Tea and Tisanes: differences, properties and health benefits

Tea and Tisanes: differences, properties and health benefits

The unique characteristics of teas and Tisanes

There is nothing better on colder days than carving out a moment to relax and enjoy a steaming cup of a hot drink, like tea or tisane, and allow yourself to be enveloped by its intense aroma.

Tea and tisanes (also known as herbal teas or infusions) are not only a real pleasure to enjoy but also an authentic elixir of health for our body, they can be considered true natural medicines.

All infusions are often grouped as “teas”, however, it should be remembered that there are substantial differences between tea and tisanes according to the kind of plant used. This affects the quantity needed, the water temperature and the preparation times.

Let’s get to know them more closely.

Tea is the drink that results from the infusion of leaves that come from plants that belong to the Camellia family.

In the specific, there are two main species used in the preparation of tea: Camellia Sinensis, which originated and is cultivated in China, and Camellia Assamica, with larger leaves, cultivated in India.

Depending on how the leaves are processed, there are four main types of teas:

  1. Green tea, when the leaves are steamed or cooked in a wok soon after picking to stop the oxidation process early;
  2. Black tea, which goes through the phases of wilting, rolling, oxidating and drying;
  3. White tea, very rare and harvested only once a year, is processed similarly to green tea;
  4. Oolong tea, semi-oxidized and therefore “halfway” between green tea and black tea.

Tea is prepared by infusing the leaves and contains a certain amount of theine that gives it a stimulating effect.

Tisanes, on the other hand, are made by infusing multiple ingredients according to a recipe that usually consists of three elements:

  1. The basic remedy, the active therapeutic ingredients that give the main health benefits;
  2. The synergistic remedy, which helps the absorption of the basic remedy;
  3. The complement, which boosts it.

A tisane can be prepared with up to six different medicinal plants, carefully mixed in precise doses, chopped and infused in boiling water where they steep for about ten minutes.

Unlike tea, tisanes take on specific therapeutic properties based on the ingredients.

Tea and tisanes: the properties and benefits of these true long-life elixirs

Sipping a tea or tisane means treating yourself to moments of warm and delicious relaxation that restore mind and body from the hectic everyday routine.

In addition to the pleasant sensation of the hot drink, it should not be forgotten that teas and tisanes have important healing properties and benefits that make them true natural medicinal and long-life elixirs.

Tea stimulates the nervous system and is antioxidant, antiviral and antibacterial. Green tea, in particular, prevents the formation of caries and oral infections, promotes tissue regeneration and helps fight cellular ageing, protects the skin from UV rays, counteracts the accumulation of cholesterol and balances the level of sugar in the blood.

Tisanes, on the other hand, have different properties and benefits based on the combinations of the medicinal herbs included in the recipe.

Herbal teas can thus be:

  • Depurative: with nettle, cherry bark or artichoke, to promote diuresis and the elimination of excess fluids and toxins;
  • Draining: with scutch grass, birch or horsetail to counteract cellulite and water retention;
  • Relaxing: with lavender, passionflower, verbena or lemongrass to reduce anxiety, palpitations and symptoms of stress;
  • Slimming:  with lemon, ginger, hibiscus or mint, these are the so-called “fat-burning tisanes”, ideal for those looking to lose weight;
  • Sedative: with linden, chamomile, valerian or hawthorn, they boast calming and relaxing properties aiding a restful sleep;
  • To avoid the flu: with sage, echinacea, mallow or eucalyptus, to support the immune system and help prevent flu states thanks to the remarkable antiseptic and decongestant properties;
  • Laxatives: with rhubarb, cascara sagrada, frangula or senna, they improve intestinal problems and reduce bloating.

Most tisanes are naturally theine and caffeine free and can be drunk at any time of the day.

To make the most of the benefits of a steaming cup of tea, it is essential to choose the right selection of herbs and consume them in a relaxing and welcoming environment such as the Acquaforte Thalasso and Spa’s Bar Tisaneria. This is located in the award-winning resort Forte Village and is surrounded by the splendid setting of southern Sardinia with its turquoise sea and wonderfully white beaches.

The Acquaforte Thalasso & Spa, true excellence of the wellness landscape, is a place dedicated to well-being, beauty and rest. In this quiet, intimate and private environment, you can experience absolute relaxation thanks to the healing power of the water and the benefits of treatments such as mud therapy, “heavenly legs” or shiatsu massage.

Would you like to experience a dream holiday in a true paradise of relaxation, well-being and luxury? Discover the Forte Village Resort in Sardinia

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