Laser Game: regole e trucchi di un gioco che mescola sport e divertimento

Laser Game: rules and tricks of the game that pairs sport with fun

Laser Game: discovering the game that entertains everyone

One of the most interactive and fun games of all, full of adrenaline and different scenarios.

One of the most entertaining games of recent years, which combines leisure and sport, is Laser Tag, full of adrenaline and always different scenarios. The teams in the field must capture a leader, conquer the bases of the enemies or protect their companions.

It is a battle simulation between players, divided into teams or even playing solo. There are various game modes, from “protect VIP” to “capture the flag” up to the classic team deathmatch.

Each player has an infrared weapon and sensors placed on the body, on the head, on a helmet or above the harness: the objectives and tactics differ according to the chosen mode but, in all cases, the opponent is eliminated when you shoot your weapon on the sensors.

Elimination is unequivocal: the sensors hit by the infrared beam emit sounds and turn on lights, to witness the shot scored.

Laser tags can be played in indoor areas, i.e. specially set up rooms, or in outdoor environments designed for the occasion: however, indoor arenas emanate a special charm because they are enriched by special effects such as military noises and sounds or thick fog.

An element much appreciated by laser game enthusiasts is the presence of all the statistics of each player and team: at the end of the game, there is the chance to download on the device the scores such as the percentage of accuracy, the total of enemies eliminated, the total of bullets fired, etc.

As for the rules of the game, there are no real ones: the only aspect to pay attention to is the safety of the players avoiding physical contact, running and climbing, and carrying weapons and objects that are not designed for laser tag.

Beyond this, among the key rules, there are upgrades, or bonuses that players can get by hitting the bases inside the indoor arena, if any.

The main accessories are the laser harness and the connected weapon that can be used with one or two hands: the harness is essential because it receives the shots fired by the opponents and has various “target” sensors on the surface marked by a light.

A game has a rather standardised procedure: beginner players are explained the rules, and then list all the types of game. As soon as the participants have decided on the preferred mode, they receive the necessary equipment i.e. harness and weapon.

At this point, they descend into the arena and challenge each other until the end of the game by elaborating attack strategies and engagement tactics.

The game ends either because someone wins or because the time limit is reached.

Usually, an indoor match lasts 15 to 30 minutes.

Laser Tag at Forte Village, the temple of sport

The fun and adrenaline of Laser Tag are guaranteed at Forte Village, the award-winning resort lapped by the clear waters of the Sardinian sea in Santa Margherita di Pula, in a fairytale setting. Among the novelties of 2023 is the indoor area for laser tag, where you can test your tactical skills and challenge friends in an adventure that you will not forget. With multiple levels of play and obstacles, the resort’s new laser tag truly offers hours of non-stop leisure.

Thanks to its numerous Sports Academies, Forte Village stands as a reference point for those who want to practice sports and keep fit even during the holidays.

Here sport is at home with Academies that know how to meet all tastes and needs: those who love water sports, for example, can learn about and practice sailing at the newly opened Academy, and set sail on the waters of the Mediterranean under the guidance of expert instructors.

Fitness enthusiasts and all those who dedicate most of their time to training will instead find the new Cross Training Academy by Under Armour, which specialises in the high-intensity Crosstraining method offering both individual and group lessons held by certified instructors.

There’s also the chance for an imaginary trip to the future, in a digital world where the possibilities are almost endless: here is the immersive experience of the Metaverse, made possible by cutting-edge technologies, where guests will have the opportunity to interact with digital characters, explore new landscapes and test themselves with exciting adventures.

Would you like to try the thrill of Laser Tag and experience an unforgettable holiday in a true paradise between wellness, relaxation and sport? Discover the Forte Village Resort in Sardinia.

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