we are green discover forte village resort in sardinia

We are green: Forte Village is environmentally sustainable

We are green: sustainability is key for Forte Village

Choosing Forte Village means to live an unforgettable experience in a wonderful natural park, where you can proudly say “we are green” because of the attention to nature and wellbeing making it an environmentally sustainable vacation.

Forte Village is a resort that strongly believes in protecting the environment and has implemented in array projects that help the resort be more sustainable.
During the last years, the environment has become a top priority in science, politics, culture, entertainment and tourism.

Sustainability is an issue that involves everyone because of climate change, over-consumption leading to waste, and the increase of pollution putting at risk the survival of entire ecosystems, nature, and humans.

The term sustainability comes from Latin sustienere, “sub” meaning under and “tenere” meaning to hold; support, this, in fact, is not a term that is limited only to the environment.


All over the resort, whether in the offices, the kitchens or the staff quarters, it’s possible to use the recycling containers. Plastic is separated from paper and organic waste, also plastic plates, forks, bottles, and cups have been eliminated.

2) Energy saving

The illumination in the gardens and public areas is controlled by timers, allowing the resort to reduce the level of illumination in each area. In 2020, LED bulbs will be installed in all the gardens and bedrooms of the structure. In 2019 solar, thermic and PV implants where installed.

3) Consumption of water

The resort is autonomous, it has its own damn that allows the consumption of filtered drinkable water. To lower the waste of water and soap, the resort invites the guests to change their bedding less often.

4) Ecological track

The vehicles allowed to enter Forte Village are limited to electric golf carts with a driver, giving the possibility to move quickly from one side to the other of the establishment and of course bicycles for both adults and for children.

5) Food and drink

The majority of products in the restaurants at Forte Village come from local meat and fish farms. The resort also has its own garden where it grows its own vegetables.

6) Local Economy

The resort is the main employer in the communities of Pula, Villa San Pietro, and Teulada. The bedrooms and villas where restyled by local architects and builders from the island, the materials used are local and are inspired by Sardinian traditional styles. Piazza Luisa, the heart of the resort, holds many shops where it’s possible to buy traditional products from local artisans.

7) Education and culture

The collaboration between Forte Village and Luiss’s Business School of Rome led to creating the Hotel Business School, an institution for Italian and foreign students that wish to become professionals in luxury hospitality. The course includes a Masters in Five-star Hotel Management, one of the best in the world and recognized by Edunuversal in the Hospitality Management Master category and the Master in Food & Wine Operations Management.

The resort promotes local culture and heritage, for example the famous Festa di Sant’Efisio, it is the sponsor of the junior soccer team and has created the Forte Village Challenge Sardinia, an international triathlon event.

8) Biodiversity

There are three thousand plant species at Forte Village and every year five thousand more are added. The gardening team is composed by eighty people that work closely with the local authorities on conservation projects financed by the resort and have the objective of protecting one of the most delicate zones of the Sardinian coast.

Would you like to have an unforgettable vacation in a real paradise of relaxation? Discover Forte Village Resort in Sardinia

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