Sinner-mania: come si diventa un campione di tennis?

It’s Sinner-mania: how to become a tennis champion?

Sinner triumphs at the Australian Open as tennis now wins Italy over

Learn the basics of tennis or refine skills and game techniques: all this is possible at the ForteVillage Tennis Academy, an international reference point for practicing this fascinating sport.

A sport as old as engaging, tennis is recently enjoying renewed interest thanks to the successes of Italian and international legends of this sport, such as Novak Djokovic, Carlos Alcaraz, Andy Murray and, last but not least, the South-Tyrolean champion Jannik Sinner, who quickly reached the top of ATP ranking (the Association of Tennis Professionals, the world ranking of the best professional tennis players) with his latest big successes. Tennis is exciting and brings together in front of the screens (especially in front of the smartphones), entire new and old generations of curious and passionate of this sport.

If reaching the heights of excellence is certainly something that only a few professional athletes achieve, requiring a good dose of natura ltalent, iron discipline, the right coaches and many sacrifices, hence skills and possibilities that not everyone possesses, approaching tennis as your sport discipline, even with good results, it is instead something much more accessible thanks also to the numerous academies dedicated to the practice of this sport that are spreading out throughout Italy in recent years.

Among these, the ForteVillage Tennis Academy is a true point of reference on the international sporting scene, thanks to its very high quality facilities and excellent staff, boasting even the collaboration of Grand Slam champions and former winners of Wimbledon and other famous tennis tournaments around the world.

Becoming a tennis champion: it’s a question of technique and discipline

Like other racket sports, such as paddletable tennis, squash and badminton, tennis is a sport that requires a lot of resistance, coordination and agility, physical skills that must be trained with well-studied and personalized technical programs based on individual weaknesses and strengths, supported by a balanced diet functional to the physical effort.

In addition to these important physical features, it’s key to consider mental and psychological characteristics such as rigor, discipline, determination. They may be partially innate, but they still require continuous work in personal and professional growth that never stops being carried out one training session after another, and which therefore can only rely on consistency and perseverance, all qualities that enhance motivation.

And it is exactly when body and mind team up that the first concrete improvements can be noticed in the practice of this fascinating sporting discipline, not surprisingly considered by many experts as one of the most complete and functional activities for the harmonious physical and mental development of children and adolescents.

Obviously, to become great champions much more is needed, such as proper financial investments (remember that just participating in a tournament, or purchasing adequate equipment, has a significant cost that might not be accessible to all), and the right coach, a professional who can provide excellent technical training and push the budding player to overcome physical and mental limits, sometimes even facing challenging sessions.

In short, perhaps not everyone will become the next tennis champion and experience a stunning career like Sinner, but why not try your hand at this fantastic discipline, who knows, being able to achieve unexpected and satisfying results?

ForteVillage Tennis Academy: learn from the international tennis legends

What happens when world tennis legends of the level of Magnus Larsson, Emilio Sanchez, Pat Cash, Dominik Hrbaty and Thomas Enqvist are willing to teach the secrets of tennis to new professional (or aspiring) athletes at some of the most beautiful and well-equipped Italian tennis centers?

That’s easy, it’s the perfect formula for the creation of leading academies on the international scene, such as the FV Tennis Academy, the tennis school of ForteVillage, a luxury resort located a few steps from Santa Margherita di Pula, an enchanting seaside resort in Southern Sardinia which has always been known for its rich offer of excellent sports facilities and academies.

Under the accurate direction of Rocco Loccisano, an established Australian tennis player with Italian origins and former coach of the Australian champion Pat Cash, the FV tennis school boasts 12 clay tennis courts and one hard tennis court (all FIT-certified) and the adoption of innovative and personalized sporting teaching, to reveal and optimize the talent of players of all ages and levels of preparation.

Particular attention goes to the technical and mental preparation of the tennisa cademy’s students and to the provision of specialized lessons, especially on individual shots and competition techniques, which will allow everyone approaching this sport to make significant progress after just a few lessons.

Furthermore, after receiving comprehensive training, the most prepared players also have the possibility to sign up for the exciting tennis tournaments (weekly singles, doubles, junior and senior).

There’s also the Junior Tennis Academy Camp, specifically designed for children and kids, a school camp that aims to provide them with the basics of this sport, learn to master the racket and make their first winning shots. And, who knows, the future’s Sinner could be among these little budding players…

FV Tennis Academy also offers individual courses, including individual junior academy, individual adults academy, training with legends and mental match.

In particular, Mental Match Play (or MMP) Tennis Training is an innovative program based on sessions that combine music and fun with learning the basic tennis moves and refining one’s technical skills and mindset.

ForteVillage Tennis Academy offers 5 themed MMP lessons:

  • Lesson 1: Basic Strokes, after which you will have a clearer idea of how to use ground strokes effectively;
  • Lesson 2: Volley and Service, a specific focus on how to score points faster, using fluency to effortlessly power your swing;
  • Lesson 3: Safety in the game, to win with fewer mistakes;
  • Lesson 4: Stroke training, a session dedicated to help you find the bes ttennis technique for your characteristics and stay focused on the ball;
  • Lesson 5: Competition preparation, a final session that will teach the activation and anchoring of tennis shots.

After the last lesson, you will be finally ready to get to the tennis court and play your next match. We hope you win, but at least you’ll be able to compete effectively.

For what concerns the tennis legends, instead, here are the dates to save in your agenda:

  • Magnus Larsson: June 13-25, 2024;
  • Emilio Sanchez: June 23-30, 2024;
  • Dominik Hrbaty: August 3-11, 2024;
  • Albert Costa: August 10-20, 2024.

For further information or to book the next tennis lesson at the Academy, please call to +39 070 9218818 or write an email to

Do you want to become a tennis champion like Sinner and experience a fairytale holiday in an authentic paradise? Discover Forte Village Resort in Sardinia

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