Furthermore, thanks to Forte Village’s extraordinary athletic trainers, sports doctors, massage therapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, naturopaths and nutritionists, you can improve muscle balance and resolve postural imbalances. This is possible with the training method of the Performance Center powered by Acquaforte, dedicated to both professionals and amateurs sportsmen. Each type of training is tailored to your needs based on the analysis carried out by the Forte Lab medical team.

So, the resort mixes environmental and territorial protection, extraordinary wellness treatments, an exclusive fitness room and a state-of-the-art diagnostic center. But there is more. The affordable luxury resort also stands out for the quality and variety of food. In fact, Forte Village offers guests a range of gourmet and starred restaurants, with the 2022 new entry of Wild Scandinavian Cooking by Brian Bojsen. This is the restaurant that brings all the taste of authentic Scandinavian cuisine to the resort.

Do you want to live a dream holiday of wellness, sustainability and taste? Discover the Forte Village Resort in Sardinia

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