How to get back into shape after the holidays: 10 tips to regain your silhouette

How to get back into shape after the holidays: 10 tips to regain your silhouette

Get back into shape after the holidays: what to do and what are the mistakes to avoid?

10 tips to regain your silhouette after the holidays and improve your well-being.

After the lavish lunches and dinners full of delicacies that characterise the holiday period, one of the main objectives is to get back into shape, regain your silhouette and recover from the days of excesses by purifying the body.

After the festive season, it is normal to feel a bit bloated and out of shape. There is no need to panic as following some simple tricks like the ones below will be enough to immediately feel better.

Follow a detox diet

First of all, to shed the extra pounds accumulated by eating elaborate dishes, festive puddings and all other delicacies and eliminate unwanted toxins, it can be useful to follow a detox diet for a period of three, five or seven days. No “miraculous” shakes, prolonged fasting or “strange kits” are needed. A good detox diet includes regular meals consisting of foods rich in fibres, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and water such as carrots, pineapples, fennel, oranges, asparagus, lemons, ginger, nuts, brown rice, flax seeds and chia.

The benefits of mud therapy

Mud therapy, a curative and aesthetic treatment based on special muds, is perfect for restoring tone and elasticity to the skin and draining excess fluids. What are its benefits? The application of mud on the skin performs a remineralising and detoxifying function for the whole body and anti-inflammatory effect on joints, bones and cartilage.

In addition, mud-based treatments reactivate circulation and microcirculation, becoming precious allies to counteract varicose veins and water retention.

Consume herbal teas

After the delicious “excesses” of the holidays, a good daily habit to introduce in the new year is regularly drinking herbal teas which are authentic “elixirs of long life”. By choosing the right mix of herbs and sipping herbal tea in a relaxing and welcoming environment, you can tap into the beneficial properties of medicinal herbs and get back into shape. The most indicated, in this case, are the preparations that detoxify and purify the body, have a diuretic effect and counteract abdominal swelling, promote digestion and elimination of intestinal gas.

Space for sports training

Physical activity is essential throughout the year to stay healthy and, after the holidays, carving out a space for sports training is certainly one of the good intentions to keep in mind. This consists of a series of exercises repeated over time to accustom the body to support and manage the effort of athletic gestures of various magnitudes aimed at improving performance. In sports training, the person tests and strengthens their conditional abilities (strength, speed, flexibility and endurance) and coordination skills (coordination, balance, orientation, ability to differentiate, adapt and react anticipation, and sense of rhythm).

Reduce portions

During festive lunches and dinners, it is normal to overindulge. When life goes back to normal, it is important to gradually reduce the portions by decreasing the quantities of food in a varied way to still take all the nutrients that the body needs without overloading it.

No snacks between meals

After the holiday period, no snacks (especially sweets) are allowed between meals. To keep fit, the ideal is five meals a day divided as follows: three main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and two light snacks, mid-morning and mid-afternoon, consisting of fresh or dried fruit, cereals or yoghurt.

Avoid fatty foods

In a good daily diet, it is better to avoid fats such as fried food, sausages and fatty cheeses and prefer, instead, light condiments such as extra virgin olive oil. In this way, the body will assimilate unsaturated fats which, unlike saturated fats, do not tend to associate with high cholesterol avoiding an increase in its concentration in the blood.

Avoid leftovers 

To avoid “dangerous temptations”, after the holidays, it is necessary to get rid of all the leftovers, sweet and savoury, that we still have at home. Better to share them with friends, relatives and colleagues, perhaps organizing a nice toast for the year that has just begun.

Replace salt

A good rule to adopt is to drastically reduce salt and instead flavour dishes with spices including ginger, an ally of digestion and gastrointestinal motility.

Spa Packages: Forte Village Thalasso Detox Treatment

Forte Village, the award-winning resort where to enjoy a fabulous and relaxing holiday in the South of Sardinia in the name of maximum comfort and privacy, offers its guests exclusive Spa Packages at the Acquaforte Thalasso & Spa, set in a wonderful tropical garden.

In particular, the Thalasso Detox Treatment is dedicated to those who want to detoxify the body, relax it in depth and find the best psychophysical balance.

The daily immersion in the six thalassotherapy tanks allows you to purify and lighten the body, freeing it from excess water stagnation, toxins and tensions that stiffen muscles and thoughts.

To improve the effectiveness of the program, detox treatments and massages can be added (also performed in high saline density water). Yoga sessions and the precious advice of the nutritionist are available to fully acquire the serenity and awareness necessary to maintain the benefits achieved.

Would you like to get back in shape after the festive season and enjoy a wonderful holiday in an authentic paradise? Book your stay at Forte Village Resort in Sardinia

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