Heavenly legs: the wellness treatment to improve circulation

Heavenly legs: the wellness treatment to improve circulation

Why it is important to care of your legs and what are the benefits?

The Sea Water circuit “Heavenly legs” is the ideal treatment for toned and lighter legs. It is available at the Acquaforte Thalasso & Spa,  a real temple of wellness surrounded by the lush gardens of the Forte Village Resort.

Caring for your legs and keeping them healthy is not only important for the aesthetic aspect, which should not be underestimated, but it is essential to preserve your psychophysical well-being in its entirety. The legs have a direct neural link to the brain and this means that, as they age, they can lead it into the aging process and vice versa.

But that’s not all: the legs exert a strong control over blood circulation and, in particular, on the heart and on the so-called “second heart”, consisting of the insole or “Leajr sole”. Legs are also involved in the regulation of the articular capsules of the most important joints of the body.

The legs play a key role in the health of the body and, due to their complexity, can develop various pathologies: physiatric, postural, venous, lymphatic, arterial, neural, orthopaedic and oedematous.

In addition, we must not forget the imperfections that affect the perception that everyone has of themselves and the relationship with others.

As a rule, approximately after the age of 30 or 35, due to aging, stress or dysmetabolism, we witness the beginning of stenotic or vasoconstrictor processes of the blood circulation. For this reason, with a focus on prevention, it can be beneficial to work on improving the venous, arterial and lymphatic circulation of the legs to preserve their health and beauty for as long as possible.

What, initially, can appear only as imperfections, with time can cause functional problems that can become very painful and limiting: stiffness, pain, fatigue, an unpleasant feeling of heaviness, swelling and the appearance of varicose veins. These can make it difficult to lead your everyday life at its best and with satisfaction.

The well-being of the legs becomes, therefore, essential to feel fit, at ease and enjoy every moment freely.

Allies of the lower limbs’ health are small daily actions such as drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day, especially between meals; following a balanced diet with a high intake of fruits and vegetables; limiting pre-packaged foods and reducing salt. Avoid sitting too long, practice regular physical activity, take cold showers to improve circulation, do not wear trousers that are too tight or heels too high or, for that matter, excessively flat shoes.

Alongside these, there are some useful exercises to prevent or reduce the feeling of swelling and heaviness in the legs: steady pace walks of at least half an hour a day and the “walk on the wall”. This exercise simulates a vertical walk, lying down barefoot with legs leaning against the wall, mimic steps from top to bottom.

Heavenly legs: the exclusive treatment at the Acquaforte Thalasso & Spa

The Acquaforte Thalasso & Spa of Forte Village Resort, in Southern Sardinia, is a well-being oasis surrounded by a wonderful scenery, with an enchanting and relaxing atmosphere, where you can forget daily life stress and enjoy the benefits of exclusive and cutting-edge treatments such as the seawater circuit “Heavenly legs”.

Heavenly legs at the Acquaforte Thalasso & Spa, is part of a collection of exclusive thalassotherapy treatments of extraordinary efficacy. Thalassotherapy  is based on the revolutionary principle of utilising the properties of sea water with different salt density and temperature in a pleasant marine walk through hypersaline environments in alternating high and low temperature pools (from 34 to 10 degrees).

Transitioning from hot to cold waters, the change of temperature creates important vascular gymnastics that stimulates and activates blood circulation, essential to promote oxygenation, metabolic exchanges and the disposal of excess fluids and cellular catabolites at subcutaneous tissue level.

Moreover, the high salt density, contributes to the elimination of excess fluids in the legs, both of physiological and pathological origin, thanks to the powerful osmotic effect, carrying out a significant anti-oedema and anti-inflammatory draining action.

According to each specific need, the Heavenly legs treatment can be combined with other complementary therapies such as draining massages, sea oil cryotherapy, natural sea salt exfoliation and lymphatic drainage treatment for toned and lighter legs.

The Acquaforte Thalasso & Spa, at the forefront of excellence in worldwide spas, boasts an elegant and exclusive environment surrounded by a magnificent tropical garden with a circuit that includes six pools of virgin Sardinian seawater.

The medical team, led by Dr. Angelo Cerina, has developed, after years of research, a method with absolute effectiveness to tone, rejuvenate and purify the body.

Would you like to discover the benefits of the seawater treatment “Heavenly Legs” and experience a dream holiday in an authentic paradise? Book your stay at Forte Village Resort in Sardinia

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